, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Contoh-Contoh Soal Short Answer dan Essay Materi Introducing Self and Other Kelas 7 SMP Kurikulum 2013, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Contoh-Contoh Soal Short Answer dan Essay Materi Introducing Self and Other Kelas 7 SMP Kurikulum 2013

Short Answer Questions About Introducing Self and Other

Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.

For number 1-5, put to be into the gaps.

My complete name ___________  (1) Asih Rahmawati. I ___________     (2) a new student in SMP Pelita Bangsa Lombok. It ___________    (3) a very big Junior High School. I have 25 classmates. We   ___________  (4) all from Lombok. My students' number  ___________  (5) B 010 25471


1.      is

2.      I am / I’m

3.      is

4.      are

5.      is

For number 6-10, fill the blanks with the suitable possessive adjectives.

6.      This is ...'s storybook. Anna bought it yesterday.

7.      Hanna and Sarah have many friends. ... friends are from everywhere in Indonesia.

8.      Danu and I like collecting stamps because ... interest is in philately.

9.      Miss Luna has a little baby. ... baby is seven months old.

10.  Those cows are fat and healthy because ... master always feed them fresh grass.

11.  The response of 'how do you do' is ....

12.  The response of 'where do you live' is ....

13.  The response of 'who is s/he' is ....

14.  Edo : ...? Deris : I was born in 1999.

15.  Febian : Dita, this is Anton, our new friend.

Dita : Hi, Anton. Nice to meet you.

Anton : Hi, Dita, . . .


6.   Anna’s

7.   their

8.   our

9.   her

10. their

11. How do you do

12. I live in . . .

13. She/he is . . .

15. nice to meet you too.



Do the following tasks

1. Write the responses for these expressions.

a. What is your name?

Answer: _______________________________________

b. Where are you from?

Answer: _______________________________________

c. Hello, I'm Nina.

Answer: _______________________________________

d. How do you do.

Answer: _______________________________________

e. How do you spell your name?

Answer: _______________________________________


2. Read about Arlin. Then write a short descriptive text about her.

Surname : Nainggolan

First Name : Arlin

Occupation : Student of SMP Permata, Medan

Address : JIn. Teratai No. 22 Medan

Phone Number : 5263537

Age : 12



3. Make a good dialogue between you and a friend using the words below.

• Hello

• How are you?

• Fine

• Thank you

• Nice to see you

• See you later


You                 : …………………………………………..

Your friend   : …………………………………………..

You                 : …………………………………………..

Your friend   : …………………………………………..

You                 : …………………………………………..

Your friend    : …………………………………………..

You                 : …………………………………………..

Your friend   : …………………………………………..


4. Fill in the following form. Joni Ismail is a new student in SMP Cahaya Bangsa. He wants to be a member of the library in his school. He must fill in the form that consists in this data.

Student's Library

SMP Cahaya Bangsa

Jl. Kenanga No.225 Denpasar

Students' Data

1. Full name          : ………………..

2. Date of Birth     : ………………..

3. Address             : ………………..

4. Phone number : ………………..

5. Hobbies             : ………………..

6. Parents name   : ………………..

7. E-mail Address : ………………..

Denpasar, .../.../2017




(your name)


5. Make a dialogue to introduce your friend to others.

You                 : …………………………………………..

Your friend   : …………………………………………..

You                 : …………………………………………..

Your friend   : …………………………………………..

You                 : …………………………………………..

Your friend    : …………………………………………..

You                 : …………………………………………..

Your friend   : …………………………………………..


Answer the following questions based on the text!

Hi! My name is Edward. My friends call me Ed. I’m 12 years old. My Hobby is skateboarding. I want to be your friend.

1.      Who is the boy?

2.      What is Edward nickname?

3.      How old is he?

4.      What is his hobby?

5.      Why does he introduce himself?


1.      He is Edward.

2.      His nickname is Ed.

3.      He is 12 years old.

4.      His hobby is skateboarding.

5.      Because he want to be my friend.


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