, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Kind of Text, Narrative Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features, Text Kinds -, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Kind of Text, Narrative Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features, Text Kinds -


Yuk Belajar Bahasa Inggris lagi, di postingan sebelumnya kita membahas Descriptive Text, Nah kali ini kita akan membahas materi tentang narrative text, teks ini juga merupakan salah satu teks monolog Bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan dalam Kompetensi Dasar Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP maupun SMA/K.

Disini kami akan menjelaskan pengertian narrative text dalam bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya, fungsi, tujuan dan struktur kebahasaaan dari narrative text.

Jenis jenis teks Bahasa Inggris - Kinds of Text - Pengertian Narrative Teks
Narrative Text

Daftar Isi / Table of Contents

Definition of Narrative Text - Pengertian Narrative Text

What is Narrative Text?

The narrative text is a text that tells about something that is fictitious and only in the form of essays from the writer only. 

The Purpose of Narrative Text.

The use of the narrative text itself has several purposes, such as entertaining, educating, telling, conveying the author's experience or as a medium to develop the imagination of the reader. Examples of narrative text such as folklore, fairy tales, or fables that are legendary from all parts of the world, although the narrative text is generally imaginative, some narrative text is also factual.

Social Function Narrative Text

 Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. The social function of narrative is to amuse, entertain and to deal with an actual or vicarious experience in different ways.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan narrative text?

"Narrative text adalah teks yang menceritakan tentang sesuatu hal yang bersifat fiktif dan hanya berupa karangan dari si penulis (writer) saja. 

Tujuan Narrative Text.

Penggunaan narrative text sendiri memiliki beberapa tujuan, seperti menghibur, mendidik, memberitahu, menyampaikan pengalaman pengarang atau sebagai media mengembangkan imajinasi pembaca. Contoh narrative text seperti cerita rakyat, dongeng ataupun fabel yang melagenda dari seluruh belahan dunia, walaupun narrative text umumnya imajinatif, namun beberapa narrative text juga ada yang faktual."

Generic Structure of Narrative Text - Struktur Narrative Text

Narrative Text memiliki 3 susunan struktur seperti ini:

Orientation / Orientasi
The orientation section contains the opening of the story that contains the introduction of characters, introduction to the background time and place of the story. Anyway, this section contains a general part of the story that includes what, who, when, and where the story is told.

"Bagian orientation berisi tentang pembukaan cerita yang mengandung pengenalan tokoh, pengenalan latar belakang waktu dan tempat dari cerita. Pokoknya bagian ini mengandung bagian umum dari cerita yang mencakup apa, siapa, kapan, dan dimana cerita tersebut diceritakan."

Complication / Komplikasi
In this section, the main character starts experiencing conflicts in his life and the main character must resolve the conflicts.

"Pada bagian ini, sang tokoh utama mulai mengalami konflik dalam kehidupannya dan sang pemeran utama harus menyelesaikan konflik-konflik tersebut."

Resolution / Resolusi
The resolution section is the ending story section. In this section all the problems must be resolved by the main character. In the resolution section there is also usually a moral message or moral value or advice that we can take from the story. The moral value in the ending of a narrative text is called Coda.

"Bagian resolution adalah bagian cerita akhir (ending). Pada bagian ini semua masalah sudah harus terselesaikan oleh sang tokoh utama. Dalam bagian resolution juga biasanya terdapaat pesan moral atau moral value atau nasihat yang bisa kita ambil dari cerita tersebut. Moral value pada ending sebuah narrative text disebut dengan Coda."

Language Features of  Narrative Text - Ciri Kebahasaan Narrative Text

In narrative text, it usually uses the past or Past forms, because this story is a fiction. Tenses can use past perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous, or it can be past perfect future continuous. All these rules do not have to be used as references because tenses refer to the conditions and situations of the sentence.

"Dalam Narrative text biasanya menggunakan bentuk lampau atau Past, karena cerita ini merupakan cerita karangan atau fiksi. Bentuk tenses bisa menggunakan past perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous, atau bisa saja past future perfect continuous. Semua aturan ini tidak harus dijadikan sebagai acuan karena tenses itu mengacu kepada kondisi dan situasi kalimat."
  1. Menggunakan Action Verb dalam bentuk Past Tense. Misalnya : Walked, Said, Wondered, dsb.
  2. Menggunakan Nouns tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan dan benda tertentu dalam cerita. Misalnya : the princess, the girl, the queen, dsb.
  3. Menggunakan adjective yang membentuk satu kesatuan noun phrase. Misalnya : The red riding hood, the poisoned apple, dsb.
  4. Menggunakan Time Connectives dan Conjunction untuk mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian. Misalnya : before, after, then, next,soon, dsb.
  5. Menggunakan Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa. Misalnya : on the sea, in the mountain, there, happily ever after, dsb.

Kinds of Narrative Text - Jenis-Jenis Narrative Text

Dibagian ini akan kami jelaskan beberapa contoh teks naratif yang sering muncul di dalam materi-materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Tidak hanya itu kami juga sajikan contoh narrative text dalam bahasa Inggris.

1. Kind of Narrative Text - Folklore / Folktale (Cerita Rakyat)

Folklore / folktale atau di Indonesia sering disebut dengan Dongeng adalah adat istiadat tradisional dan cerita rakyat yang diwariskan secara turun menurun, tetapi tidak dibukukan.

Contoh Narrative Text - Folklore

Contoh Narrative Text - Folklore - Ande Ande Lumut
Narrative Text - Folklore - Ande Ande Lumut

Ande Ande Lumut
The episode Ande Ande Lumut tells another version of the union between Prince Kusumayuda and Kleting Kuning. She is the youngest of four sisters, all daughters of a widow in a village within the Prince Kusumayuda's father domain. The widow daughters were named according to colors: the eldest is Kleting Abang (Kleting Merah/Red Kleting), next is Kleting Biru (Blue Kleting), then Kleting Ijo (Green Kleting), and the youngest is Kleting Kuning (Yellow Kleting). All of Kleting Kuning's older sisters are jealous because Kleting Kuning is very beautiful. Kleting Kuning actually is an adopted foster daughter, and the missing princess of Janggala kingdom, later known as Dewi Candrakirana. Keleting Kuning was betrothed to Prince Kusumayuda and he never forgot the face of the beautiful young princess meant to be his future consort and the future queen of Banyuarum kingdom. He continued to love her and look for her even after they were separated when the princess became lost as a child.

Batik depicting Yuyu Kangkang emerging from the river.
After many years of Kleting Kuning living in the village with the widow's family, a rich and handsome eligible bachelor named Ande Ande Lumut declared that he was searching for a bride. Many girls across the kingdom were smitten and interested in becoming his wife, including Kleting Kuning's sisters. Only Kleting Kuning was not interested since she had not forgotten the youthful face and betrothal to Prince Kusumayuda. However a magical crane told Kleting Kuning to participate in this event where her true fate awaited her. All of the girls dressed up beautifully, putting on their make-up and marched together towards Ande Ande Lumut's house. However her stepmother ordered Kleting Kuning not to dress up and even disguised her beauty in ugly and dirty clothes, hoping one of her own daughters, who were Kleting Kuning's elders, would win more favor and the bachelor's heart. She even gave her a sapu lidi (a simple broom made of coconut leaf spines) to carry, in order to make Kleting Kuning looks like a poor servant, however actually it was a magical broom.

In their journey, the girls had to cross a large river without any ferry services. The river was guarded by a giant freshwater crab named Yuyu Kangkang. Yuyu Kangkang offered to take the girls across the river, riding upon its back, in return for a kiss. In order to reach Ande Ande Lumut's house as fast as possible, the girls hastily agreed on this arrangement and allowed Yuyu Kangkang to kiss them. Kleting Kuning arrived late at the river bank after he had taken the others across, and again Yuyu Kangkang offered its service for a kiss. Of course Kleting Kuning, who always upheld her modesty and chastity, refused. Yuyu Kangkang, angered with Kleting Kuning refusal, tried to eat her. In defense Kleting Kuning tried to hit the crab but missed and hit the river with her broom and magically all the water in the river dried up, and Kleting Kuning was able to cross the river safely. Yuyu Kangkang was trapped on the dry banks and was very scared and he begged her for her mercy and forgiveness and to return the river to its home as it was before. Kleting Kuning felt sorry for him and again hit the ground with the broom and the water returned washing the relieved Yuyu Kangkang downstream. By then, Kleting Kuning's sisters had reached Ande Ande Lumut's house where they were greeted kindly by Ande Ande Lumut's mother and served refreshments. Although the girls are pretty, and Ande Ande Lumut liked them, he refused all of them because he could detect the smelly pungent fishy kiss of Yuyu Kangkang on them. Finally Kleting Kuning arrived, dirty and simply dressed like a servant, which is how her sisters introduce her to Ande Ande Lumut's mother who asked her to wait outside. However Ande Ande Lumut received her warmly, as he could see the true beauty beneath and invited her in. After he speaks to her, he realizes that Kleting Kuning is the princess, his long lost love. At that moment Kleting Kuning also realizes that Ande Ande Lumut is actually Kusumayuda, her beloved prince. They are reunited, soon are married and live happily ever after.

2. Kind of Narrative Text - Personal Experience (Pengalaman Pribadi)

Personal Experience adalah cerita yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi dan biasanya diceritakan melalui sudut pandang orang pertama.

Contoh Narrative Text - Personal Experience

Contoh Narrative Text - Personal Experience
Narrative Text - Personal Experience - Women's Rights

During my third year of college I became acutely aware of the Womens Rights Issue.  I made an attempt to re-examine many of the cultural norms that I had previously accepted as just being "the natural order of things."  One of the paths I took to expand my awareness of the female psyche involved women's literature.  That is why I spent one weekend of my life in bed--crying, laughing, feeling sometimes confused, and often, incredibly angry and distraught.  On that rainy Humboldt Friday night I had decided to read "The Women's Room."

The author, Marilyn Fridey, describes the lives of several women from the 1950's to present.  These women are nothing out of the ordinary.  They either go to college and then get married, or they get married without bothering about the pretense of college--after all, they know that college is only a way to find more economically promising husbands.  Myra, the main character whose life is traced throughout the book vaguely wonders why she is not content cooking pot roast, scraping shit from the baby's diapers, and picking up her husband's dry cleaning.  Her only solace is the neighborhood of women who share concerns over coffee in the afternoons.

They wonder why Katherine, a Catholic woman who has 9 children and an alcoholic husband, committed suicide.  "She had a normal life, they thought, she just should have talked her husband into using birth control."  As for the rest of the women, including Myra, their lives, fears, disappointments and yearnings, were much more subtle, yet equally suicidal in their quiet desperation.

Many years down the road, Myra's life finally changes. Her husband has "made it", the kids have grown, and life is easy economically.  Myra has a nervous breakdown.  Once recovered, she divorces, and becomes a graduate student at Yale.  Though painful and difficult, it is here that she comes to terms with herself, realizes her potential, and learns to live with herself--not necessarily happily--but at least honestly.

After I finished the story of Myras world that Sunday evening, I woke up in the middle of the night sobbing uncontrollably from a terrible nightmare.  Though I couldn't remember the dream, I came to a profound realization. Myra's life was my mothers.

Most of my life I had revered, respected and admired my father for going to college, being intelligent and worldly, having power and control.  In short for being a man.

My mother always seemed too "wishy-washy", easily trodden upon, overly dependent because she had chosen the role of HOUSEWIFE, MOTHER.  I rebelled against the tradition, and feared wearing those chains someday.  Consequently, I strove to be like my father.

Until this book, I never realized how much more courage it took for a person to live within a stifled role, and find contentment by living through other people.  During that night of crying I understood my mother for the first time--I respected her inner strength, compassion, gentleness.

Ever since then, my relationship with my mother has evolved, and we are very close.  I will probably never adopt the role in life that she chose to take, but I now respect her for her life, and understand the reasons why she made those choices.  Reading of Myra's evolution as a female changed the way I feel towards myself, my feelings and compassion for my mother, and provided me with a much more sensitive view towards the lives of many women in our society today.

3. Kind of Narrative Text - Fairy Tale (Kisah Peri)

Fairy Tale adalah suatu cerita simpel tentang makhluk magis, seperti peri, naga, penyihir dan putri, raksasa dan lain-lain

Contoh Narative Text - Fairy Tale

Contoh narrative text-Fairytale-thumbelina
Contoh Narrative Text-Fairytale-Thumbelina

Once upon a time, there was a kind woman who had no children, longed for a baby and would often say, “How I would love to have a baby girl, even a tiny little one.” A beautiful fairy heard her wish one day, and gave her a little seed to plant in a flowerpot. When the seed bloomed into a tulip, the woman saw a tiny, beautiful girl inside, no bigger than her thumb. She decided to call her Thumbelina. She was so small that she had a walnut shell for a bed and used petals as a blanket. Then, an ugly toad fell in love with Thumbelina.

One night when she was sleeping, he carried her off to his lily pad in a pond. Thumbelina was very unhappy. A swallow was passing by and saw how sad she looked, and said, “Come south with me to warmer lands.” Young Thumbelina flew away on the swallow’s back. They flew across the seas and came to a land of sunshine. The swallow said, ” This is my home. You can live in one of the loveliest and biggest flowers.” When Thumbelina stepped inside, she found a handsome fairy, as tiny as her, in its heart. He was the son of the king of flowers and he fell in love with Thumbelina. He asked her to marry him. So Thumbelina became queen of the flowers and the two lived happily ever after.

4. Kind of Narrative Text - Fable (Cerita hewan)

Fable adalah cerita yang menceritakan kehidupan hewan yang berperilaku menyerupai manusia. Fabel adalah cerita fiksi atau khayalan belaka (fantasi). Kadang kala fabel memasukkan karakter minoritas berupa manusia. Cerita fabel juga sering disebut cerita moral karena mengandung pesan yang berkaitan dengan moral.

Contoh Narrative Text - Fable

Contoh Narrative Text-Fable-The Jackal and the pond full of fish
Contoh Narrative Text-Fable-The Jackal and the pond full of fish

The Jackal and the pond full of fish
Long ago, a big jackal wanted some fish to eat. He went to look for a dried-up pond so that he could catch the fish easily.
One day, he found a pond which had only a little water, a lot of mud and many kinds of fish in it.
“I’m hungry today,” the jackal thought, “I’m very hungry.”
A shrimp in the pond knew what the jackal was thinking. “Brother Jackal,” he said in a kind voice, “You can eat us all up. But look, we’re covered in mud. If you eat us like this, we’ll taste horrible.”
“What can I do to make you taste nice?” asked the jackal.
“Take us away and wash us,” said the shrimp.
“But there are thousands of fish in the pond. Where can I take you all? And how can I wash you all?”
“Don’t worry,” said the shrimp. “Just stretch out in the mud. Let some of us hang on to your fur. Then you can get up and take us to pond with a lot of water in it,”
The jackal was greedy and stupid. So he did what the shrimp said. He stretched out in the mud. Some of the fish hung on to his fur. Then the jackal got up and went to look for another into it. The fish in his fur jumped off into the water.
“Go back,” said the shrimp to the jackal, “and pick up the other fish.” So the jackal went back and got some more of the fish. Again and again, he walked back to the old pond. At last, all the fish were in the pond full of water.
When the fish saw they were all together again, they swam away into deep water. When jackal saw they had tricked him, he was very angry.
He hurried away to look for big animals, snakes, and birds. He found elephants, tiger, buffaloes, and pigs. He found python and cobras. He found crows, sparrows, and vultures. He said to them, “Please help me to empty all the water out of the pond.”
He said to the python, “the animals and birds will take the water out of the pond. Then you can Swallow it.”
When the fish in the pond heard this, they were frightened. They said to each other, “What can we do to stop these animals?”
A cat-fish said, “People say the hare is very clever animal. He knows how to help animals in trouble. Shall I go and ask him to help us?”
The other fish agreed. So the cat-fish left the pond to look for the hare. All day he moved slowly and heavily along the ground—flip flop, flip flop. In the evening, the hare came out to look for some food. When he saw the catfish he asked, “Where are you going?”
The cat-fish was happy to see the hare and said, “Oh brother hare, have pity on me. The fish in the pond have asked me to find you. People say you are very clever. You can help animals in trouble. Please help us. All kinds of animals and snakes and birds have come to our pond. They are going to take the water out of the pond. Then the python will swallow the water and the jackal will eat up all the fish! Come and help us.”
“all right” said the hare, “Go back and tell the other fish not to be afraid.” The cat –fish then went back to the pond.
The next morning, the hare come along. He saw the animals taking out the water. He found a long leaf which some worms had eaten. It was full of little holes. He shouted to the animals, “Brothers! I have a letter to you from the great God Indra,” he looked at the left and pretended to read it. “He says he will come and break the ducks’ leg and crush the eagles.  He will cut off the jackal’s head and pull out the elephant’s tusks!”
The animals were frightened when they heard this. They climbed on top of each other. Then they climbed on top of the pythons. The pythons burst. All the pond water rushed out of their bodies. The water came out so fast that all the animals drowned.
And instead of the animals eating the fish, the fish ate the animals.

5. Kind of Narrative Text - Legends (Legenda)

Legends atau legenda adalah cerita rakyat zaman dahulu yang berkaitan dengan pertistiwa dan asal usul terjadinya suatu tempat. contohnya sangkuriang, Batu Menggis dan Legenda Pulau Giliraja.

Contoh Narrative Text - Legend

Contoh Narrative Text-Legends-The Legend of Toba Lake
Contoh Narrative Text-Legends-The Legend of Toba Lake

The Legend Of Toba Lake
In a village in north Sumatra, a farmer living. He was a farmer who worked diligently farming land, although not large. He worked hard enough to be their needs. In fact, he has enough to get married, but he still chose live alone. On a sunny morning, the farmers are fishing in the river.

“Hopefully this week I got a big fish,” he said in the heart. Some time after the hook was thrown, that’s fishhook wiggle. He immediately set the hook. Farmers cheer that after he got a big enough fish.

He was amazed to see the skin color of the beautiful fish. Fish skin is yellow gold reddish. His eyes are rounded and prominent, emit incredible rays.

“Wait, don’t eat me! I’ll be your friend if you not eat me.”

Farmers are surprised to hear the sound of fish. Because surprised, that fish fell to the ground. Shortly later, the fish is turned into a beautiful sweet girl.

“I’m dreaming,” thought the farmers.

“Don’t be afraid, I am also a human like you. I am very indebted because you have been save me from the curse,” said that’s girl.

“My name is Puteri, I do not mind to be your wife,” said the girl seems urgent.

That’s farmers nodded. And they become husband and wife. But, there was a promise that must be agreed, that is they should not be told that the origin of a fish Princess. If that promise abandoned, then there will be a terrible accident.

After reaching the village, the villagers became excited, to see beautiful girls are lovely with farmers.

“She may be a woman came down from heaven,” they said.

The farmers feel very happy and peaceful. As a good husband, he continues to work hard for continuance of his life with farming. Because hard work, the farmers are living without a shortfall in his life.Many people envious, and they spread the suspicion that it can throw the success of the business of farmers.

“I know that farmers keep the spirit!” Someone said to her friends.

It was up to the ear Farmer and Puteri. But they do not feel offended, even the more diligent work.

A year later, Farmer and his wife happiness increases, because the farmer’s wife give birth a male baby. He gave the name of his son Putera. Their happiness does not make them forget themselves. Son grow into a healthy and strong child’s. He was a sweet child but scampish. He had a habit of making wonder both parents, that is always feeling hungry. Food should be eaten 3 people can eat their own.

After all, the Son always make irritated his father. If in order to help working parents, he always refused. Farmer’s wife always reminds farmers that are patient with their child behavior.

“Yes, I will be patient, even though he was never our children!” Farmer said to his wife.

“Thanks God!, you think like that. You is a husband and a good father,” praised Puteri to her husband.

Indeed, people say, patience is no limit. This is experienced by the farmers. One day, Putera get a job deliver food and drink to the field where his father is working. But Putera does not fulfill its tasks. Farmers await the return of her son, while holding thirsty and hungry. He immediately returned to the house. The Farmes see Putera playing ball. Farmers became angry while pinch ear his son.

“scallywag! Not know themselves! Basic fry!” indignation of the farmers, without conscious have such words.

After the farmers say the words, then and there the child and his wife disappeared. disappear without trace and former. Impressions of the former legs, sudden gush of water which is very swift and the downpours. Farmers village and all the surrounding villages submerged. Overflow water is very high, so wide and formed a lake. Lake was eventually known as Lake Toba. While small island in the middle known as Samosir Island.

6. Kind of Narrative Text - Myth (Mitos)

Myth atau mitos aadalah kisah berlatar masa lampau, mengandung penafsiran tentang alam semesta seperti penciptaan dunia dan keberadaan makhluk di dalamnya, serta dianggap benar-benar terjadi oleh empunya cerita atau penganutnya.

Contoh Narrative Text - Myth.

Contoh Narrative Text-Myth-Ajisaka and Dewata Cengkar
Contoh Narrative Text-Myth-Ajisaka and Dewata Cengkar

Myth Story of Aji Saka and Dewata Cengkar

Many, many years ago, the kingdom of Medangkamulan was ruled by a king named Dewata-chengkar. This king had a strange and frightening habit. He liked to eat human  beings.
One day, a young traveler arrived in the kingdom.He was called Ajisaka. Ajisaka took shelter in the house of a widow who quickly came to look upon the young man as her own son. When he heard of the king’s strange appetite, Ajisaka sympathized with the villagers’ plight and immediately volunteered to become the king’s next meal.
Ajisaka went directly to the king’s palace.“I am willing to be your next meal. Your Highnees. However, I have a request.“ said Aji Saka to the king. “Whatever you please, young man, I will grant your request,“ the king replied. “Before you eat me, grant me some land. Just enough length of my own headcloth.“ continued Aji Saka. “Come, Young Man. Let’s measure your headcloth so that I can have my meal and you can have your land“ agreed the king.
Ajisaka began to unwrap the cloth tied around his head. The king got down from his throne and hold one end of the headcloth. He stepped backward. What he didn’t know was that this headcloth was much longer. The king kept going backward, step by step, as the cloth kept unraveling. He stepped backward through the palace square, backward across the village, holding the end of Ajisaka’s headcloth. The king kept stepping backward until reached the sea cliftts of the sea.
A great crowd of people had gathered. They held their breath as their king took his final step backward over the cliff’s edge and plunged into the waves crashing againts the rocks at the foot of the sea wall.

7. Kind of Narrative Text - Romance (Romansa)

Text Romance adalah sejenis karya sastra dalam bentuk prosa atau gancaran yang isinya melukiskan perbuatan pelakunya menurut watak dan isi jiwa masing-masing. Bisa juga roman artinya adalah "kisah percintaan".

Contoh Narrative Text-Romance

Contoh Narrative Text-Romance-The Silent Love
Contoh Narrative Text-Romance-The Silent Love
The Silent Love
There was once a man who was very much in love with a girl. This man is very romantic. The man folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to his girl. Although he was just a small executive in his company, they were very happy together.

One day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and would never come back. She also told him that she could  visualize any bright future for both of them, so let’s go their own ways . The  man then was heartbroken but he agreed.

One day he regained his confidence. He worked hard day and night, just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hard work and the help of his friends, theman had set up his own company. “You never fail until you stop trying.”, that was what he always told himself, “I must make it in life!”

One rainy day, when the man was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. It didn’t take him long to realize that those were his ex-girlfriend’s parents. He drove slowly beside the couple. He wanted them to see him in his luxury car. He wanted them to know that he wasn’t the same one anymore.

The couple was walking towards a cemetery. Following them, the man got out of his car. There, he saw his ex-girlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly. He saw his precious paper cranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb.

The couple  saw him. The man walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained that their daughter did not leave for France. She was stricken ill with cancer.  She had believed that he would make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle. Therefore she had chosen to leave him.

His daughter had wanted her parents to put his paper cranes beside her. If the day came, when fate brings him to her again, he could take some of those paper cranes back with him. The man just wept.

8. Kind of Narrative Text - Mysteries (Misteri)

Teks Misteri adalah sesuatu cerita yang belum diketahui dengan pasti dan menarik keingintahuan orang-orang. Misteri biasanya dikaitkan dengan kejadian-kejadian horor dan supranatural.

Contoh Narrative Text-Mysteries

Contoh Narrative Text-Mysteries
Contoh Narrative Text-Mysteries

Last night I was walking home next to the river Thames, when something strange happened to me. It was late at night and I’d had a long and difficult day at work. There was a large full moon in the sky and everything was quiet. I was tired and lonely and I’d just had a few pints of beer in my local pub, so I decided to stop by the riverside and look at the moon for a while. I sat on some steps very close to the water’s edge and looked up at the big yellow moon and wondered if it really was made of cheese. I felt very tired so I closed my eyes and after a few minutes, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, the moon had moved behind a cloud and it was very dark and cold. The wind was blowing and an owl hooted in a tree above me. I rubbed my eyes and started to get up, when suddenly I heard a splash. I looked down at the water and saw something. Something terrible and frightening, and unlike anything I’d ever seen before. Something was coming out of the water and moving towards me. Something green and strange and ugly. It was a long green arm and it was stretching out from the water to grab my leg. I was so scared that I couldn’t move. I’d never been so scared in my whole life. The cold green hand was moving closer and closer when suddenly there was a blue flash and a strange noise from behind me. Someone jumped onto the stairs next to me. He was wearing strange clothes and he had a crazy look in his eyes. He shouted “Get Back!” and pointed something at the monster in the water. There was a bright flash and the monster hissed and disappeared.

I looked up at the man. He looked strange, but kind. “Don’t fall asleep by the river when there’s a full moon”, he said “The Moon Goblins will get you.” I’d never heard of moon goblins before. I didn’t know what to do. “Who… who are you?” I asked him. “You can call me… The Doctor.” He said. I was trying to think of something else to say when he turned around and said, “Watch the stars at night, and be careful of the full moon”. I was trying to understand what he meant, when there was another blue flash and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, he had gone.

I couldn’t believe what had happened. What on earth were Moon Goblins, and who was the mysterious Doctor? And why had he saved me? I was determined to find the answers to these strange questions. I stood up, looked at the moon and quickly walked home.

9. Kind of Narrative Text - Science Fiction (Fiksi Sains)

Narrative Science Fiction adalah suatu bentuk fiksi spekulatif yang terutama membahas tentang pengaruh sains dan teknologi yang diimajinasikan terhadap masyarakat dan para individual. Batasan dari genre ini tidak pernah diterangkan dengan jelas, dan garis pembatas antara sub-genre-nya tidaklah tetap.

Contoh Narrative Text-Science Fiction

Contoh Narrative Text-Science Fiction-Fast Seven
Contoh Narrative Text-Science Fiction-Fast Seven


After defeating Owen Shaw and his crew and securing amnesty for their past crimes, Dominic “Dom” Toretto, Brian O’Conner, and the rest of their team had returned to the United States to live normal lives again. Brian began to accustom himself to life as a father, while Dom tried to help Letty Ortiz regain her memories. Meanwhile, Owen’s older brother, Deckard Shaw, broke into the secure hospital the comatose Owen was being held in and swears vengeance against Dom, before breaking into Luke Hobbs’ DSS office to extract profiles of Dom’s crew. After revealing his identity, Shaw engaged Hobbs in a fight and escapes when he detonated a bomb that severely injures Hobbs. Dom later learned from his sister Mia that she was pregnant again and convinced her to tell Brian. However, a bomb, disguised in a package sent from Tokyo, exploded and destroyed the Toretto house just seconds after Han, a member of their team, was killed by Shaw in Tokyo. Dom later visited Hobbs in a hospital, where he learned that Shaw was a rogue special forces assassin seeking to avenge his brother. Dom then traveled to Tokyo to claim Han’s body and met and raced Sean Boswell, a friend of Han’s who gave him personal items found at Han’s crash site.
At Han’s funeral in Los Angeles, Dom noticed a car observing them, and after a chase, confronts its driver, Shaw. Both prepared to fight, Shaw slipped away when a covert ops team arrived and opened fire. The team was led by a man who called himself Mr. Nobody, who said that he would assist Dom in stopping Shaw if he helped him obtain the God’s Eye, a computer program that used digital devices to track down a person, and saved its creator, a hacker named Ramsey, from a mercenary named Mose Jakande. Dom, Brian, Letty, Roman Pearce, and Tej Parker then airdrop their cars over the Caucasus Mountains in Azerbaijan, ambush Jakande’s convoy, and rescue Ramsey. The team then went to Abu Dhabi, where a billionaire had acquired the flash drive containing the God’s Eye, and managed to steal it from the owner. With the God’s Eye near telecommunications repeaters, the team tracked down Shaw, who was waiting at a remote factory. Dom, Brian, Mr. Nobody, and his team attempted to capture Shaw, but were ambushed by Jakande and his team, and were forced to flee while Jakande obtained the God’s Eye. At his own request, Mr. Nobody left to be evacuated by helicopter. Left with no other choice, the team returned to Los Angeles to fight Shaw, Jakande, and his men. Meanwhile, Brian promised Mia that once they dealt with Shaw, he would dedicate himself entirely to their family. While Jakande pursued Brian and the rest of the team with a stealth helicopter and an aerial drone, Ramsey attempted to hack into the God’s Eye. Hobbs, seeing the team in trouble, left the hospital and destroyed the drone with an ambulance. Ramsey then regained control of the God’s Eye and locked it down. Meanwhile, Dom and Shaw engaged in a one-on-one brawl in a parking garage, before Jakande intervened and attacked them both. Shaw was defeated when part of the parking garage collapsed beneath him. Dom then launched his vehicle at Jakande’s helicopter, tossing Shaw’s bag of grenades onto skidded, before injuring himself when his car landed and crashes. Hobbs then shot the bag of grenades from ground level, destroying the helicopter and killing Jakande. Dom was pulled from the wreckage of his car, believed dead. As Letty cradled Dom’s body in her arms, she revealed that she had regained her memories and that she remembered their wedding. Dom regained consciousness soon after, remarking, “It’s about time”.

Shaw was taken into custody by Hobbs and locked away in a secret, high-security prison, 32 meters underground. At a beach, Brian and Mia played with their son while Dom, Letty, Roman, Tej, and Ramsey observed, acknowledging that Brian was better off retired with his family. Dom silently left, but Brian caught up with him at a crossroad. As Dom remembers the times that he had with Brian, they bid each other farewell and drive off in separate directions.

10. Kind of Narrative Text - Horror Stories (Cerita Horor)

Horor Stories adalah cerita yang menceritakan kejadian kejadian mistis yang bersuasana menyeramkan.

Contoh Narrative Text-Horror

Contoh Narrative Text-Horror-Unpleasant Sailing
Contoh Narrative Text-Horror-Unpleasant Sailing

Unpleasant Sailing
Jason Lyman, his wife, Barbara, and their friends, John and Susan Dunne left Bermuda in Jason’s boat for a trip to Miami.

While Jason drove the boat, John looked at maps, and Barbara and Susan lay on the deck enjoying the sun.

John went to Jason with a map of the course they had to take to get to Miami. “Hey, Jason, look at this, “John said and put a map on the console in front of Jason. “We’re sailing on the edge of the Bermuda Triangle.”

“Is that a problem?” Jason asked.

“Haven’t you ever heard of the Devil’s Triangle?”

“Yeah, John, I’ve heard of it. It’s the Bermuda Triangle. So what? Are you worried?”

“Yeah, I’m worried. The stories are something to think about. Ships and people have disappeared in the Triangle, and, yeah, I’m worried. A lot has been written about the Devil’s triangle, and I don’t think the stories were made up. I suppose you think the stories were made up?”

“Yes. I think the stories were made up. Do you think a monster of some sort lives in the ocean and waits for ships to sail its waters, a ship like this one, and comes out of the water and pulls the ships into the water and eats all the people on board?” Jason said mocking John.

“Okay, mock me.”

After an hour out, the wind picked up.

“One minute it was sunny and calm and the next minute the wind is blowing us all over the place,” Jason yelled over the roar of the wind.

“This damn wind is pushing us off course,” John yelled as he held tightly to the wheel.

“I don’t like this,” Jason shouted. “I think it’s time for everybody to put on life jackets,” he said, and gave life jackets to the girls.

Everybody had life jackets on as the wind picked up, and the boat was tossed around like it was a toy. “The wind is unbelievable,” John shouted and strained to hold the wheel steady as he turned on the radio. “This is Lady Grace somewhere off Bermuda. Winds are high. My boat is being battered by huge waves. I don’t know where we are. Is anybody listening? Can anyone hear me?” he yelled. “Nobody is receiving my call.”

The boat spun around throwing John, Jason, and the women against the sides of the boat.

John rushed to the wheel that spun like a top and held on to it. “I don’t think this boat is going to be in one piece much longer,” John warned. “Make sure your life jackets are secure.”

As they were tossed around, a huge wave swamped the boat and the four were washed overboard. As they tried to reach each other, a giant, muscular, hairy humanoid, humanoid to its waist and fish from the waist down, came out of the water and slapped its huge, thirty-foot fish tail, on the water causing high waves. The people in the water screamed as the creature looked at them, and they gasped as the creature put Jason in its mouth, chewed him up, and swallowed him. They tried to swim away, but the creature grabbed the others, put them all in its mouth, chewed for several moments and then swallowed them. After eating the four people, it smashed the boat with its tail and then retreated back in the water. About ten minutes later, the wind stopped and the sea was calm.

Like Jason, John, Jason should have been worried, because Jason’s mocking words were prophetic. “Do you think a monster of some sort lives in the ocean and waits for ships to sail its waters, a ship like this one, and comes out of the water and pulls the ships into the water and eats all the people on board?”

11. Kind of Narrative Text - Adventure Stories (Cerita Petualangan)

Adventure Story adalah teks yang menceritakan kisah kisah petualangan. Seperti cerita tintin, sinbad, dan lain lain.

Contoh Narrative Text-Adventure

Contoh Narrative Text-Adventure-Ali Baba
Contoh Narrative Text-Adventure-Ali Baba

Ali Baba
Once upon a time there were 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a cave. They went in the cave by saying ”Open Sesame” to the cave entrance. A poor person, named Ali Baba saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he went toward the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden treasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man and his brother wanted to know how he became rich.
Ali Baba turned into the richest man in his village. His evil brother was really jealous of him, and wanted to know how he could get such a lot of money. Therefore, when Ali Baba went to the cave again to take some more money, his brother followed him. He saw everything, and decided to go back the next day to take some money for himself. The next morning he found a lot of money in the cave, and he wanted to take all of them. Unfortunately, when he was busy carrying the money to his house, the thieves came. The boss of the thieves asked him how he knew about the cave. He told everything, but unluckily they killed him and went to Ali Baba’s house.
After finding Ali Baba’s house, they made a plan to kill him the following night. Some of the thieves hid in big jars, and the boss pretended that he was a merchant who wanted to sell the jars to Ali Baba. Ali Baba who was a kind man invited the boss of the thief to have lunch together.
After lunch they took a rest. Luckily, the house maid went out of the house, and found that there were thieves inside the jars. She finally boiled hot oil and poured it into the jars to kill all of them. The boss of the thieves was caught, and put into prison.
Ali Baba was saved from the danger, and he finally lived happily ever after with his maid who became his wife shortly after.

12. Kind of Narrative Text - Historical Narratives (Cerita Sejarah)

Cerita Historical adalah teks yang didalamnya menjelaskan atau  menceritakan tentang fakta atau kejadian masa lalu yang menjadi asal muasal sesuatu yang memiliki nilai sejarah. Di dalam teks cerita seajarah, disampaikan  pengisahan suatu deretan pristiwa yang disusun bedasarkan kronologi waktu.

Contoh Narrative Text-Historical Narratives

Contoh Narrative Text-Historical-Diponegoro Wars
Contoh Narrative Text-Historical-Diponegoro Wars

Diponegoro Wars

Diponegoro (1785–1855), a descendant of the Sultans of Yogyakarta, was passed over several times for ascension to the throne.  In 1825, after declaring himself Ratu Adil and his enemies infidels for their lax practice of Islam, he began a war against the reigning sultan and the Dutch colonial government. In the five-year struggle that followed, which was waged over much of central Java, over 200,000 Javanese and 15,000 Dutch soldiers were killed. On 28 March 1830, with most other guerrilla leaders captured, Diponegoro was invited to come to Lieutenant General De Kock's home in Magelang to negotiate an end of hostilities and guaranteed safety of passage. There, after three hours, Diponegoro was arrested. He was exiled to Makassar, Sulawesi, where he remained until his death.

Saleh's depiction is not the only painted version of Diponegoro's capture. An earlier version, The Submission of Prince Dipo Negoro to General De Kock, was completed c. 1835 by Nicolaas Pieneman on commission by De Kock or his family. Rather than an angry and defiant man, Pieneman presented a submissive and beaten Diponegoro, standing lower than his captor and thus symbolically having less power. Overall, Pieneman's painting gives the impression that, although De Kock is acting sternly in exiling Diponegoro, it is in the best interest of the Javanese. The author Susie Protschky describes both Pieneman and Saleh's works as "two of the best known history paintings from the Indies".

Saleh returned to Java in 1851 after a lengthy period studying in Europe, during which he had claimed a familial relationship to the guerrilla and protested his treatment at the hands of the Dutch colonial administration. Diponegoro died in 1855, which art historian Werner Krauss suggests inspired the artist to complete The Arrest of Pangeran Diponegoro and "reformulate" the arrest in Javanese terms, rather than the colonial terms of Pieneman. Although Saleh had never met the prince, and had been studying in Europe when Diponegoro was captured, his family had fought for Diponegoro.

Saleh's sketch for the painting (1856)
Pieneman's painting was already known to Saleh, and he may have known the artist as well. Saleh was also likely inspired by history painters, particularly Louis Gallait; Krauss finds similarities between Gallait's The Abdication of Charles V and Saleh's depiction of Diponegoro's arrest. The artist's use of colour is reminiscent of the nature works by Horace Vernet and Eugène Delacroix, both of whom Saleh was familiar with, and De Kock's pose appears to have been influenced by Italian Renaissance paintings.

Work had begun in 1856, when Saleh requested permission to travel to various sites related to the Java War, but was denied. A preliminary sketch was completed later that year; Saleh had previously visited a cousin in Magelang, where Diponegoro was arrested, and was thus aware of the area and the setting. In his preparations, Saleh made one of his most ambitious projects, with more than forty people in the frame. Krauss stated that The Arrest of Pangeran Diponegoro was both the first South-East Asian painting in the historical painting genre, and the first one by a South-East Asian artist to depict an event from the area.

The completed painting was gifted to King William III of the Netherlands. Saleh said that it was a "token of thanks" for the Dutch government paying for his education in Europe for nearly twenty-three years.[9] After several years in the Palace in The Hague, The Arrest of Pangeran Diponegoro was hung in Bronbeek, a home for Royal Colonial Military veterans. Around the early 1970s, The Arrest of Pangeran Diponegoro was given some restoration, including a new coat of varnish. In 1978, the Oranje Nassau Foundation arranged for the work to be sent to the government of Indonesia; this was done under the terms of the Cultural Accord of 1969.

The Arrest of Pangeran Diponegoro was initially held at the Central Museum, along with other artefacts from the Java War, up through the early 1980s. By 2005, the painting was kept in the Istana Negara museum. It was reported to be in poor condition. The edges of the work had become brittle, and the varnish had given the painting a greenish tinge.

Owing to the amount of damage the painting had sustained and its historical value, in 2012 the Goethe-Institut and Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation arranged for The Arrest of Pangeran Diponegoro to be restored by conservator Susanne Erhards of the Köln Group. This began with a cleaning shortly before the work was displayed in the National Gallery of Indonesia, followed by an analysis of the composition of the varnish (allowing it to be removed). The work was then given a string lining on the canvas, then reframed. Finally, damage to the paint was touched up with watercolors, and a new layer of varnish was applied.

#Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesianya

Perang Diponegoro

Diponegoro (1785–1855), seorang keturunan Sultan Yogyakarta, dilewati beberapa kali untuk naik tahta. Pada tahun 1825, setelah menyatakan dirinya Ratu Adil dan musuh-musuhnya kafir karena praktik Islam mereka yang lemah, ia memulai perang melawan sultan yang berkuasa dan pemerintah kolonial Belanda. Dalam perjuangan lima tahun berikutnya, yang dilakukan di sebagian besar Jawa Tengah, lebih dari 200.000 tentara Jawa dan 15.000 tentara Belanda terbunuh. Pada tanggal 28 Maret 1830, dengan sebagian besar pemimpin gerilyawan lainnya ditangkap, Diponegoro diundang untuk datang ke rumah Letnan Jenderal De Kock di Magelang untuk menegosiasikan penghentian permusuhan dan menjamin keamanan perjalanan. Di sana, setelah tiga jam, Diponegoro ditangkap. Dia diasingkan ke Makassar, Sulawesi, di mana dia tinggal sampai kematiannya.

Penggambaran Saleh bukan satu-satunya versi yang dilukis tentang penangkapan Diponegoro. Versi sebelumnya, Pengajuan Pangeran Dipo Negoro ke Jenderal De Kock, telah selesai c. 1835 oleh Nicolaas Pieneman atas perintah De Kock atau keluarganya. Alih-alih seorang pria yang marah dan menantang, Pieneman menghadirkan Diponegoro yang tunduk dan dipukuli, berdiri lebih rendah dari penculiknya dan dengan demikian secara simbolis kurang memiliki kekuatan. Secara keseluruhan, lukisan Pieneman memberi kesan bahwa, meskipun De Kock bertindak tegas dalam mengasingkan Diponegoro, itu demi kebaikan orang Jawa. Penulis Susie Protschky menggambarkan karya Pieneman dan Saleh sebagai "dua lukisan sejarah paling terkenal dari Hindia".

Saleh kembali ke Jawa pada tahun 1851 setelah lama belajar di Eropa, di mana ia mengklaim memiliki hubungan keluarga dengan gerilya dan memprotes perlakuannya di tangan pemerintah kolonial Belanda. Diponegoro meninggal pada tahun 1855, yang menurut sejarawan seni Werner Krauss mengilhami sang seniman untuk menyelesaikan Penangkapan Pangeran Diponegoro dan "merumuskan kembali" penangkapan dalam istilah Jawa, daripada istilah kolonial Pieneman. Meskipun Saleh belum pernah bertemu sang pangeran, dan telah belajar di Eropa ketika Diponegoro ditangkap, keluarganya telah berjuang untuk Diponegoro.

Sketsa Saleh untuk lukisan itu (1856)
Lukisan Pieneman sudah dikenal oleh Saleh, dan dia mungkin sudah mengenal artis itu juga. Saleh juga kemungkinan terinspirasi oleh pelukis sejarah, khususnya Louis Gallait; Krauss menemukan kesamaan antara Gallait's The Abdication of Charles V dan penggambaran Saleh tentang penangkapan Diponegoro. Penggunaan warna oleh seniman mengingatkan kita pada karya-karya alam oleh Horace Vernet dan Eugène Delacroix, keduanya dikenal oleh Saleh, dan pose De Kock tampaknya dipengaruhi oleh lukisan-lukisan Renaisans Italia.

Pekerjaan telah dimulai pada 1856, ketika Saleh meminta izin untuk melakukan perjalanan ke berbagai situs yang terkait dengan Perang Jawa, tetapi ditolak. Sketsa awal diselesaikan akhir tahun itu; Saleh sebelumnya mengunjungi sepupu di Magelang, tempat Diponegoro ditangkap, dan karena itu mengetahui daerah dan lingkungannya. Dalam persiapannya, Saleh membuat salah satu proyeknya yang paling ambisius, dengan lebih dari empat puluh orang dalam bingkai. Krauss menyatakan bahwa Penangkapan Pangeran Diponegoro adalah lukisan Asia Tenggara pertama dalam genre lukisan sejarah, dan yang pertama oleh seniman Asia Tenggara yang menggambarkan sebuah peristiwa dari daerah tersebut.

Lukisan yang selesai diserahkan kepada Raja William III dari Belanda. Saleh mengatakan bahwa itu adalah "tanda terima kasih" untuk pemerintah Belanda membayar pendidikannya di Eropa selama hampir dua puluh tiga tahun. [9] Setelah beberapa tahun di Istana di Den Haag, Penangkapan Pangeran Diponegoro digantung di Bronbeek, rumah bagi veteran Militer Kolonial Kerajaan. Sekitar awal 1970-an, Penangkapan Pangeran Diponegoro diberi pemulihan, termasuk lapisan pernis baru. Pada tahun 1978, Yayasan Oranje Nassau mengatur agar pekerjaan dikirim ke pemerintah Indonesia; ini dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan Kesepakatan Budaya tahun 1969.

Penangkapan Pangeran Diponegoro awalnya diadakan di Museum Pusat, bersama dengan artefak lain dari Perang Jawa, sampai awal 1980-an. Pada 2005, lukisan itu disimpan di museum Istana Negara. Itu dilaporkan dalam kondisi buruk. Tepi-tepi karya telah menjadi rapuh, dan pernis itu memberi warna kehijauan pada lukisan itu.

Karena banyaknya kerusakan yang lukisan itu pertahankan dan nilai historisnya, pada 2012 Goethe-Institut dan Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation mengatur agar Penangkapan Pangeran Diponegoro dipulihkan oleh konservator Susanne Erhards dari Grup Köln. Ini dimulai dengan pembersihan sesaat sebelum karya ditampilkan di Galeri Nasional Indonesia, diikuti dengan analisis komposisi pernis (yang memungkinkannya untuk dihilangkan). Karya itu kemudian diberi tali pada kanvas, kemudian dibingkai ulang. Akhirnya, kerusakan cat disentuh dengan cat air, dan lapisan pernis baru diterapkan.

13. Kind of Narrative Text - Slice of Life (Potongan Cerita Kehidupan)

Narrative text genre slice of life is a short story piece of someone's life that can end happy, sad, upset, funny or other feelings.

Teks Narrative bergenre slice of life adalah potongan cerita pendek kehidupan seseorang yang bisa berakhir bahagia, sedih, upset, lucu ataupun pereasaan lainnya.

Contoh Narrative Text-Slice of Life

Contoh Narrative Text-Slice of Life-Forget the Card
Contoh Narrative Text-Slice of Life-Forget the Card

Forget the Card

it just happened yesterday........
in the afternoon when i just finished english course in mj center i go home with niar but before i go home i stopped by to the cafe to find the task  that was given sir mardi i.e to open his blog and translite it, and because of the it, i came late it make me became hurry to get to  home ehmm by the way i ride motorcycle with niar.  but not about it the real story is beginning, as i had finished by the task i forget that i must buy the quota card so i stoped at the  store that sold it and then ( jeng jeng jeng, the sound of drum ) after a long jurney i found a shop that sell it so i came in and asked “ excuse me miss do you have a quota card of exis ” “ yes it is, (she showed many card) what do you want ?” she said, “i want this , emh what is the price of it ?” i asked, she answed “it is Rp 16.000 “ “oke it is your money, oke let’s niar we are late”, but as i rode the motor niar asked “ dewi do you forget something ? i said “ what is it...... oh my god my quota card. So i am back the shop and take it and go home with laugh with niar.


Lupa Kartunya

baru saja terjadi kemarin ........
pada sore hari ketika saya baru saja menyelesaikan kursus bahasa Inggris di pusat mj saya pulang dengan niar tetapi sebelum saya pulang saya mampir ke kafe untuk menemukan tugas yang diberikan pak mardi yaitu untuk membuka blognya dan menerjemahkannya, dan karena itu itu, saya datang terlambat itu membuat saya menjadi tergesa-gesa untuk sampai di rumah ehmm dengan cara saya naik motor dengan niar. tapi bukan tentang itu, kisah sebenarnya dimulai, karena saya selesai dengan tugas, saya lupa bahwa saya harus membeli kartu kuota jadi saya berhenti di toko yang menjualnya dan kemudian (jeng jeng jeng, suara drum) setelah lama jurney aku menemukan sebuah toko yang menjualnya jadi aku datang dan bertanya "maaf ya kamu punya kartu kuota exis" "ya itu, (dia menunjukkan banyak kartu) apa yang kamu inginkan?" dia berkata, "Aku mau ini, emh berapa harganya?" saya bertanya, dia menjawab "itu adalah Rp 16.000" "oke itu uangmu, oke mari kita niar kita terlambat", tetapi ketika saya naik motor niar bertanya "dewi apakah kamu lupa sesuatu? saya berkata “ada apa ...... oh my god kuota card. Jadi saya kembali ke toko dan mengambilnya dan pulang dengan tertawa bersama niar.

Contoh Soal Narrative Text - Narrative Text Exercises

#Soal latihan Narrative Text

Read the text below carefully and choose the answer between A, B, C, D, or E

Text 1 for questions 1 to 4

Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled in Teberu Lombok, who had a beautiful
daughter called Puteri Mandalika. Because of her beauty, princes and kings from other
kingdom around Teberu wished that she would be their wife. Six of them came to Teberu and
ask for her hand of marriage. They were Prince Bumbang, Prince Aryo Johor, Prince Singa
Trasak, Prince Daria Loka, Prince Gunung Piring and Prince Bungsu. Each prince wanted to
win the hearth of Puteri Mandalika.

Her father, the king of Teberu, was very confused and did not know what to do. If he
chose one prince instead of another then it would create jealousy and there could be war
against his kingdom. All the princes were handsome and powerful and so the king allowed
his daughter to make her own choice. But Puteri Mandalika was confused too and she also
knew the dangerous risk that her kingdom and people would get, if she chose either one of
the princes.

After several days of serious thinking, Puteri Mandalika met her parents and asked her
permission to announce her decision in front of all the princes and the people of Teberu the
next day in the beach. Early next morning, everybody gathered on the beach. There was a
gentle breeze with small waves breaking softly across the shore. Everybody was looking at
Puteri Mandalika, waiting for her announcement.

Meanwhile, the six princes prayed in their heart that he would be the chosen one.
Then in a loud and clear voice, Puteri Mandalika Said, ”Oh my beloved mother and father, all
the princes and especially the people of Teberu Kingdom. Today I would like to announce
that I will not give myself to any one of the princes, but rather to all people of Teberu and my
own kingdom.” Then Puteri Mandalika threw herself into the sea from the top of a hill and
disappeared. Everybody desperately search for her but she could not be found and people
believed she was transformed into flowing sea worms called “nyale”. .

1. The second paragraph is called ……
a. orientation
b. complication
c. resolution
d. identification
e. conclusion

2. Why was it hard for the princess to choose one of the princes?
a. She loved all the princes.
b. All the princes were handsome.
c. All the princes were powerful.
d. She was afraid of the dangerous risk.
e. Her father permitted her to marry.

3. “Six of them came to Teberu and ask for her hand of marriage.” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined phrase can be replaced by …..
a. intend
b. admit
c. promise
d. accompany
e. propose

4. From the text we may conclude that ………
a. Putri Mandalika sacrificed herself to the sea for the sake of her people.
b. Putri Mandalika was a selfish princess.
c. One of the princes won the heart of Putri Mandalika.
d. The war happened against the kingdom due to the princess’ decision.
e. The people of Teberu kingdom hated the princess.

Text 4 for questions 5 to 8

The Lion and The Mouse

Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon
awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and open his big jaws to swallow him.
“Pardon, O king,” cried the little mouse, “Forgive me this time, I shall never forget it;
perhaps I may be able to do you a good turn some of these days.”

The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then, he lifted
up his paw and let him go.

Sometime after, the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters, who wanted to carry him
alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in. Just
then, the little mouse happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the lion was. The
little mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bounded the king of the
beasts. Soon after the little mouse had finished gnawing away the ropes, he asked the lion to
run away.

5. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To entertain the readers
b. To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case
c. To inform the readers about the events of the day which are considered newsworthy
d. To explain something
e. To present at least two points of view about an issue

6. What is the moral value of the text?
a. Don’t look at someone because of his clothes
b. It is best for prepare for the days of necessity
c. Common people may prove great ones
d. United we stand, divided we fall
e. Honestly begins at home

7. Paragraph three mainly tells us that ……
a. The little mouse asked for forgiveness
b. The hunters carried the lion alive to the King
c. The lion was tied to a tree by the hunters
d. The little mouse could prove that he could help the lion
e. From the first, the lion believed in what the little mouse said

8. What did the little mouse do to prove his words?
a. He would never forget the lion
b. He tried hard to help the lion free
c. He ran up and down upon the lion
d. He asked for apology to the king of the beast
e. He tied the lion to the tree so that the hunters could carry him

Text below for question number 9 - 13

The Rats and The Elephants

Once upon a time their lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a
group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all
the rats. Many of them were even crushed to death.

Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephants chief and request him
to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the
elephants king apologized and agreed to take another route. And so the lives of
the rats were saved.

One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants
in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats.
He summoned on of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go
seek help from the king and told him about the trapped elephants.

The rat's king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut open the
nets which had trapped the elephants herd. The elephant's herd was totally set
free. They danced with joy and thank the rats.

9. What type of text is the above text? It is …
a. a narrative text
b. a description text
c. a recount text
d. an anecdote text
e. an expository text

10. What destroyed the homes of all rats?
a. a group of mice did
b. the hunter did
c. elephant-hunter did
d. a group of elephant did
e. elephants herd

11. What helped the elephants herd free?
a. the elephant-hunter did
b. the hunters did
c. the trapped elephants did
d. a group of king did
e. entire group of rats did

12. What is generic structure of "once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a
tree in peace"?
a. Identification
b. Orientation
c. Complication
d. Resolution
e. Description

13. At the end of the story, how was the elephant's herd?
a. angry
b. sad
c. happy
d. dead
e. disappointed

Text below is for question number 13 – 17

Once upon a time there was a girl name Cindrella. She lived with her bad step-mother
and two step-sisters. She had to do all the household chores.

One day the king invited all the ladies in the kingdom to go to a ball (pesta dansa) in
the palace. He wanted to find the Crown Prince a wife.

The step sisters went to the ball that night with their mother. Cindrella was left alone.
She cried because she actually wanted to go to the ball, too.

Just then a fairy godmother came. With her magic wand, she gave Cindrella a coach
(kereta), two horses and footmen. She also gave Cindrella a lovely dress to wear the ball and
a pair of glass slippers. She told Cindrella to come home before midnight.

At the ball, Cindrella danced all night with the Prince. The Prince fell in love with
her. At midnight, Cindrella ran home. Unfortunately, one of her slippers slipped off at the
door. She did not have time to put it back on. The Prince was sad as he could not find
Cindrella again that night.

The next day, the Prince and his men brought along the glass slipper. They went all
over the Kingdom to search for the owner.

After searching for along time, finally, they came to Cindrella’s house. The slipper fit
her. The prince was very happy to find Cindrella again. They got married and lived ever after.

14. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. To tell us how to write a story
b. To inform what happened in the past
c. To give a description of a beautiful girl
d. To retell about Cindrella’s experience/memory
e. To entertain readers with an actual, or vicarious experience

15. What was there at the palace one day?
a. A game
b. A birthday party
c. Glass slippers
d. A ball
e. Crown part

16. Why did the king hold the event at his palace?
a. To celebrate his birthday
d. To entertain his people
b. To celebrate his wedding
e. To show give amusement to his guests.
c. To find his crown prince a wife

17. How was the end of the story?
a. The prince married Cindrella.
d. The king gave the kingdom to Cindrella.
b. Cindrella was killed by her step mother .
e. Cindrella was betrayed by the king.
c. The prince turned into a horse forever.

18. “She also gave Cindrella a lovely dress….” (Paragraph 4). The bordered word has
the same meaning with …..
a. boring
c. Polite
e. Pretty
b. honest
d. Loyal