, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Nama Nama Hari Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dengan Contoh Kalimatnya-, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Nama Nama Hari Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dengan Contoh Kalimatnya-

bahasa inggrisnya hari adalah day, bahasa inggrisnya bulan adalah month, bahasa inggrisnya tahun adalah year

Nama nama hari dan bulan dalam bahasa InggrisAssalamualaikum.

Hi, everyone! today we would like to share days and months vocabulary. In our daily conversation, we usually ask or tell what day is today and what month is now.

Look at the example down below:

Example 1

Tom : When we will meet again?

Raisa : I think on Friday.

Example 2

John : Heni I would like to know, what month your country celebrates the independence day?

Heni : In my country, we always celebrate our independence on August 17th.

Itulah contoh percakapan yang menanyakan tentang nama hari dan bulan dalam bahasa Inggris. Mengenal nama hari dan bulan dalam bahasa Inggris sangat penting kita ketahui dan hafal. Jangan sampai kita tidak tahu nama hari maupun nama bulan dalam bahasa Inggris ketika bercakap cakap dengan orang luar negeri apalagi jika profesi kita berhubungan dengan menyebutkan nama hari dan tanggal seperti profesi Customer Service di sebuah hotel yang pengunjungnya banyak dari luar negeri. Langsung saja kalian pelajari dan hafalkan kosa kata hari dan bulan di bawah ini;

Nama Nama Hari Dalam Bahasa Inggris

bahasa inggrisnya senin

Monday = Senin

Contoh-contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan kata "Monday"

Our office is open from Monday to Friday
Kantor kita bukan dari hari senin sampai Jum'at.

I go to the gym every Monday.
Saya pergi ke tempat gym setiap hari Senin.

The traveler set forward last Monday.
Para petualang pergi hari Senin lalu

He was born on a Monday.
Dia lahir pada hari Senin

He wasn't there on Monday.
Dia tidak ada disana pada hari Senin.

All applications must be submitted by Monday.
Semua aplikasi harus di serahkan pada hari Senin.

The lady returned from Boston Monday.
Perempuan itu kembali dari Boston hari Senin.

The restaurant is open every day except Monday.
Restoran ini buka setiap hari kecuali hari Senin.

The museum is open daily except Monday.
Museum ini buka setiap hari kecuali hari Senin. 

Scientists, business people, and sundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening.
Ilmuwan, pebisnis, dan orang lain berkumpul pada hari Senin untuk pembukaan resmi.

Contoh kalimat lainnya:
  1. They planned to barrel the beer next Monday.
  2. I start my new job on Monday.
  3. They had to wait until Monday to ring the bank manager.
  4. The law court will reopen on Monday.
  5. The minister will arrive on Monday.
  6. Her visit will extend from Monday to Thursday.
  7. The premiere on Monday is sold out.
  8. I went back to work on Monday.
  9. Can I arrange an appointment for Monday?
  10. They arrived on Monday evening and we got there the following day.
  11. I met him in a hotel lobby last Monday.
  12. He expressed the hope that on Monday elementary schools would be reopened.
  13. Entries are to arrive no later than Monday, 1 October.
  14. Hold off making your decision until Monday.
  15. He signed on yesterday and will start work on Monday.
  16. He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday.
  17. She told the court she would give a full explanation of the prosecution's decision on Monday.
  18. The rest episodes of this TV play will be next Monday.
  19. The jockey rushed back from America to ride at Nottingham on Monday but went unrewarded.
  20. In the normal course of events, you should get a reply by Monday.

nama nama hari dalam bahasa inggris

Tuesday = Selasa

Contoh-contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan kata "Tuesday "

Try to fix the football game for Tuesday.
Coba perbaiki pertandingan sepak bola untuk hari Selasa.

I babysit for Jane on Tuesday evenings while she goes to her yoga class.
Saya mengasuh Jane pada hari Selasa malam ketika dia pergi ke kelas yoga.

Training will commence on 5 October, running from Tuesday to Saturday.
Pelatihan akan dimulai pada 5 Oktober, berjalan dari Selasa hingga Sabtu.

On Tuesday the country's parliament voted to establish its own army.
Pada hari Selasa parlemen negara memilih untuk membentuk pasukan sendiri.

She's been off work since Tuesday.
Dia sudah tidak bekerja sejak Selasa.

Contoh kalimat lainnya:
  1. He wasn't there on Monday. Nor on Tuesday, for that matter.
  2. We'll meet at eight on Tuesday.
  3. A meeting will be held next Tuesday at 3 p.m.
  4. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills.
  5. Dr. Clark holds a clinic on Tuesday mornings.
  6. Today is Tuesday, so tomorrow is Wednesday.
  7. Smith was remanded in custody until Tuesday.
  8. The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday.
  9. Try to fix the meeting on Tuesday.
  10. He phoned on Tuesday, just before you came.
  11. The judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.
  12. The priest makes pastoral visits every Tuesday.
  13. I proposed to go to London on Tuesday.
  14. The barman tells me you saw Ann on Tuesday morning. Is that right?
  15. We'll be in New York Tuesday thru Friday.
  16. I've got something on this Tuesday, but I'm free on Wednesday.
  17. The university dedicated the new building on Tuesday.
  18. Actually, Gavin, it was Tuesday of last week, not Wednesday.
  19. You must report here every Tuesday without exception.
  20. The issue will be debated on Tuesday.
  21. On Tuesday she'll be traveling up to Newcastle from Birmingham.
  22. An e-fit of the man prompted hundreds of calls after its release on Tuesday.
  23. Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but heavy showers possible central and southeast England on Tuesday.
  24. Nottingham Forest qualified for the final by beating Tranmere on Tuesday.
  25. The election for the leadership of the council will take place on Tuesday.

nama nama hari dan bulan dalam bahasa Inggris, bahasa inggrisnya hari rabu adalah wednesday, bahasa indonesianya wednesday adalah hari rabu

Wednesday = Rabu 

Contoh-contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan kata "Wednesday"

Did you say the meeting is on Wednesday?
Apakah kamu mengatakan pertemuan itu hari Rabu?

On Wednesday there will be a total eclipse of the sun.
Pada hari Rabu akan ada gerhana matahari total.

I go to the gym every Monday and Wednesday.
Saya pergi ke gym setiap hari Senin dan Rabu.

Monday's a bit inconvenient for me. How about Wednesday?
Senin agak merepotkan bagi saya. Bagaimana kalau hari Rabu?

I spoke to her last Wednesday.
Saya berbicara dengannya Rabu lalu.

Contoh kalimat lainnya
  1. The foreign guests will call on you next Wednesday afternoon.
  2. She was in the office all of Wednesday and so has a cast-iron alibi.
  3. Today is Tuesday, so tomorrow is Wednesday.
  4. Class 3 does the gym on a Wednesday afternoon.
  5. The lady returned from Boston Wednesday week.
  6. They have to vacate their offices before Wednesday.
  7. The match will be replayed on Wednesday.
  8. The surgery holds a baby clinic every Wednesday afternoon.
  9. Come and have supper with us on Wednesday, if you're free.
  10. Cheerio then. See you on Wednesday.
  11. On Wednesday night I had a very vivid dream which really upset me.
  12. I can let you know next Wednesday.
  13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
  14. On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter.
  15. A public meeting is to be held on Wednesday at the town hall.
  16. The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.
  17. Entries must arrive by the first post next Wednesday.
  18. The concert is this coming Wednesday.
  19. The game had to be carried over until Wednesday.
  20. Mr. Harley is going to accompany his wife for a fitting on Wednesday.
  21. The mood was somber as the Commons sat down on Wednesday to debate the crisis.
  22. Could you see your way to let us borrow the machine on Wednesday?
  23. I've got something on this Tuesday, but I'm free on Wednesday.
  24. A photographic exhibition opens at the Royal College of Art on Wednesday.
  25. Actually, Gavin, it was Tuesday of last week, not Wednesday.
  26. Well, at any rate, the next meeting will be on Wednesday.

nama hari dan bulan dalam bahasa inggris, bahasa inggrisnya adalah kamis, bahasa indonesianya thursday adalah hari kamis

Thursday = Kamis

Contoh-contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan kata "Thursday"

Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinate the relief effort.
Pejabat pemerintah mengunjungi zona gempa pada Kamis pagi untuk mengoordinasikan upaya bantuan.

She's due to arrive on Thursday. Meanwhile, what do we do?
Dia akan tiba pada hari Kamis. Sementara itu, apa yang kita lakukan?

They're holding an auction of jewelry on Thursday.
Mereka mengadakan lelang perhiasan pada hari Kamis.

I went to Edinburgh on Thursday.
Saya pergi ke Edinburgh pada hari Kamis.

Thursday is market day in Bandung.
Kamis adalah hari pasar di Bandung.

Contoh kalimat lainnya:
  1. They called at Mr. Brown's office last Thursday.
  2. The washing machine totally seized up on Thursday.
  3. On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink.
  4. There's a meeting on Thursday afternoon.
  5. It's Steve's birthday on Thursday - I must send him a card.
  6. Her visit will extend from Monday to Thursday.
  7. He appeared at Manchester Crown The court on Thursday on a drink-driving charge.
  8. Mrs. Jones is at home on Thursday.
  9. This laundry makes deliveries on Thursday.
  10. The contract that was signed on Thursday morning was backdated to March 11.
  11. His funeral will be on Thursday at Blackburn Cathedral.
  12. tries its best to collect and create good sentences.
  13. It's annoying that we can't travel until Thursday, but the upside is that the fare's cheaper then.
  14. Your computer won't be arriving till Thursday. In the meantime, you can use Jude's.
  15. The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday.
  16. We're having a meeting on Thursday to discuss the problem.
  17. The Cabinet meet/meets every Thursday.
  18. We've arranged a meeting for next Thursday so if you see anyone do spread the word.
  19. Heavy thundery rain fell throughout Thursday.
  20. Liz comes on Thursday to do the cleaning.
  21. How are you fixed for Thursday?
  22. We can't go until Thursday.
  23. The shops in central London keep open late on Thursday evenings.
  24. I've got to speak to James Lewis vis-a-vis the arrangements for Thursday.
  25. Parents are invited to attend the open house next Thursday.
  26.  The arrangements are all in place for the concert next Thursday.

bahasa inggrisnya nama hari dan bulan, bahasa inggrisnya hari jum'at adalah friday, bahasa indonesianya friday adalah hari jumat.

Friday = Jum'at

Contoh-contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan kata "Firday"

I have got to meet my partner every Friday.
Saya harus bertemu rekan saya setiap hari Jumat.

I took Friday off and spent a long weekend visiting friends.
Saya mengambil libur pada hari Jumat, dan menghabiskan akhir pekan yang panjang mengunjungi teman-teman.

Every Friday she dolls herself up and goes out to a cafe.
Setiap hari Jumat dia membayangi dirinya sendiri dan pergi ke kafe.

Our office is open from Monday to Friday.
Kantor kami buka dari Senin hingga Jumat.

They meet up every Friday to play badminton.
Mereka bertemu setiap hari Jumat untuk bermain badminton.

Shall we go to the theatre on Friday?
Haruskah kita pergi ke teater pada hari Jumat?

I resigned last Friday and left that same day.
Saya mengundurkan diri pada Jumat lalu dan pergi pada hari yang sama.

Contoh kalimat lainnya.
  1. I shall be disengaged on Friday afternoon.
  2. She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon at four-fifteen.
  3. We had a picnic last Friday.
  4. The final election results will be announced on Friday.
  5. She usually stops in on Friday evenings.
  6. The shop takes stock every week on Friday mornings.
  7. They have to decide by next Friday.
  8. Auditions will be held from 912 on Friday.
  9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  10. We're leaving on 2 March, that is, Friday.
  11. This weekly is printed every Friday.
  12. A lot of people bunk off early on Friday.
  13. May will arrive on Friday morning.
  14. She met John briefly on Friday night.
  15. We made a tentative arrangement to meet again next Friday.
  16. They threatened to do me in if I didn't pay up by Friday.
  17. They promised that all books would be returned by Friday.
  18. I'll pay you to double if you get the work finished by Friday.
  19. The rocket is due to lift off at noon on Friday.
  20. You can go to Hongkong with us so long as you finish your assignment before Friday.
  21. Would everyone who wishes to attend the dinner let me know by Friday afternoon?
  22. We are working against the clock to finish the report by Friday.
  23. It is traditional not to eat meat on Good Friday.

nama nama hari dalam bahasa inggris, bahasa inggrisnya adalah hari sabtu, bahasa indonesianya saturday adalah hari sabtu

Saturday = Sabtu

Contoh kalimat yang menggunakan kata "Saturday"

She baby-sits for her friends every Saturday.
Dia mengasuh teman-temannya setiap hari Sabtu.

We never work on Saturday mornings.
Kami tidak pernah bekerja pada hari Sabtu pagi.

We're having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
Kami mengadakan pesta pada hari Sabtu. Apakah kamu mau datang?

They were arrested in the small hours of Saturday morning.
Mereka ditangkap pada jam-jam kecil Sabtu pagi.

The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday.
Undian untuk undian berlangsung pada hari Sabtu.

She deposited her paycheck every Saturday.
Dia menyetor gajinya setiap hari Sabtu.

The semi-final replay will be on Saturday.
Pertandingan semi final akan diadakan pada hari Sabtu.

Contoh kalimat lainnya:

  1. The match was postponed to the following Saturday because of bad weather.
  2. I hope to go shopping on Saturday next.
  3. She spends her Saturday afternoons standing on the touchline, watching her boyfriend plays rugby.
  4. I'm giving/having/holding a party next Saturday night.
  5. We're going on a shopping expedition on Saturday.
  6. I went on a drinking/shopping/spending spree on Saturday.
  7. He's tied down by having to work every Saturday.
  8. We went for a picnic on Saturday.
  9. Searchers have found three mountain climbers missing since Saturday.
  10. Next Saturday, let's see, that's when we're going to the theatre.
  11. Come and see me on Saturday.
  12. Our team got clobbered on Saturday.
  13. The store is closing out on Saturday.
  14. My father took me to watch football every Saturday.
  15. We've fallen into the habit of getting up late on Saturday mornings.
  16. Car vandals caused more than 10 000 worth of damage to vehicles last Saturday.
  17. Training will commence on 5 October(, running from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive.
  18. Do you fancy coming on a day trip to Bath next Saturday?
  19. He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday.
  20. The reason I called was to ask about the plans for Saturday.
  21. There will be a wedding in the village church on Saturday.
  22. Leeds Castle will provide a dramatic backdrop to a fireworks display next Saturday.
  23. There were a lot of drunk drivers on the roads on Saturday nights.

Nama nama hari dalam bahasa inggris, bahasa Inggrisnya hari minggu adalah sunday, bahasa indonesianya sunday adalah hari minggu

Sunday = Minggu

Contoh kalimat yang menggunakan kata "Sunday"

Come for cola and buffet next Sunday.
Datang untuk cola dan perasamanan hari Minggu depan.

We are hoping for good weather on Sunday.
Kami berharap cuaca cerah pada hari Minggu.

My birthday is on a Sunday this year.
Ulang tahun saya pada hari Minggu tahun ini.

When else shall we meet again, if Sunday is not convenient for you?
Kapan lagi kita bertemu lagi, jika hari Minggu tidak nyaman bagi Anda?

The church choir sing every Sunday morning.
Paduan suara gereja bernyanyi setiap Minggu pagi.

We may go out next Sunday, but that depends.
Kita mungkin keluar minggu depan, tapi itu tergantung.

It took me a whole Sunday to whitewash the wall.
Butuh saya seluruh hari Minggu untuk menutupi dinding.

Contoh kalimat lainnya:

  1. I shall be disengaged on Sunday afternoon.
  2. I wanted to put the meeting over until Sunday so as not to interfere with my work.
  3. It being a Sunday[], the old men had the day off.
  4. Sunday is a holiday in Christian countries.
  5. We work every day except Sunday.
  6. We went to the hills last Sunday.
  7. I didn't see you in church on Sunday.
  8. We're going to a match on Sunday.
  9. The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars.
  10. On Remembrance Sunday we honor those who died.
  11. Many people go to church on Sunday, but others don't.
  12. His parents don't allow him out on Sunday.
  13. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills.
  14. We went for a cycle ride on Sunday.
  15. He likes to bowl on Sunday.
  16. The newspaper boy has delivered the Sunday paper.
  17. Every day is not Sunday.
  18. It was a Sunday, so she could lie in till almost lunchtime.
  19. As from Sunday, May 1 st, all fares on the corporation's transport services will be increased by ten pence in the pound.
  20. I was startled at the news that 129 persons were killed last Sunday in the attempt by the rebel air force officers to overthrow the government in the capital.
  21. A trip to the Summer Palace is programmed for next Sunday.
  22. I decided to gam some friends of mine this Sunday.
  23. I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday.


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Parts of Body Vocabularies
