, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MATERI BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 9 SMP/Mts KURIKULUM 2013 – PROCEDURE TEXT, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0



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Power Point Procedure Text - Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

In our daily life, everything has its own procedure. A procedure is a way of doing something correctly. It is something that we need to obey because it consists of steps that if we follow them, we may get a good result in doing something. For example, there is a procedure to make an orange juice. If we don't follow the procedure, maybe we can get undrinkable juice.

When looking for the procedure text, you can find the example of a procedure in manual book (a book that tells you how to do operate something, especially one that comes with a machine when you buy it). There's also a procedure  to make an e-mail account, to make your video blog or vlog. Importantly, when we try write a procedure text, we need to understand conjunctions. Learning about the use of conjunctions will help you to write the procedure text even better.

Pengertian Procedure Text

A procedure is a text that explains how people make or do something step by step.

Procedure Text adalah memberikan petunjuk tentang cara melakukan sesuatu melalui tindakan-tindakan atau langkah-langkah yang runtut. Dalam kehidapan sehari - hari kita pasti pernah membuat sesuatu seperti memasak, atau menyelesaikan suatu hal.

Generic Structure of Procedure Text

Aim ini merupakan tujuan dari Procedure text. Biasanya berupa judul atau deskripsi apa yang akan dibuat atau dilakukan.
Bagian ini memuat daftar bahan dan alat untuk menyelesaikan procedure text tersebut. Namun tidak semua procedure text membutuhkan material.

Bagian steps berisi serangkaian langkah - langkah yang harus dilakukan dengan secara berurutan. Steps ini harus dilakukan agar tujuan yang di utarakan pada bagian Aim/ Goal dapat tercapai.

Language Feature of Procedure Text

·        Menggunakan pola kalimat perintah (Imperative). Contohnya "Cut the banana into pieces", "Don't mix the coconut milk with water" , "Heat the water for 5 minutes", dan lain lain.

·        Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya crack, chop, cut, heat, mix, dan seterusnya.

·        Menggunakan sequence adverbs seperti first, second, next, then, finally, while.

·        Menggunakan adverbials (kata keterangan) untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, dan tempat misalnya for "Cook the mixture for one hours" , "Boil the water for 15 minutes", "Crack the egg into the bowl" , dan lain sebagainya.

·        Menggunakan simple present tense.


Procedural Text Examples

Contoh Procedure Text - 1

Berikut ini adalah contoh procedure text tentang “Recipe”




How to make a Pancake



·        1 egg

·        1 ¼ cup of flour

·        1 ¼ cup of milk

·        ½ teaspoons of salt

·        3 tablespoons of butter

·        3 tablespoons of baking powder

·        1 tablespoon of sugar

·        1 teaspoon of real vanilla extract


·        Large bowl

·        Whisk

·        Frying pan

·        Stove

·        Fish slice


1.     First, mix together the baking powder, flour, salt, and sugar in a large bowl.

2.     Then add egg, milk, butter, and vanilla extract to the bowl and whisk them well with the dry ingredients into a nice smooth batter.

3.     Next, heat the frying pan over medium heat. Once hot, add the batter at about ¼ cup at a time.

4.     Once bubbles appear in the pancake and the sides are golden brown, flip over with a large spatula for another minute or so until golden brown.

5.     Finally, your pancake is ready to be served.

Contoh Procedure Text - 2

Manual, salah satu jenis procedure text lainnya adalah sebuah manual penggunaan suatu alat sehingga terkadang tidak ada material yang tertera atau langsung ke directionnya, contohnya seperti berikut ini.

How to Operate a Rice Cooker


·        First, clean the rice with the water in the rice cooker pot.

·        Second, throw the used water and add the amount of water once again. Measure the water so that it will not overfill the line.

·        Then put the rice cooker pot into the cooker unit. Cover the pot with the lid.

·        After that, push the power button to start cooking. Make sure you plug in the cooker before pushing the power button.

·        The rice cooker will make a sound as the sign when the rice is done. Some rice cooker units have a warmer that keeps the rice warm.

·        Lastly, the warm rice ready to be served.


Latihan Soal Procedure Text

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Procedure Text KLIK DISINI

Kumpulan Tugas Procedure Text

Warm Up - View

Identifying the Recipe and Manuals - View

Keywords of Procedure Text

  • Procedure
  • Conjunction
  • Ingredient
  • Material
  • Goals
  • Steps
  • Food
  • Beverage
  • Dialog Method
