, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Kinds of text - Descriptive text (definition, purpose, generic structures, language features and example of descriptive text) - materi bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 7 SMP, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Kinds of text - Descriptive text (definition, purpose, generic structures, language features and example of descriptive text) - materi bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 7 SMP

Kinds of Text - The Descriptive Text. Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features, and of Descriptive Text. 

Descriptive Text


Daftar Isi
Generic Structures
Language Features
Contoh Soal Descriptive Text

Kali ini kita akan membahas salah satu kinds of textjenis teks monolog Bahasa Inggris yang ada pada Kompetensi Dasar di tingkatan SMP maupun SMA yaitu descriptive text dalam bahasa Inggris.
what is descriptive text?yuk kita bahas apa text descriptive itu;

Descriptive Text

the definition of descriptive text or pengertian descriptive textPengertian Descriptive Text / Definition of Descriptive Text

What is descriptive text? Descriptive Text is a text which tells us what a person or a thing is like. Like, describes the character of a person, animal, place, or thing.
Descriptive text adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan kepada kita tentang suatu benda. Misalnya, mendeskripsikan karakteristik orang, hewan, tempat binatang atau suatu benda.

the purpose of descriptive textThe Purpose of Descriptive Text

descriptive text purposeIts purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Tujuan deskriptif teksDescriptive text bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan mengungkap orang, tempat dan benda tertentu.

Ciri-Ciri Descriptive Text / The Characteristic of Descriptive TextCiri-Ciri Descriptive Text / The Characteristic of Descriptive Text

• Using attribute verb, such as ( am, is, are)
  Verb yang digunakan yaitu attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)

Using simple present tense 
  Tense yang digunakan yaitu simple present tense

Focused on one subject / Thing
  Hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut.

Struktur Descriptive Text / Generic Structures Descriptive Text


In this part identification contains about the general introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described
Bagian identification ini berisi pendahuluan umum tentang orang, tempat, hewan, atau suatu object yang akan di deskripsikan.

The function of identification is to introduce something we describe, in order, the reader and listener are not miss-understanding. 
Identification berfungsi sebagai pengenalan dari apa yang kita sedang jelaskan. supaya para pembaca atau pendengar tidak salah mengerti.


It contains a description of something such as animal, things, place, or person by describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describes.
Pada bagian description berisi ciri-ciri khusus atau sifat-sifat yang terdapat dalam benda, orang, atau binatang yang penulis jelaskan.

Ciri Kebahasaan Descriptive Text / Language Features of Descriptive Text

  1. Noun : Menggunakan kata benda yang spesifik, seperti misalnya my cat, my boyfriend, National Monument, Selain itu, sering juga menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk memperjelas penggunaan noun atau kata benda, seperti a big house, a smart student, an independence woman.
  2. Simple present tense : menggunakan kata kerja dasar atau bentuk pertama (verb 1) serta menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat menunjukkan kepemilikan atau keadaan sebuah objek. Descriptive text menggunakan simple present tense karena descriptive text menceritakan sebuah fakta dari objek yang dideskripsikan. Misalnya My office has 22 floors, Queen is pretty, dan lain-lain.
  3. Action verbs : Menggunakan kata kerja yang menunjukkan sebuah kegiatan atau sebuah aktifitas yang bisa dilihat. Misalnya, sleep, walk, sing, dance, dll.
  4. Figurative language : Menggunakan bahasa yang figurative atau menggambarkan sesuatu, Biasanya menggunakan sebuah metafora untuk memberikan ilustrasi kepada pembaca. Misalnya:

My love for you is as big as the ocean. – Cintaku padamu seluas lautan.

Her skin is as white as the snow – Kulitnya seputih salju.

Contoh Descriptive Text / Examples of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text tentang tempat

Singapore is a South-east Asian country located between Malaysia and Indonesia. Despite its small size, Singapore is known for its transition as a third-world country to a first-world country. Singapore also was known as the Asian Tiger economy, based on external trade and its workforce. Singapore size is not as big as Indonesia, but the city ranks highly in numerous international rankings for its education, entertainment, finance, healthcare, human capital, innovation, logistics, manufacturing, technology, tourism, trade, and transport.

Singapore is home to 5.6 million people with a diverse culture. Majority ethnic groups in Singapore are Chinese, Malay, and Indian. Singapore Independence Day was on the 9th of August 1965. Merlion Statue is the official mascot of Singapore. Singapore is famous for its Garden by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, dan Orchard Road.

Arti dalam bahasa Indonesia:

Singapura adalah Negara di Asia Tenggara yang berlokasi diantara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Walaupun ukurannya kecil, Singapura terkenal dengan transisinya dari negara third-world menjadi Negara first-world. Singapura juga dikenal sebagai Macan Asia untuk kemajuan ekonomi, berdasarkan perdagangan ke luar dan tenaga kerja. Ukuran Singapura tidak sebesar Indonesia, tapi Negara ini memiliki ranking yang tinggi di beberapa kategori internasional seperti pendidikan, hiburan, keuangan, kesehatan, sumber daya manusia, inovasi, logistic, manufaktur, teknologi, pariwisata, perdagangan dan transportasi.

Singapura memiliki 5.6 juta penduduk dengan keberagaman budaya. Etnik mayoritas di Singapura adalah China, Melayu dan India. Hari kemerdekaan Singapura adalah 9 Agustus 1965. Maskot resmi SIngapura adalah patung Merlion. Singapura terkenal memiliki tempat terkenal seperti Garden by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, dan Jalan Orchard.

Descriptive text tentang mendeskripsikan sesuatu
#contoh descriptive text tentang orang

My father bought me a present I’ve wanted for years. It’s a dog. A puppy to be exact. I called him Ross. Ross is a small puppy. His size is as big as the palm of my hand. Ross is so fragile. Sometimes I afraid I will hurt him if I want to take him up. Dad said he found Ross near our house, crying looking for his mom. But Dad can’t see her, so Dad decides to bring him home and give him some comfort. Ross is a good eater. He always finished everything we gave him. Now, it’s been a year since Ross come to our family. His small body has grown up into the size of a football ball. Ross is a good dog, and we love him so much.

Arti dalam bahasa Indonesia:

Ayahku memberiku hadiah yang selama ini aku inginkan. Hadiah itu adalah seekor anjing. Anak anjing untuk lebih jelasnya. Aku memanggilnya Ross. Ross adalah anjing yang kecil. Ukurannya tidak lebih dari ukuran telapak tanganku. Ross seperti sangat rapuh. Kadang, aku takut aku akan menyakitinya saat aku menggendongnya. Ayah bilang dia menemukan Ross di dekat rumah kami, sedang menangis mencari ibunya. Ayah mencoba mencari ibunya namun tidak bisa Ayah temukan. Jadi, Ayah memutuskan untuk membawa Ross pulang ke rumah. Ross sangat senang makan. Dia selalu menghabiskan semua makanan yang kami berikan. Sekarang, sudah satu tahun sejak Ross datang di keluarga kami. Tubuh kecilnya sudah tumbuh sebesar bola sepak bola. Ross adalah anjing yang baik, dan kami sangat menyayangi dia.

Contoh Soal
Read the following text to answer questions!
When I just hang out in a mall one day, I saw a very beautiful bag. I love this bag at first sight.
This was the first time I've spent much money on a bag and I don't regret it.

The bag is wonderful. It is made of thin but strong leather. The weight is light and the size keeps it from getting stuffed with junk. It has a long shoulder strap that I like because it keeps the bag hands-free. Its neutral color is fun and sporty. The design is simple and well-made.

The bag is very functional. It is the perfect size to carry a cell phone, a pocket-sized wallet, a small book, a pack of gum, and pens. It also fits well into my laptop backpack for bike commuting to school. This bag also has more pockets inside so my small items don't all fall to the bottom. In overall I really satisfy with the bag.

1. Where does the writer usually put her small items?
A. In her pockets.
B. In her laptop backpack.
C. In her pocket size wallet.
D. In the pockets of her leather bag.

2. What makes the small items of the writer not falling down in the bag?
A. The satisfying bag
B. Her laptop backpack
C. A pocket-sized wallet
D. The pockets inside the bag

3. “I've spent much money on a bag and I don't regret it”. The underlined word refers to …the bag.
A. having
B. seeing
C. buying
D. loving

4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The writer has a new bag.
B. The bag is very functional.
C. The bag has many pockets.
D. The writer is satisfied with the bag

5. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To retell the past event
B. To entertain the readers
C. To describe the writer‟s new bag
D. To give instruction how to buy a bag
