, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP – Present Continuous, Past Continuous, dan Future Continuous, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP – Present Continuous, Past Continuous, dan Future Continuous

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Halo semuanya. Terimakasih yang sudah berkunjung ke blog kami. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita ingin berbagi contoh soal tentang materi present continuous, past continuous, dan future continuous dalam bentuk pilihan ganda. Jika yang ingin membaca materi tensesnya bisa mengklik salah satu materi dibawah ini:

Present Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense

Future Continuous Tense

Contoh soal yang akan kami sajikan dalam berbentuk Pilihan Ganda/Multiple Choice serta kami sajikan juga kunci jawaban dan pembahasannnya. Selamat belajar.

Choose the correct answer!

1.      I’m . . . how to swim right now.

A.     learning

B.     learned

C.     learns

D.     learn

Jawaban dan pembahasan

Jawaban: A


Ini merupakan bentuk present continuous tense. Menggunakan rumus subject + to be (is, am, are) + Verb-ing + Complement. Jadi kalimatnya seharusnya menjadi ‘I’m learning how to swim right now’, kenapa bisa dipastikan ini merupakan present continuous tense, karena jika dilihat di pelengkap kalimatnya atau keterangan waktu kejadian/eventnya sedang berlangsung pada saat ini. “swim right now”.

2.      Look! The man . . . soundly.

A.     are sleeping

B.     is sleeping

C.     sleeping

D.     sleep

Jawawan dan pembahasan

Jawaban: B


The man = “orang ketiga tunggal”

Untuk orang ketiga tunggal menggunakan to be “is”.

Rumus Present Continuous Tense menggunakan { to be + verb-ing }, Jadi kalimat diatas menjadi

Look! The man is sleeping soundly.

3.      The teacher always . . . us interesting project work.

A.     give

B.     gives

C.     giving

D.     is giving

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: B


Kita bedah kalimat rumpangnya.

The teacher = subject singular

always = adverb of frequency

‘adverb of frequency’ ini biasanya dipergunakan dalam simple present tense, rumus simple present tense adalah {Subject + V1(-s for singular)}, {The teacher always gives us interesting project work.}

4.      We are trying to catch the ball that . . . down the hill.

A.     is rolling

B.     rolled

C.     rolls

D.     roll

Jawaban dan pembahasan

Jawaban: A


“We are trying to catch the ball”, kalimat ini merupakan present continuous tense , jadi kejadiannya sedang berlangsung berarti bolanya berguling ke bawah bukit juga kejadiannya sedang berlangsung, sehingga untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas menggunakan present continuous juga, dengan rumus {to be (is, am, dan are) + Verb-ing}.

Disini subjectnya adalah “the ball” = singular , yang mempergunakan “is” sebagai to be nya.

We are trying to catch the ball that is rolling down the hill.

5.      Dad never . . . us play in the street when it is dark.

A.     is letting

B.     letting

C.     lets

D.     let

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: C


Sama seperti nomor 3, ada ‘adverb of frequency’ yang mengikuti subject yaitu ‘never’ yang biasanya di gunakan dalam simple present tense.

Rumus {Subject + adv + Verb (-s untuk third person singular)}

“Dad never lets us play in the street when it is dark.”

6.      I ran so fast that my heart . . . really hard.

A.     beat

B.     beats

C.     beating

D.     was beating

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: D

I ran so fast’ dilihat dari kata kerjanya ‘ran’ ini merupakan simple past tense. Pertanyaannya manakah yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut.

Opsi A dan B sudah tentu tidak bisa mengisi, karena dipergunakan dalam kalimat simple present tense.

Karena kejadiannya di masa lampau dan ada kejadian lain yang terjadi secara bersamaan pada saat itu maka kita gunakan rumus past continuous tense dengan rumus {Subject + was/were + Verb-ing}.

“I ran so fast that my heart was beating really hard.”

7.      Why. . . you all . . . when he came in?

A.     do - laugh

B.     did – laugh

C.     are - laughing

D.     were – laughing

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: D


This is Past Continuous Tense . Rumus interrogativenya dengan WH Question adalah {WHQ+was/were+subject+Verb-ing}, salah satu fungsi past continuous tense adalah membicarakan kejadian/event yang terjadi ketika kejadian lain terjadi di masa lampau.

Was digunakan untuk I, he, she, dan it

Were digunakan untuk we, you, dan they

“Why were you all laughing when he came in?

8.      Read the conversation carefully.

What are you doing?
I'm watching TV. It's Spongebob. 
I like this film very much.
You should . . . now. You are going 
to have a test tomorrow, right?

A.     be studying

B.     studying

C.     be study

D.     study

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: A


In this conversation we must complete the dialogue.

“You should . . . now. You are going to have a test tomorrow, right?

Rumus future continuous tense {subject+modal(will/should/shall)+be+Verb-ing}, sudah jelaskan pilihan yang paling tepat yang mana? Yups jawaban yang tepat adalah ‘be studying

Kalimat lengkapnya: “You should be studying now. You are going to have a test tomorrow”

9.      Complete the dialogue!

Do you have free time this 
afternoon at about four?
Yes, but I think I will . . . my room 
at the time?

A.     be cleaning up

B.     cleaning up

C.     cleans up

D.     clean up

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: A

Sama seperti nomor 8, kita gunakan future continuous tense

Kalimat lengkapnya: “Yes, but I think I will be cleaning up my room at the time.

10. Complete the dialogue!

Why can't Agus answer the phone?
I don't know. He . . . motorcycle 
right now.

A.     might be riding

B.     might ride

C.     rides

D.     ride

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: A


Pastinya sekarang kalian kebingungan jika melihat pola kalimat yang harus dilengkapinya. Kita breakdown.

Pertama Ghania berbicara “I don’t know.” Tandanya dia tidak tahu kenapa Agus tidak mengangkat telponya.

Kedua: Kita harus melengkapi kalimat ini. Dihubungkan dengan kalimat sebelumnya berarti Ghania hanya memperkirakan, jadi opsi “C” tidak berlaku karena pasti, dan “D” karena tidak ada akhiran –s untuk kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it).

Ketiga, ini akan menjadi pengetahuan baru buat kalian.

Penggunaan “Might”.

Kita gunakan might ketika kita tidak yakin tentang sesuatu yang terjadi pada saat ini (present) atau masa depan (future)

Opsi “A” dan “B” keduanya benar secara grammar, tapi jika dilihat dari konteks kalimatnya ada kata “right now” berarti sedang berlangsung saat itu juga, tenses yang membicarakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada saat ini adalah ‘present continuous tense’ jadi rumus yang digunakan adalah {subject+might+be+verb-ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya: “I don’t know. He might be riding motorcycle right now.

11. What. . . when you arrived?

A.     were they doing

B.     are they doing

C.     did they do

D.     do they do

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: A


Sama dengan pembahasan jawaban nomor 7

Kalimat lengkapnya: “What were they doing when you arrived?”

12. Adinda was doing her math homework when the phone. . .

A.     ring

B.     rang

C.     rings

D.     is ringing

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: B


Kalimat diatas sudah jelas menggunakan past continuous tense, {past continuous + when + past tense}

Kalimat lengkapnua: “Adinda was doing her math homework when the phone rang.

13. Dad . . . our dinner when I got home.

A.     was cooking

B.     cooked

C.     cooks

D.     cook

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: A


Sama seperti nomor 12 pembahasannya

Kalimat lengkapnya: “Dad was cooking our dinner when I got home.

14. Complete the dialogue!

What’s wrong? You look worried.
I'm just. . . my cat. T haven't seen 
it all day.

A.     looking for

B.     looked for

C.     looks for

D.     look for

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: A


Present continuous tense

{Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb-ing}, karena cluenya adalah mencari bukan melihat di tambahkan for setelah verb.

Kalimat lengkapnya: “I’m just looking for my cat.

15. Complete the dialogue!



What are you doing tomorrow at 

this time of the day?



Well, I don't know. Perhaps, 

I . . . in my bedroom.

A.     sleep

B.     yoyo

C.     take a bath

D.     will be sleeping

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban; D


Karena ditanyakan apa yang akan di lakukan Ghania besok, berarti kalimat selanjutnya berbentuk future continuous tense

Future continuous tense

{Subject + will / shall + be + Verb-Ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya: Well, I don’t know. Perhaps I will be sleeping in my bedroom.

Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 16 and 17.



Mrs Desti (16). .. her motorcycle 

without wearing a helmet.



Too bad. She (17) . . . wear a helmet 

to protect her head.

16. . . .

A.     is riding

B.     to ride

C.     rides

D.     ride

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: A


Present continuous tense

{Subject + to be ( is, am, are + Verb-ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya:Mrs. Desti is riding her motorcycle without wearing a helmet.

17. . . .

A.     should

B.     will be

C.     can be

D.     is

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: A


Karena kalimat yang kedua ini berbentuk suggestion maka menggunakan modal “should” dalam kalimatnya.

{Subject + should + be + Verb}

Kalimat lengkapnya: She should be wear a helmet to protect her head.

18. Afgan is the best singer at the moment. He always. . . beautifully and makes the audience cry.

A.     sing

B.     sings

C.     to sing

D.     singing

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: B


Perhatikan ada adverb of time “Always” berarti menggunakan simple present tense

Rumus simple present tense dengna adverb of time

{subject + Adverb of Time + V(-s for third singular person)}

Kalimat lengkapnya: “He always sings beautifully and makes the audience cry.’”

19. Listen! The girl. . . beautifully.

A.     sing

B.     sings

C.     to sing

D.     is singing

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Present continuous tense

{Subject + to be (is, am, are) + Verb-ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya: “Listen! The girl is singing beautifully.”

20. Don't call me at four this afternoon. I will be. .. a bath at that moment.

A.     take

B.     takes

C.     taking

D.     to take

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: C


Future continuous tense

{subject + shall / will + be + Verb-ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya: ‘Don’t call me at four this afternoon. I will be taking a bath at that moment.’

Complete the following text to answer questions 21 to 23.

Hi Mam, I'm (21). . . in the lounge at Schiphol airport right now. I'm waiting for my flight to Newcastle. Schiphcl is a cool place. It is clean and so big. There is a mini playground for kids. People are enjoying their time here. Some are playing with the games provided and some others are going shopping. There are many stores selling souvenirs here. Most of them sell chocolate, cheese, and other special Dutch souvenirs. But, I don't want to buy chocolate here. I think I'm going (22). . . it on my way home. Did you know? I (23) . . . out with two Indonesians right now. Both it on my way of them are from Central Java one from Purwodadi and another one from Boyolali. I am so happy to see them. They are on their way to Russia. Well, I miss you, Mom. So much.




21. . . .

A.     sit

B.     sat

C.     to sit

D.     sitting

jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban; D


Hi Mam, I'm (21). . . in the lounge at Schiphol airport right now.’ Perhatikan kata yang digaris bawahi, menandakan kejadiannya sedang berlangsung saat ini dan belum berakhir, berarti kalimat ini adalah present continuous tense.

Rumus present continuous tense

{Subject + to be (is, am, are) + Verb-ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya: ‘Hi Mam, I'm sitting in the lounge at Schiphol airport right now.’

22.  . . .

A.     buy

B.     bought

C.     to buy

D.     buying

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: C


‘I think I'm going (22). . . it on my way home’. Perhatikan kata yang digaris bawahi ‘going’ ini merupakan bentuk future  dengan menggunakan kata tersebut. Dengan rumus sebagai berikut:

{Subject + to be + going + to infinitive}

Kalimat lengkapnya: ‘I think I'm going to buy it on my way home.’

23.  . . .

A.     hang

B.     hung

C.     to hang

D.     am hanging

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: D


‘I (23) . . . out with two Indonesians right now.’

Present continuous tense

{Subject + to be + Verb-ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya: I am hanging out with two Indonesians right now.’

Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 24 and 25.



Did you know? There was an accident on 

Kartini Street.



Yes. I saw it.



Did you? What (24). . . you . . . when the accident happened?



I was cycling on Kartini Street when the car crashed into the tree.



Nyoman : I was there, too. I (25) . . .when 

the accident happened.

24. . . .

A.     was - doing

B.     were - doing

C.     did – you

D.     do – you

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: B


Past continuous tense, terjadi kejadian yang lain ketika suatu kejadian terjadi di masa lampau. Didalam kalimat ini bentuknya adalah kalimat tanya/interrogative, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut.

{Was/Were + Subject + Verb-ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya: ‘What were you doing when the accident happened.’

25. . . .

A.     jog

B.     jogging

C.     was jogging

D.     were jogging

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: D


Sama seperti di pembahasan jawaban nomor 24, namun di nomor 25 ini bentuk kalimatnya adalah positive jadi rumusnya seperti di bawah ini untuk past continuous tense.

{Subject + was/were + Verb-ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya: ‘I was there, too. I were jogging when the accident happened.’

Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 26 and 27.









(26) ... anything at the moment?



Not right now, but I'll be busy in a few minutes.



Oh, OK. Actually, I need your help today.



Well, I'm sorry, (27) . . .  my project from 7 to 10 this evening.



That's OK. I'll try to call Hendry, then.



OK, bye.

26. . . .  

A.     Were you doing

B.     Are you doing

C.     Do you do

D.     Are you

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: A


‘(26) ... anything at the moment?’ kalimat tanya rumpang ini menanyakan tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan lawan bicaranya pada saat ditanya jadi kita gunakan kalimat interrogative present continuous tense.

{to be + subject + Verb-ing + ?}

are you doing anything at the moment?

27. . . .

A.     I will be doing

B.     I was doing

C.     I see

D.     I am

Jawaban dan Pemabahasan

Jawaban: B


Future continuous tense

{Subject + will/shall + be + Verb-ing}

‘Well, I'm sorry, I will be doing  my project from 7 to 10 this evening.’

Complete the following dialogue to answer question 28.



Bob! It's ten now.



I know, Mum.



Go brush your teeth and go to bed.



But, I'm still playing my game, Mum.



You can do it again tomorrow evening



(28) . . . my favourite film tomorrow evening, Mum.



But, it's late darling. Bob



It's Friday, Mum. There'll be no class tomorrow.

28.  . . .

A.     I watch

B.     I have watched

C.     I was watching

D.     I'll be watching

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: D


Future continuous tense

{Subject + will/shall + be + Verb-ing}

I’ll be watching my favourite film tomorrow evening, Mum.’

Complete the following text to answer questions 29 and 30.

From: +6285158899905
Rose, just to remind you that we're going to visit Norma this afternoon. I'll (29) . . . at about four. Norma might (30). . . therapy at about three. So, when we arrive there, she will have finished it. See you soon.

29. . . .

A.     Leaving

B.     be leaving

C.     am leaving

D.     was leaving

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: B


Future continuous tense

{Subject + will/shall + be + Verb-ing}

Kalimat lengkapnya: ‘I'll be leaving at about four.

30. . . .

A.     having

B.     be having

C.     am having

D.     was having

Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Jawaban: B


Future continuous tense dengan kata might

‘Norma might be having therapy at about three.

Itulah 30 Contoh soal, kunci jawaban dan pembahasan tentang present continuous, past continuous dan future continuous. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. Terimakasih. Jangan lupa untuk memberitahu rekan, teman dan orang lain jika bermanfaat. Thanks.
