, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 QUANTIFYING DETERMINERS - There is/There are, Quantifiers ‘Much, Many, & a lot of’, Quantifiers ‘a little’ and ‘a few’, Quantifiers some, any, several, and a number of,, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

QUANTIFYING DETERMINERS - There is/There are, Quantifiers ‘Much, Many, & a lot of’, Quantifiers ‘a little’ and ‘a few’, Quantifiers some, any, several, and a number of,

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 - A quantifier is a word that usually goes before a noun to express the quantity of the object; for example, a little milk. Most quantifiers are followed by a noun, though it is also possible to use them without the noun when it is clear what we are referring to.

Table of Contents

There is/There are, 
Quantifiers ‘Much, Many, & a lot of’, 
Quantifiers ‘a little’ and ‘a few’, 
Quantifiers some, any, several, and a number of,

A quantifier is a word that usually goes before a noun to express the quantity of the object; for example, a little milk. Most quantifiers are followed by a noun, though it is also possible to use them without the noun when it is clear what we are referring to.

There is/There are


To tell the availability of something, we can use ‘there is/there are’.
We use ‘there is’ followed by a singular noun.

[There is + singular noun/uncountable noun]

There is a book on the table.
There is some milk in the glass.

We use there are followed by plural nouns.

[There are + plural nouns]

There are shoes under the table.


Put in ‘there is/there are’ to complete the sentences

1.      ___________ a big statue in front of the building.

2.      ___________ mice under the table.

3.      ___________ an old tree in our garden.

4.      ___________ a boy called King in my class.

5.      ___________ no fish in the aquarium.

6.      ___________ nothing to do when it rains.

7.      ___________ a dog sitting on the bench.

8.      ___________ a girl in my class who can speak four languages.

9.      ___________ tadpoles in the pond.

10. ___________ some very big planes in the airport today.

1.      There is

2.      There are

3.      There is

4.      There is

5.      There are

6.      There is

7.      There is

8.      There is

9.      There are

10. There are

Read the following passage. Put ‘there is, there are, there is not, there are not’ in the blank space.

I like visiting Dolano Park because (1) ___________ many fun things to do and play (2) ___________ a big chute to slide on and a huge sanbox to play in. (3) ___________ some swings. (4) ___________ a small pond under the tree. (5) ___________ some colourful fish in it. Pets are not allowed in the park so (6) ___________ pets to distract us. (7) ___________ also a lot of space for us to run around. It sometimes gets hot because (8) ___________ many trees to give shade, but (9) ___________ a fountain where we can drink water. It is the best place in the town for children. (10) ___________ any other place as fun as the park.

  1. there are
  2. there is
  3. there are
  4. there is
  5. There are
  6. there are not
  7. There is
  8. there are not
  9. there is
  10. there is not

Quantifiers ‘Much, Many, & a lot of’

How to tell quantity using quantifiers word much, many, and a lot of. Here are the words and examples to tell quantity.


‘Much’ is followed by uncountable nouns in questions and negative sentences.

[Much + uncountable noun]

The assignment requires much effort.
We don’t have much time
She doesn’t have much time.
How much money do you want?
Is there much sugar in the jar?


Many’ is followed by plural countable nouns.

[Many + Plural Nouns (countable)]

Are there many cats in the park?
How many eggs do we need?
Uncle Heru breeds many chickens in his farm.
Dwi knows many students at the school.
The boy has many toys.

a lot of

a lot of’ is followed by countable nouns, usually in positive sentences.

[a lot of + all types of nouns]

There are a lot of apples on the table.
We have a lot of milk in the refrigerator
There are a lot of trees.
There is a lot of bread on the table.
Are there a lot of people there?

To ask about quantity, we use:

[How much + uncountable noun]

e.g. How much salt is there in the jar?

[How many + Plural countable noun]

e.g. How many students are there on the bus?

In short answers, we can use much or many without a noun.

 Do you have any . . .?

 Yes, but not much/many.
 No, not much/many.

Much and a lot without a noun.


I like reading, so I go to the library a lot.
My mother is away in America. I miss her very much.


Put in ‘much’ or  many


Do you have ______ books?
Do you have many book?

1.      Do you buy ______ food?

2.      We don’t have ______ bananas left.

3.      There aren’t ______ swimming pools in this town.

4.      There aren’t ______ new books in the library this month.

5.      I don’t have ______ money.

  1. much
  2. many
  3. many
  4. many
  5. much

Write ‘How much’ or ‘How many

1.      ______ people are coming to help us?

2.      ______ water do the victims need?

3.      ______ tents do we have?

4.      ______ packs of noodles are there?

5.      ______ rice do the people want to give?

  1. How many
  2. How much
  3. How many
  4. How many
  5. How much

Complete the sentences. Use ‘much’ or ‘many’ with one of the following words.








The city is hot. We didn’t plant many trees.

1.      Quick! We must hurry. We don’t have ______

2.      I know Bandung very well. I have been there ______

3.      They cannot wash their clothes. There is not ______

4.      It is very dark in this cave. There is not ______

5.      We don’t ______ to make this cake.

  1. much time
  2. many times
  3. much water
  4. much light
  5. have much flour

Complete the sentences with ‘a lot of’ and one of the following words.








She likes reading. She has a lot of books.

1.      Tourists enjoy their visit to this zoo. It has ______

2.      The road is very dangerous. There are ______

3.      Indonesia is very beautiful. It has ______

4.      Those people are very hungry. They need ______

5.      The tank is full. It has ______

  1. a lot of animals
  2. a lot of accidents
  3. a lot of beaches
  4. a lot of food
  5. a lot of fuel

Complete the sentences using much, many or a lot of


Do you have much money?
We see a lot of birds, but no mammals.

1.      There isn’t ______ water in the pond.

2.      How ______ children does Mr. Mukti have?

3.      I always have breakfast before school. I drink ______ milk, too.

4.      Nabila is ill and she is not eating ______ food.

5.      There aren’t ______ tourists in this place this month.

6.      I’m a new student. I don’t have ______ friend here.

7.      Angga can find ______ information in the brochure.

8.      How ______ money did you spend?

9.      Are there going to be ______ people in the party?

10. She has ______ problems right now. Let’s help her

  1. much
  2. many
  3. a lot of
  4. much
  5. many
  6. many
  7. a lot of
  8. much
  9. many
  10. a lot of

Quantifiers ‘a little’ and ‘a few

Words to tell about quantity

a little

a little’ is followed by uncountable nouns

[a little + uncountable nouns]


I like a little milk in my tea, please.

a few

a few’ is followed by plural countable nouns.

[a few + countable nouns]

There are a few glasses in the cupboard.


Short Answer

In short answers, nouns are not necessary after ‘a few’ or ‘a little’.
Do you have any money? Yes, I have a little.
Are there many people on the beach? Yes, there are a few.

‘a little’ VS ‘a few’

a little

a few

a little sugar

a little + uncountable noun:
a little sugar    
a little time
a little effort    
a little sauce

a few eggs

a few + plural nouns:
a few eggs
a few students
a few weeks
a few months
a little = some but not much:
The coffee is too bitter, so I want to add a little sugar.
I’d like a little soy sauce on my noodle. (=some soy sauce but not much)
X : Do you want to add more ketchup.
    Y : A little
a few = some but not many
She bought me a few candles.
They will be on holiday for a few weeks.
I need a few strawberries to make a glass of juice.
X : How many eggs do you needs.
    Y : A few
little (without ‘a’) = nearly no or nearly nothing:
The pen is hard to use. There is only little ink in it.
You can say ‘very little’:
He doesn’t know a lot of things. He reads very little. (nearly nothing)
few (without ‘a’) = nearly no
there are few chalks in the box. It nearly runs out.
You can say ‘very few’:
Mr. Mukti explains the material clearly, so I have very few questions to ask.
Few’ or ‘a few’, ‘little’ or ‘a little’?
Without the article, few and little have the meaning of “not much/not many”, and possibly less than one might hope for or expect. These expressions have a negative value to them.
With the article, a few and a little have the meaning of “at least some, perhaps more than one might expect”. These expressions have a positive value.


Complete the sentences using ‘a few’ or ‘a little


There are a few boys in the yard.

We only have a little time to finish this work.

1.      I always take ______ books with me to read on a trip.

2.      Can I have just ______ milk, please

3.      I saw ______ swans in the lake.

4.      Is there any shampoo in the bathroom? Yes, there’s ______

5.      The gardener plants ______ flowers in the garden.

6.      I only put ______ sugar in my tea because I know sugar’s bad for my teeth.

7.      She is on a diet. She just eats ______ meats.

8.      The film is good, but only ______ people come to watch it.

9.      There is only ______ jam in the jar.

10. I have ______ ideas about where we are going to go on the next holiday.

  1. a few
  2. a little
  3. a few
  4. a little
  5. a few
  6. a little
  7. a little
  8. a few
  9. a little
  10. a few

Answer the questions with ‘a little’ or ‘a few


A : Do you have any money?
B : Yes, a little

1.     A : Do you have any new novels?

B : ___________________________________

2.     A : Do you want honey in your tea?

B : ___________________________________

3.     A : Did you meet any climbers when you hiked up the mountain?

B : ___________________________________

4.     A : Do speak japanese?

B : ___________________________________

5.     A : Are there any parks in this town?

B : ___________________________________

  1. Yes, a few
  2. Yes, a little
  3. Yes, a few
  4. Yes, alittle
  5. Yes, a few

Put in ‘a little’ or ‘a few’ before each of the following words.



Last night I wrote a few e-mails to my friends.

1.      I’m going out for walk. I need ________ fresh ________

2.      Angga went to school ________ ago.

3.      Anisa : Have you ever been to Toraja?

Isah    : Yes, ________

4.      There isn’t much furniture in the room, just a table and ________

5.      Can I have ________ in my sandwich.

  1. a little fresh air
  2. a few minutes
  3. a few times
  4. a few chairs
  5. a little jam

Put in little/a little/few/a few


There is little sugar in the jar. It is nearly empty.

1.      A : Would you like some soup?

B : Yes, ________, please.

2.      I want to visit many places in Indonesia, but I have ________ opportunities.

3.      The bus service isn’t very good at night, there are ________ buses after 9 o’clock.

4.      I can’t decide now. I need ________ time to think about it.

5.      The town is very quiet at night. ________ people go out.

  1. a little
  2. few
  3. few
  4. a little
  5. few

Did you know?

You can say these words + uncountable nouns.
a glass of water
a piece of cheese
a bowl of rice
a can of mushrooms
a bottle of milk
a cup of tea
a bar of chocolate
a piece of paper
a bunch of flowers.

Quantifiers some, any, several, and a number of

You can also use ‘some, any, several, and a number of’ to indicate the quantity of something.

‘some’ and ‘any’ have the same meaning. However, ‘some’ is used in affirmative sentences and ‘any’ in negative and interrogative sentences.


·        My younger brother needs some help to finish her homework, but my sister does not need any help.

·       A : Do you have any green onion?

B : Yes, I have some in the kitchen.

      No, I don’t have any green onion.

·        They are starving. We have to give them something to eat. Do you have some bread? (We use ‘some’ to ask for something)

·        Would you like some chips? (We use ‘some’ to offer something)

Words to tell about quantity:


‘some’ can be followed by plural uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns in positive sentences.

[some + plural uncountable nouns/plural countable nouns]

I have some kittens.
There is some coffee.


any’ can be followed by plural uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns in negative sentences and questions.
She doesn’t have any books.
Do you have any money?

‘several’ and ‘a number of’ mean “more than one, but less than a lot:. They are only used in affirmative sentences and not commonly used in negative and interrogative sentences.


·        I have several/a number of oranges to be shared with others.

·        Several/A number of students came late to school because of floods.


Put in ‘some’ or ‘any’


I bought some cheese but I didn’t buy any bread.

1.      There are ______________ beautiful butterflies among the flowers.

2.      I’m hunggry. Can I have ______________ rice?

3.      When you go to Bandung, you can visit ______________ interesting places there.

4.      I want to wash my hair. Is there ______________ shampoo?

5.      Do you speak ______________ foreign languages?

  1. some
  2. some
  3. some
  4. any
  5. any

Complete the sentences. Use several/a number of + one of the following words

old friends
vacant rooms


It’s very cloudly today, but a number of  children are playing in the park.

1.      ______________ are absent today because the extreme weather.

2.      There are ______________ in this hotel. We can book one of them.

3.      I can’t do this job alone. I need ______________ to help.

4.      ______________ are coming to see me today. I’m so happy.

5.      You can put ______________ on the table. They will make the room more beautiful.

  1. Several/A number of students
  2. several/a number of vacants rooms
  3. several/a number of people
  4. Several/A number of old friends
  5. several/a number of vases