Pengertian, Rumus, Fungsi, Dan Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Dengan Soal Latihan
Belajar bahasa Inggris pasti tidak lepas dari yang namanya belajar tenses, di dalam bahasa Inggris ada 16 tenses lengkap bahasa Inggris. Salah satu materi tenses yang akan kita jelaskan hari ini adalah Present Perfect Tense.Pengertian Present Perfect Tense
"Use the present perfect tense to talk about happenings in the past that explain or affect the present."
Present perfect tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk membicarakan kejadian yang dimulai masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu yang menjelaskan atau mempengaruhi masa sekarang.
Rumus Present Perfect Tense
Kalimat present perfect tense di bentuk dari auxiliary verbs (have dan has),"Have" digunakan dengan subject I / You / We / They atau noun dan pronoun plural (jamak). Sedangkan "Has" digunakan dengan subject He / She / it atau noun dan pronoun (singular), dan diikuti dengan kata kerja bentuk ketiga V3 atau past participle verbs.Catatan: have di satukan dengan subject
Contoh, I have = I've
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Bentuk Positive
S + auxiliary verb (have/has) + V3
I have just finished my shower. (Saya baru saja selesai mandi)
Bentuk Negative
S + auxiliary verb (have/has) + not + V3
It has not rained for two months. (Sudah dua bulan tidak hujan)
Bentuk Interrogative
Auxiliary verb (have/has) + S + V3
Have you found your keys yet? (Sudahkah kamu menemukan kuncimu)
Time Expression
Dalam kalimat present perfect tense bisa ditemukan dengan tanda waktu seperti di bawah ini:already = sudah
e.g. I've already got a job. (Saya sudah mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan)
just = baru saja
e.g. I've just found a hundred thousand rupiahs in my pocket. (Saya baru saja menemukan 100 ribu rupiah di saku saya.)
recently, lately = belum lama ini
e.g. Recently they have discovered a comet. (Belum lama ini, mereka menemukan sebuah komet.)
ever = pernah
e.g. I have ever taught her for 3 years. (Saya pernah mengajar dia selama 3 tahun.)
yet = masih
e.g. She has not finished yet. (Dia belum selesai.)
for + period of time up to present:
for an hour = selama satu jam
e.g. He has walked for three hour. (Dia telah berjalan selama 3 jam)
for three days = selama tiga hari
e.g. John and Jahn have not eaten something for two days. (John dan Jahn belum makan sesuatu
selama dua hari.)
for two weeks = selama dua minggu
e.g. My mother hasn't got well for a weeks. (Ibu saya belum kunjung sembuh selama seminggu.)
for a long time = selama waktu yang lama
e.g. I've not eaten a snake for a long time. (Saya belum makan seekor ular selama waktu yang
for many years = selama bertahun-tahun
e.g. For many years, she has not talked to us. (Selama bertahun-tahun, dia tidak berbicara kepada
since + starting time:
since yesterday = sejak kemarin
e.g. I haven't seen him since yesterday. (Saya belum melihat dia sejak kemarin.)
since 7 am = sejak jam 7 pagi
e.g. I haven't seen him since 7 am. (Saya belum melihat dia sejak jam 7 pagi.)
since February = sejak Februari
e.g. I haven't seen him since February. (Saya belum melihat dia sejak bulan Februari.)
since we first met = sejak kita pertama bertemu
e.g. I haven't seen him again since we first met. (Saya belum melihat dia kembali sejak kita
pertama bertemu.)
since I moved here = sejak saya pindah kesini
e.g. I haven't seen him since I moved here. (Saya belum melihat dia sejak semenjak saya pindah
Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense
1. Mengungkapkan kejadian di masa lalu tanpa peduli kapan tepatnya terjadi.I've read the book. (Saya telah membaca bukunya)
2. Menunjukkan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi berulang kali dimasa lampau (adverb of number dapat
She has called you three times. (Dia sudah meneleponmu tiga kali.)
3. Mengungkapkan aktivitas atau situasi yang dimulai pada masa lampau kemudian dilanjutkan
sampai sekarang (belum selesai).
She has studied in Bandung since April. (Dia telah sekolah di Bandung sejak bulan April.)
4. Untuk membicarakan event yang terjadi belum lama ini. Adverb “recently” dan lately” (= not long ago) dapat digunakan.
Have you visited any market recently?. (Apakah kamu mengunjungi suatu pasar baru-baru ini?)
5. Untuk membicarakan event yang baru saja terjadi. Adverb “just” (= very recently) dapat
I’ve just sent you an email. (Saya baru saja mengirimkan kamu email.)
Soal Latihan Present Perfect Tense Dengan Jawaban.
Exercise 1Tulislah kata kerja dibawah ini kedalam Verb 3 (past participle).
Write the past participle of these verbs on the blanks!
1. Break = _________
2. Drink = _________
3. Cut = _________
4. Do = _________
5. Sing = _________
6. Buy = _________
7. Find = _________
8. Draw = _________
9. Hear = _________
10. Know = _________
1. Broken
2. Drunk
3. Cut
4. Done
5. Sung
6. Bought
7. Found
8. Drawn
9. Heard
10. Know
Exercise 2
Lengkapilah kalimat dibawah ini dengan kata kerja (verbs) present perfect tense di dalam kurung.
Fill in the blanks with the present perfect tense of the verbs in parentheses.
1 Dad ______________ his car key. (lose)
2 All the guests ______________. (arrive)
3 Tony ______________ a goal. (score)
4 Peter _____________ in the tent several times. (sleep)
5 It ____________ not ____________ for two months. (rain)
6 Some prisoners ______________ from the prison. (escape)
7 The plane ______________ at the airport. (land)
8 John ______________ a puppet. (make)
9 Dad and I ______________ a big fish. (catch)
10 I ______________ this movie twice. (see)
1. has lost
2. have arrived
3. has scored
4. has slept
5. has / rained
6. have escaped
7. has landed
8. has made
9. have caught
10. have seen
Exercise 3
1. I ... studied for two hours
A. have
B. been
C. has
D. had
2. We ... here since yesterday
A. has been
B. have been
C. had been
D. has
3. I have……a letter for 2 hours
A. write
B. wrote
C. written
D. writing
4. I have ... music for 15 minutes, it’s very good
A. listen
B. listening
C. listened
D. listens
5. We have ... this new novel together since yesterday
A. read
B. reads
C. reading
D. readed
6. I have ... a delicious food for them
A. cooked
B. cooks
C. cooking
D. cook
7. We have ... this film since last night
A. watching
B. watched
C. watches
D. watch
8.They have…….me about this story
9. Diana ... sung this song
A. had
B. has
C. have
D. having
10. We have ... in Bandung since 2004
A. live
B. lives
C. living
D. lived
11. We ... cooked this delicious food special for you
A. had
B. has
C. have
D. having
12. I ... him for two hours
A. calling
B. calls
C. call
D. called
13. Sinta has ... to the school for 3 hours
A. go
B. goes
C. gone
D. went
14. Diana has ... for two hours
A. sleep
B. slept
C. sleeping
D. sleeped
15. We have ... this major since last night
A. learned
B. learn
C. learning
D. learns
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. C
14. B
15. A
Simple Present Tense - Penjelasan dan Contoh Lengkap Kalimat Positif, Negatif, dan Tanya Simple Present Tense
7 Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense
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Woods Geraldine. 2010. English Grammar For Dummies. Canada: Wiley Publishing, Inc
Anne Seaton • Y. H. Mew. 2007. Basic English Grammar for English Language Learners, Book 1. USA: Saddleback Educational Publishing, 3 Watson.
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