, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 24 Expressions of Giving and Asking Opinion | Ekspresi Memberikan dan Meminta Pendapat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dengan Contoh Percakan dan Contoh Soal, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

24 Expressions of Giving and Asking Opinion | Ekspresi Memberikan dan Meminta Pendapat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dengan Contoh Percakan dan Contoh Soal

Definition Giving and Asking Opinions Asking, Giving (Answering), Opinion. Asking and Giving Opinion is an expression used to ask or answer/respond to an opinion.    II. 24 List of Asking and 14 List of Giving Opinions Expression

I. Definition Giving and Asking Opinions

Asking, Giving (Answering), Opinion. Asking and Giving Opinion is an expression used to ask or answer/respond to an opinion.

II. 24 List of Asking and 14 List of Giving Opinions Expression

Expressions of Asking Opinions
Expressions of Giving Opinions
1.      What do you think of…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
2.      What is your opinion? (Apa pendapat mu?)
3.      What do you think about…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
4.      What are you feeling? (Apa perasaanmu?)
5.      What your view on? (Bagaimana pandangan mu?)
6.      What is your reaction? (Apa reaksimu?)
7.      What do you like? (Apa yang kamu suka?)
8.      What is your idea? (Apa pendapatmu?)
9.      What is your comment? (Apa komentar mu?)
10. How is your opinion? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
11. How about this? (Bagaimana dengan ini?)
12. How do you like? (Bagaimana menurutmu?)
13. How was the trip? (Bagaimana perjalanan nya?)
14. How do you think of my idea? (Bagaimana menurutmu pendapatku)
15. How about…? (Bagaimana tentang…?)
16. How do you feel? (Apa yang kamu rasakan?)
17. How do you think? (Apa yang kamu pikirkan?)
18. Please give me your opinion? (Tolong berikan aku pendapatmu?)
19. Give me your comment? (Beri aku komentarmu?)
20. Give me your reaction (Berikan reaksimu?)
21. Do you have opinion of…? (Kamu punya pendapat tentang…?)
22. Do you have any idea? (Kamu punya ide?)
23. Do you like that? (Kamu menyukainya?)
24. Do you think is it good? (Apakah kamu berfikir ini bagus?)
1.      In my opinion (Di pendapatku)
2.      I think…. (Menurut saya)
3.      I think that (Aku berfikir bahwa)
4.      I think I like it (Aku pikir aku menyukainya)
5.      I personally consider …. (Saya beranggap)
6.      In my opinion (Menurut Opini saya)
7.      I personally believe (Saya yakin)
8.      I tend to think that (Aku berpikir bahwa)
9.      It is my comment (Ini komentarku)
10. In my view (Menurutku)
11. As far I know (Sejauh yang aku tau)
12. From my point of view (Dari pendapatku)
13. The way I see is that (Caraku melihat ini yaitu)
14. My comment is (Komentarku adalah)

III. Giving and Asking Opinions Conversation Examples

Hi Mang, by the way, I just don’t understand why you guys like smoking? (Hai Mang, ngomong-ngomong, aku tidak mengerti mengapa kalian suka merokok?)
Mang Ujang
Well… It’s nice you know… (Ya ... Sangat menyenangkan lho ...)
Nice? What’s nice about smoking? In my opinion, there is nothing nice about smoking; it’s dangerous for your health. And it is waste of money. (Bagus? Apa yang baik tentang merokok? Menurut pendapat saya, tidak ada yang baik tentang merokok; berbahaya bagi kesehatan Anda. Dan itu buang-buang uang.)
Mang Ujang
I’ve heard many times, but I don’t believe it. (Saya sudah sering mendengar, tapi saya tidak percaya)
Maybe you’ll believe it when you get your lung cancer. (Mungkin Anda akan percaya ketika Anda menderita kanker paru-paru.)

Giving and asking opinion situation 1 - The conversation shows us that Handy ask Mang Ujang's opinion by saying "why you ..." the sound like Handy asks the reason, but in this situation is different, Mang Ujang giving his opinion by saying "in my opinion".

Hi Adam! What are you doing? (Hai Adam! Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan)
I’m reading a newspaper. (Saya sedang membaca koran.)
Any good news? (Adakah berita bagus)
I’ve just read about full day school. (Saya baru saja membaca tentang sekolah fullday.)
so what your opinion about that? (Jadi apa pendapatmu tentang itu?)
In my view, it is useful for Indonesian education development. Because if school time is extended until 4 or 5 PM, students can learn more. So, Indonesia’s educational ranking in the world can be increased. (Dalam pandangan saya, ini berguna untuk pengembangan pendidikan Indonesia. Karena jika waktu sekolah diperpanjang hingga jam 4 atau 5 sore, siswa dapat belajar lebih banyak. Jadi, peringkat pendidikan Indonesia di dunia dapat ditingkatkan)
Do you think like that? But how about the students? Don’t you think it is too boring for them? In school all day. (Apakah kamu berpikir seperti itu? Tapi bagaimana dengan para siswa? Tidakkah menurut Anda itu terlalu membosankan bagi mereka? Di sekolah sepanjang hari)
No, If the teacher can bring class situation more fun, giving them exciting activities, so the student will enjoy their day in school. (Tidak, Jika guru dapat membuat situasi kelas lebih menyenangkan, memberi mereka kegiatan yang menyenangkan, sehingga siswa akan menikmati hari mereka di sekolah)
I think you’re right. (Saya pikir kamu benar)

Giving and asking opinion situation 2 - Avatar ask Adam about his opinion about full-day school, these are the expression "what your opinion", "do you think", "how about", and "don't you think". Adam replies to Avatar question by saying "in my view". And Avatar agreeing Adam's opinion by saying "I think you're right".

As you can see in situation 2, you can agree or disagree with others’ opinions.

III. Contoh Soal Giving and Asking Opinions

I think Avatar is the nicest student in our class? What do you think?
. . . he is always helpful.

1.      From the dialog Agil will give respond to Handy by saying . . .
A.    I don’t think so,
B.     I don’t agree,
C.     Imposible,
D.    I think so,

Shall we have a picnic to Pochinki this weekend. I think there are a lot of fun to do?
. . . it will be fun.
2.      What is suitable respond to Handy’s opinion?
A.    Oh, I disagree.
B.     I’m sorry I can’t.
C.    That would be great.
D.    What a tiring journey.

Mr. Handy
What do you think of our new house, dear?
. . .  I don’t have any place to put my stuff.
3.      What is suitable respond in the situation above?
A.    It is the best place I believe.
B.     I think it’s too small.
C.     It is beautiful I think.
D.    I think it is lovely.
What do you think of our new classmate, Yogi?
He is really . . . student.
I think so. He makes friends easily. Nearly all of our friends know him well in just a month?
4.      What will Yogi says?
A.    shy
B.     sociable
C.     talktive
D.    stuborn

5.      ... children should play outside more.
A.    I can't believe
B.     I learn that
C.    In my opinion
D.    Do you think that.

I think everyone should have a pet.
Why? ... pet is very expensive.
In my opinion, pet can make us to be more responsible.
6.      . . .
A.    As far as I know
B.     I disagree
C.     I don't think so
D.    Are you sure?

... our English class is very boring.
I think so too. The teacher should use more English games to make it fun.
7.      . . .
A.    I agree
B.     I think
C.     I don't like it
D.    I disagree.

Today is very busy.
I agree.
... of our new manager?
I think she's very good at managing the office.
8.      . . .
A.    What do you think
B.     Do you think
C.     Do you agree
D.    What should we think

9.      What do you think of the new shopping mall near our school?
A.    I agree.
B.     I disagree.
C.     I don't know.
D.    I think it has many good stores.

Mrs. Yulia
I feel that students should do more discussion at class.
Mr. Mukti
... Discussion can help us to develop our critical thinking skill.
10. . . .
A.    I agree.
B.     I disagree.
C.     I'm not sure.
D.    I don't think so.
