, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 100 Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Materi Bahasa Inggris Kompetensi Dasar (3.7) – Kelas 8 SMP, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

100 Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Materi Bahasa Inggris Kompetensi Dasar (3.7) – Kelas 8 SMP

Terimakasih yang sudah berkunjung ke website Kali ini kami ingin berbagi 100 contoh soal PG materi bahasa Inggris pada Kompetensi Dasar 3.7 yaitu:

Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan simple present tense).

Mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat.

Choose the best answer!

1.     What is the name of the sport in the picture below?

A.     jogging

B.      swimming

C.       cycling

D.      running

2.     What is the name of the sport in the picture below?

A.      jogging

B.      swimming

C.      cycling

D.      running

3.     What is the name of the sport in the picture below?

A. jogging

B. cycling

C. swimming

D. running

4.     What is the name of the sport in the picture below?

A. archery

B. swimming

C. cycling

D. running

Read the dialogue to answer the questions number 5-10!

After the class is over, Ghania talks to a girl next to her.


What do you usually do after class?


I usually go jogging after class. Do you ever exercise after school?


No, I don't. I don't exercise very often.

5.     Ghania and Aisyah are ....

A.     classmate

B.      soulmate

C.       housemate

D.      stalemate

6.     What kind of sport is mentioned in the conversation above?

A.      swimming

B.     jogging

C.       running

D.      cycling

7.     Who usually go jogging?

A.      Ghania

B.     Aisyah

C.       Both of them

D.      None of them

8.     Who don't exercise very often?

A.     Ghania

B.      Aisyah

C.       Both of them

D.      None of them

9.     When does Aisyah go jogging?

A.      in the morning

B.      in the night

C.       after Biology class

D.     after class

10.  Aisyah sits ... Siti.

A.     next to

B.      before

C.       behind

D.      in front of

Read the dialogue to answer the questions number 11-20!


You're really fit, Galuh. Do you exercise a lot?


Well, I go swimming twice a week and I play football once a week.


Wow! I never go swimming.


Do you ever play football?


No, I don't. I usually play badminton.


Really? How often do you play badminton?


I play badminton twice a week.

11.   How many sports are there in dialogue above?

A.      1

B.      2

C.      3

D.      4

12.  What kind of sports are mentioned in the dialogue above?

A.     Swimming, football, badminton

B.      Swimming, football, cycling

C.       Cycling, football, archery

D.      Badminton, tennis, football

13.   There are ... peoples in the dialogue.

A.      1

B.     2

C.       3

D.      4

14.   Who go swimming?

A.      Aal

B.     Galuh

C.       Both of them

D.      None of them

15.   Who play football?

A.      Aal

B.     Galuh

C.       Both of them

D.      None of them

16.   Who play badminton?

A.     Aal

B.      Galuh

C.       Both of them

D.      None of them

17.   Who is supposed to be really fit?

A.      Aal

B.     Galuh

C.       Both of them

D.      None of them

18.   Who never plays football?

A.     Aal

B.      Galuh

C.       Both of them

D.      None of them

19.   How many times does Aal play badminton?

A.      once a week

B.     twice a week

C.       three times a week

D.      four times a week

20.   How many sports does Galuh do?

A.      1

B.      3

C.      2

D.      4

21.   Badminton means ....

A.     bulu tangkis

B.      sepak bola

C.       sepak takraw

D.      tenis

22.   Swimming means ....

A.      bulu tangkis

B.      sepak bola

C.      berenang

D.      tenis

23.   Football means ....

A.      bulu tangkis

B.     sepak bola

C.       berenang

D.      tenis

24.   Cycling means ....

A.      bulu tangkis

B.      sepak bola

C.      bersepeda

D.      tenis

25.   Tennis means ....

A.      bulu tangkis

B.      sepak bola

C.       bersepeda

D.     tenis

Read the dialogue to answer the questions number 26-35!

Aal and Galuh will discuss a subject after class at the Galuh’s house.


I think your father is really fit, Galuh. Does he exercise a lot?


Well, he always gets up early in the morning and he usually go for walks. He also does yoga.


Wow! How often does he do yoga?


He does yoga three times a week.

26.   Who have a dialogue above?

A.     Aal and Galuh

B.      Aal and Galuh's father

C.       Galuh and Aal's father

D.      Aal's father and Galuh's father

27.   Where does the dialogue take place?

A.     at the Galuh's house

B.      at the garden

C.       at the school

D.      at the park

28.   Who are Aal and Galuh talking about?

A.     Galuh's father

B.      Aal's father

C.       Galuh and Aal's father

D.      Aal and Galuh's father

29.   Aal and Galuh are probably ....

A.     classmate

B.      checkmate

C.       housemate

D.      roommate

30.   Who always gets up early?

A.     Galuh's father

B.      Aal's father

C.       Galuh and Aal's father

D.      Aal and Galuh's father

31.   Who think that Galuh's father is really fit?

A.     Aal

B.      Galuh

C.       Aal and Galuh

D.      none of them

32.   Who usually goes for walks?

A.      Aal

B.      Galuh

C.       Aal and Galuh

D.     Galuh's father

33.   Who also does yoga?

A.      Aal

B.      Galuh

C.       Aal and Galuh

D.     Galuh's father

34.   How often does Galuh's father do yoga?

A.      once a week

B.      twice a week

C.      three times a week

D.      four times a week

35.   What is yoga?

A.     a type of exercise in which you move your body into various positions in order to become more fit or flexible, to improve your breathing, and to relax your mind.

B.      a Japanese sport or way of fighting in which people fight using their hands, elbows, feet, and legs

C.       a Korean martial art that resembles karate

D.      a sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground.

36.   Which one is Yoga?





37.   Which sport needs the fewest equipments?





38.   Which sport doesn't need shoes?

A.     pencak silat

B.      football

C.       basketball

D.      tennis

39.   Which sport needs racket?

A.     badminton

B.      pencak silat

C.       running

D.      swimming

40.   Which sport takes place in the water?

A.      badminton

B.      pencak silat

C.       running

D.     swimming

41.   Which one is the expression of asking about habits and routines?

A.     How often do you do yoga?

B.      Do you ever do yoga?

C.       I lift weights everyday.

D.      I always go for walks after school.

42.   Which one is the expression of asking the frequency of someone's activity?

A.     How often do you do yoga?

B.      Do you ever do yoga?

C.       I lift weights everyday.

D.      I always go for walks after school.

43.   Which one is the expression of telling about habits and routines?

A.      How often do you do yoga?

B.      Do you ever do yoga?

C.       I lift weights everyday.

D.     I always go for walks after school.

44.   Which one is the expression of telling about habits and routines by using adverb of frequency?

A.      How often do you do yoga?

B.      Do you ever do yoga?

C.       I lift weights everyday.

D.     I always go for walks after school.

45.   Always, usually, normally, are some kinds of ....

A.     adverb of frequency

B.      adverb of manner

C.       adverb of place

D.      adverb of time

Complete the table with the right adverb of fre-quency!


Adverb of Frequency


(46) . . .


(47) . . .


(48) . . .


(49) . . .


(50) . . .


(51) . . .


(52) . . .


(53) . . .


(54) . . .


46.   . . .

A.     always

B.      usually

C.       normally

D.      often

47.   . . .

A.      always

B.     usually

C.       normally

D.      often

48.   . . .

A.      always

B.      usually

C.      normally

D.      often

49.   . . .

A.      always

B.      usually

C.       normally

D.     often

50.   . . .

A.     sometimes

B.      usually

C.       normally

D.      often

51.   . . .

A.      sometimes

B.     occasionally

C.       normally

D.      often

52.   . . .

A.      sometimes

B.      occasionally

C.      seldom

D.      often

53.   . . .

A.      sometimes

B.      occasionally

C.       seldom

D.     hardly

54.   . . .

A.      sometimes

B.      occasionally

C.       seldom

D.     never

55.   We can use ... as the same adverb of frequency with rarely.

A.     seldom

B.      occasionally

C.       never

D.      sometimes


Read the dialogue to answer the questions number 56-65!


Excuse me! Can I interview you?




Well, first, what's your name?


My name is Aisyah.


Okay. So what do you do to keep fit?


I usually go swimming.


How often do you go swimming?


Twice a week.


Where do you usually go swimming?


At the swimming pool.


Ok, thanks!


56.   Who is the interviewer?

A.      Aisyah

B.     Ghania

C.       Aisyah and Ghania

D.      none of them

57.   Who is the interviewee?

A.     Aisyah

B.      Ghania

C.       Aisyah and Ghania

D.      none of them

58.   Interview means ....

A.     wawancara

B.      berbicara

C.       bercakap-cakap

D.      mengobrol

59.   Fit means ....

A.      berolahraga

B.      berjalan

C.      sehat

D.      sakit

60.   How many sports are there in the dialogue?

A.     1

B.      3

C.       2

D.      4

61.   What kind of sport is mentioned in the dialogue?

A.      dancing

B.      cycling

C.       running

D.     swimming

62.   Who usually go swimming?

A.     Aisyah

B.      Ghania

C.       Aisyah and Ghania

D.      none of them

63.   How often does Aisyah go swimming?

A.      twice in a lifetimes

B.      once in a lifetime

C.       once a week

D.     twice a week

64.   Where does Aisyah usually go swimming?

A.      at the beach

B.      at the river

C.      at the swimming pool

D.      at the lake

65.   Swimming pool means ....

A.     kolam renang

B.      laut

C.       pantai

D.      danau

Read the dialogue to answer the questions number 66-75!


Excuse me! Hi there, can I interview you?


Why not? Ask me anything.


OK, what's your name?


My name is Ghania.


And what is your surname?




O.K. So what do you do to keep fit?


I play badminton.


How often do you play badminton?


Three times a week.




You're welcome.

66.   Who is the interviewer?

A.     Aal

B.      Ghania

C.       Aal and Ghania

D.      none of them

67.   Who is the interviewee?

A.      Aal

B.     Ghania

C.       Aal and Ghania

D.      none of them

68.   What is the surname of the interviewee?

A.     Montero

B.      Ghania

C.       none of them

D.      Aal

69.   What is the full name of the interviewee?

A.      Ghania Martinez

B.      Ghania Aal

C.      Ghania Montero

D.      Ghania Mendez

70.   Surname means ....

A.      nama diri

B.     nama keluarga

C.       nama depan

D.      nama orang lain

71.   Who play badminton according to the dialogue?

A.      Aal

B.     Ghania

C.       Aal and Ghania

D.      none of them

72.   How often do Ghania play badminton?

A.      once a week

B.      twice a week

C.      three times a week

D.      four times a week

73.   What makes Ghania fit?

A.      by playing tennis

B.      by playing football

C.       by playing baseball

D.     by playing badminton

74.   What does Aal say to express gratitude?

A.      I play badminton.

B.      Three times a week.

C.       You're welcome.

D.     Thanks!

75.   What does Ghania say to answer Aal's gratitude expression?

A.      I play badminton.

B.      Three times a week.

C.      You're welcome.

D.      Thanks!

Read the dialogue to answer the questions number 76-85!

Galuh and Aisyah Aisyah are sitting in the school canteen.


Hi, Aisyah


Hi, Galuh.


Aisyah Aisyah, can I ask you something?


Sure, why not?


Do you ever do aerobics?


Yes, I do.


Really? How often do you do aerobics?


Twice a week.


Do you do aerobics alone?


Yes. I do it alone in my room.


OK, I see. Thanks!

76.   Who is the interviewer?

A.     Galuh

B.      Aisyah

C.       Galuh and Aisyah

D.      none of them

77.   Who is the interviewee?

A.      Galuh

B.     Aisyah

C.       Galuh and Aisyah

D.      none of them

78.   Where do the dialogue take place?

A.      in the classroom

B.      in the school yard

C.       in the park

D.     in the canteen

79.   Galuh and Aisyah are probably ....

A.      visitor

B.      pen pal

C.      schoolmate

D.      neighbor

80.   What kind of sport is mentioned in the dialogue?

A.      badminton

B.      tennis

C.      aerobic

D.      swimming

81.   Galuh greets Aisyah by saying ...

A.      Can I ask you something?

B.      Hi.

C.       Why not?

D.      Do you ever do aerobics?

82.   Which picture is depicting the aerobic?





83.   How often do Aisyah do aerobics?

A.      Once a week.

B.     Twice a week.

C.       Three times a week.

D.      Four times a week.

84.   With who Aisyah do aerobic?

A.      with her friends

B.      with her mother

C.       with her father

D.     alone

85.   Where do Aisyah do the aerobic?

A.     in her room

B.      in her school yard

C.       in her classroom

D.      in the park

Read the dialogue to answer the questions number 86-90!


Hi Zakir!


Hi Galuh!


Zakir, can I ask you something?


Sure, why not?


Do you ever go cycling?


Yes, I do.


Really? How often do you go cycling?


Almost every day. I always go cycling in the afternoon after school.


OK. Thanks!

86.   Who is the interviewer?

A.     Galuh

B.      Zakir

C.       Galuh and Zakir

D.      none of them

87.   Who is the interviewee?

A.      Galuh

B.     Zakir

C.       Galuh and Zakir

D.      none of them

88.   What sport is mentioned in the dialogue?

A.      jogging

B.     cycling

C.       swimming

D.      running

89.   How often does Zakir go cycling?

A.      Twice in a week.

B.      Once in a week.

C.      Almost every day.

D.      Three times a week.

90.   When does Zakir go cycling?

A.      in the noon

B.      in the evening

C.       in the morning

D.     in the afternoon after school.

Read the dialogue to answer the questions number 91-95!


Ghania, is she your mother?


Yes she is.


I think she is really fit. What does she do to keep fit?


She goes for walks and she sometimes goes swimming.


Really. How often does she go for walks?


She goes for walks every day.


Wow! How often does she go swimming?


She goes swimming once a week.

91.   Zakir and Ghania are talking about ....

A.      Zakir

B.      Ghania

C.       Zakir's mother

D.     Ghania's mother

92.   Who is regarded as really fit according to the dialogue?

A.      Zakir

B.      Ghania

C.       Zakir's mother

D.     Ghania's mother

93.   What does Ghania's mother do to keep fit?

A.     by walking and swimming

B.      by cycling and swimming

C.       by walking and cycling

D.      by jogging and swimming

94.   How often does Ghania's mother go for walks?

A.      every year

B.      every week

C.      every day

D.      every month

95.   How often does Ghania's mother go swimming?

A.      every day

B.     once a week

C.       once a month

D.      once a year

Find the right expressions to complete 96-100!



What do you do to keep fit?

(96) ....

(97) ....

I play football three times a week.

Do you ever do aerobics?

(98) ....

(99) ....

I go swimming once in a month.

What do you usually do after class?

(100) ....

96. . . .

A.      What do you do to keep fit?

B.     I usually do yoga three times a week.

C.       Do you ever do aerobics?

D.      What do you usually do after class?

96.   . . .

A.      I play football three times a week.

B.     How often do you usually play football?

C.       I go swimming once in a month.

D.      I do pencak silat every night.

97.   . . .

A.     I sometimes do aerobic.

B.      What do you do to keep fit?

C.       Do you ever do aerobics?

D.      What do you usually do after class?

98.   . . .

A.      Do you ever do aerobics?

B.      How often do you do aikido?

C.      How often do you go swimming?

D.      I play football three times a week.

100. . . .

A.      What do you do to keep fit?

B.      Do you ever do aerobics?

C.      I always play badminton.

D.      How often do you do aikido?
