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Materi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Personal Letter


contoh personal letter,100 what is personal letter,28 personal letter example,26 personal letter adalah,20 contoh surat personal letter,20 personal letter to friend,18 struktur personal letter,10 structure of personal letter,10 contoh personal letter untuk teman,10 contoh teks personal letter,8 personal letter untuk guru,7 apa itu personal letter,6 contoh personal letter untuk guru,5 materi personal letter,5 contoh personal letter tentang liburan,5  RISING apa itu personal letter,+550% contoh personal letter untuk guru,+180% personal letter untuk guru,+150% contoh teks personal letter,+110% personal letter adalah,+90% struktur personal letter,+70% what is personal letter,+70% personal letter to friend,+70%

Definition of Personal Letter

What is personal letter? A personal letter or a friendly letter is a type of letter which concerns about personal matter, and it is addressed to a person who is known well. Personal letter may help you to maintain and build personal relationship with a person you know well. 


Pengertian Personal Letter

Apa itu personal letter / surat pribadi?  Personal letter adalah  surat pribadi atau surat persahabatan adalah jenis surat yang menyangkut masalah pribadi, dan ditujukan kepada orang yang dikenal baik. Surat pribadi dapat membantu Anda untuk menjaga dan membangun hubungan pribadi dengan orang yang Anda kenal baik.


Example Personal Letter / Contoh Personal Letter dengan Artinya

Text 1



I would like to get to know someone from your country and a friend has told me that you would like to practice your English. Perhaps we could email each other. Could you tell me a bit about yourself and your family? Could you suggest how we might meet sometime in the future? 


Thanks. Simon 






Saya ingin mengenal seseorang dari negara Anda dan seorang teman telah memberi tahu saya bahwa Anda ingin melatih bahasa Inggris Anda. Mungkin kita bisa saling mengirim email. Bisakah Anda ceritakan sedikit tentang diri Anda dan keluarga Anda? Bisakah Anda menyarankan bagaimana kita bisa bertemu suatu saat nanti?


Terima kasih. Simon


Text 2, Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru

Dear Mrs. Hevi,


I’m writing this letter to tell you my deepest and biggest thanks for all these 3 years of my precious senior high school. Actually, you’re the one that make me think that my years in this school is really precious. I didn’t have many joy and interest when first started school, but because of you I can find the joy in this school.

I remember vividly the day when you reached your hand to teach me Economics, and told me to go into competition. I didn’t have much confidence in myself, actually. But thanks to your support, I can got into that competition and became the first place in the city.

I also remember how you’re always on our side, your not-too-good students. When the other teachers avoided us and said that we’re handful, you’re still there for us. You said that you’re understand us, and that words really comforted us.

Thank you very much, Mrs. Hevi. We can’t repay your kindness and big heart no matter how hard we try, but we will always remember you forever. I hope you also will remember us, until the time we meet again.



Your forever student, Hanina




Kepada Ibu Hevi,


Saya menulis surat ini untuk menyampaikan rasa terima kasih terdalam dan terbesar untuk masa-masa berharga saya 3 tahun di SMA ini. Sebenarnya, Anda yang membuat saya merasa bahwa masa-masa itu berharga. Saya tidak memiliki banyak kesenangan dan ketertarikan saat pertama mulai sekolah, tapi karena Anda saya bisa menemukan kesenangan di sekolah ini.

Saya ingat dengan jelas hari dimana Anda mengulurkan tangan untuk mengajari saya Ekonomi, dan menyarankan saya untuk ikut perlombaan. Saya tidak percaya diri dengan diri saya sendiri, sebenarnya. Tapi berkat dukungan Anda, saya bisa mengikuti perlombaan itu dan memenangkan juara pertama tingkat kota.

Saya juga ingat bagaimaan Anda selalu berada di pihak kami, murid-murid Anda yang bukan anak-anak yang sangat baik. Saat guru-guru lain menghindari kami dan bilang kalau kami merepotkan, Anda tetap berada di sisi kami. Anda bilang kalau Anda mengerti kami, dan kata-kata itu sungguh menghibur kami.

Terima kasih banyak, Ibu Hevi. Kami tidak bisa membayar kebaikan dan kebesaran hati Anda bagaimanapun kami berusaha, tapi kami akan selalu mengingat Anda selamanya. Saya harap Anda juga selalu mengingat kami, sampai nanti kita bertemu lagi.



Murid Anda selamanya, Hanina


Contoh Personal Letter untuk Teman, Personal Letter to Friend

17 August 2021


Dear Fatima, 


I hope this letter finds all of you in the best of health and spirits. All of us are also doing fine here. It has been a very long time since we met or wrote to each other. So I thought of penning down a few lines to check things with you. 

We just got back from our vacation to Malang and had a great time. We went to Bromo and Kota Batu. Amazing must see places. If you happen to ever plan a holiday to that side of the world do let me know and I shall give you tips on sightseeing, culinary, etc. 

I want to share something that is disturbing me these days. Mom has not been keeping good health and I am really worried for her. Sometimes I see bad dreams about mom and they wake me up in the middle of the night. I am sure you know what bad dreams I am talking about. Please don’t share this with anybody and I know I can trust you on this. 

Anyways you say what is up with you and how is work? I can see that it is keeping 

you really busy, as I haven’t heard from you at all. 

Give my love to your mom and dad and loads of love to you too. Stay in touch and do write!
Take care 

Love, Aleena 




17 Agustus 2021


Fatimah yang terhormat,


Saya harap surat ini menemukan Anda semua dalam kesehatan dan semangat yang terbaik. Kami semua juga baik-baik saja di sini. Sudah lama sekali kami tidak bertemu atau saling menulis surat. Jadi saya berpikir untuk menulis beberapa baris untuk memeriksa semuanya dengan Anda.

Kami baru saja kembali dari liburan ke Malang dan bersenang-senang. Kami pergi ke Bromo dan Kota Batu. Menakjubkan harus melihat tempat. Jika Anda pernah merencanakan liburan ke belahan dunia itu, beri tahu saya dan saya akan memberi Anda tips tentang jalan-jalan, kuliner, dll.

Saya ingin berbagi sesuatu yang mengganggu saya hari ini. Ibu belum menjaga kesehatan yang baik dan saya benar-benar khawatir untuknya. Terkadang saya melihat mimpi buruk tentang ibu dan mereka membangunkan saya di tengah malam. Saya yakin Anda tahu apa mimpi buruk yang saya bicarakan. Tolong jangan bagikan ini dengan siapa pun dan saya tahu saya dapat mempercayai Anda dalam hal ini.

Bagaimanapun Anda mengatakan ada apa dengan Anda dan bagaimana pekerjaan Anda? Saya dapat melihat bahwa itu tetap

Anda benar-benar sibuk, karena saya belum mendengar kabar dari Anda sama sekali.

Berikan cintaku untuk ibu dan ayahmu dan banyak cinta untukmu juga. Tetap berhubungan dan menulis!

Hati hati

Cinta, Aleena


Generic Structure of Personal Letter

1.     Address

2.     Date

3.     Receiver

4.     Salutation

5.     Introduction

6.     Body

7.     Closing

8.     Complementary Close / Sign off

9.     Sender


Struktur Personal Letter

1.     Alamat

2.     Tanggal

3.     Penerima

4.     Salam

5.     Pembukaan

6.     Isi Surat

7.     Penutup

8.     Komplementer Penutup / Tanda Tangan

9.     Pengirim


Social Function of Personal Letter

The social function of personal letter is to strengthen the bond of the relationship between the two parties of the personal letter.


Fungsi Sosial Personal Letter

Fungsi sosial surat pribadi adalah untuk mempererat ikatan hubungan antara kedua belah pihak surat pribadi.

Kinds of Personal Letter / Jenis Jenis Personal Letter

Person-to-Person Letters

“Person-to-person letters adalah personal letter yang dikirimkan oleh satu orang ke orang lain yang berurusan dengan masalah pribadi, yang bertentangan dengan masalah bisnis.” Berikut jenis-jenis nya.

  • Character reference letter
  • Condolence letter
  • Friendly letter
  • Goodbye letter
  • Love letter
  • Letter of apology
  • Letter of complaint
  • Letter of congratulations
  • Letter of personal reference
  • Letter of resignation
  • Letter of sympathy
  • Letter of thanks
  • Letter of welcome
  • Romantic love letter
  • Teacher letter to parents
  • Thank you letter

Person-to-Business Letters

“Person-to-business letters adalah personal letter yang dikirimkan individu kepada bisnis atau institusi atau yang berurusan dengan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan beberapa jenis hubungan bisnis antara kedua pihak.” Berikut jenis-jenis nya.

  • Acceptance letter
  • Application letter
  • Commendation letter
  • Complaint letter
  • Cover letter
  • Financial hardship letter
  • Financial information letter
  • Hardship letter
  • Introduction letter
  • Letter of application
  • Letter of intent
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Letter of termination
  • Recognition letter
  • Recommendation letter
  • Reference letter
  • Request letter
  • Resignation letter
  • Thank you letter

Language Features of Personal Letter

The language features of personal letter are as follows: 

1.     Focus on exchanging personal current news, feelings, and conditions 

2.     Use of pronouns, simple present tense, and past tense 

3.     Use of date and address 

4.     Informal greetings or salutations 


Fitur Kebahasaan Personal Letter

1.     Fokus pada pertukaran berita, perasaan, dan kondisi pribadi terkini

2.     Penggunaan kata ganti, simple present tense, dan past tense

3.     Penggunaan tanggal dan alamat

4.     Salam informal atau salam


Contoh Soal Personal Letter

Read and Choose the Best Answer A, B, C, or D.


Text 1 for questions 1 – 4


Clifton Scholl

Newport, Gwent



15 September 2012


Dear Tia


I don’t live in England. I live in Wales! Newport is a big town in the south of Wales. It has got population of 120.000 people. My school is in the north of the town. Near the school there are shops, offices, and cafes.

A lot of students like football. After school they play football in the park near the sea. I don’t like football. I go to the swimming pool near the bus station after school. I’m in the school swimming team. I live about four kilometres from school. I don’t walk to school. I go on the school bus. There are a lot of factories near my flat. My mother works in one of the factories. My father doesn’t work.

On Saturday mornings I have guitar lessons in my teacher’s house near the library and museum.

Write and tell me about your town and school.

Love, Anne


1. Anne and Tia... 

  1. used to be classmates 
  2. lived in the same country 
  3. are close friends

D.     were college students 


2. Anne’s flat was close to... 

  1. the hospital 
  2. the factories 
  3. the museum 
  4. Clifton school 


3.     It is implied in the text that Anne lived in . . .

A.     close to Clifton School 

B.     Southern part of Wales 

C.     New England 

D.     South London 


4.     Tia’s answer to the letter would likely be about... 

A.     the condition of her apartment 

B.     her marital status 

C.     her parents’ position at work 

D.     the success in her daily life 


Text for questions 5 to 10


Dear Joanne, 

I really want to thank you for all of the trouble you went to entertaining the entire family over the past holiday season. 

I know that you organize these holiday gatherings because you enjoy doing it and you love to have everyone get together at your place. Nevertheless, I just want to make sure that you understand how much the rest of us appreciate everything you do to make these get-togethers happen. 

Having helped Susan organize a few much smaller social gatherings over the years I know how much work is involved. I realize how much planning and preparation you must have to do each and every year so that the entire extended family and assorted friends and acquaintances have a happy and fun holiday celebration. It's amazing really, that you are able to do such a great job, year after year, in parallel with your other duties, both as a mom and an active volunteer worker! 

So Joanne, on behalf of everyone I want to express my sincere thanks to you for all that you do to assemble and entertain us during the holiday season. You really are the glue that holds our extended family together! 

With love and admiration, John 


5.     How did the writer begin the letter? 

  1. by asking for help 
  2. by asking for apology 
  3. by complimenting 
  4. by greeting


6.     What does the word “glue” mean in (You are really the glue that holds our extended family.) 

A.     The family bounding 

B.     The connection 

C.     To join 

D.     The link 


7.     What is the function of the expression (You are really the glue that holds our extended family together)? 

A.     to sign off 

B.     to quit 

C.     to leave 

D.     to stop 


8.     What is the relation between the sender and the receiver? 

A.     lovers 

B.     close friends 

C.     boss and employee 

D.     family members 


9.     What is the purpose of the text? 

A.     to invite to a social work 

B.     to ask for apology 

C.     to complaint about the event 

D.     to express gratitude 


10.   Who is Susan? 

A.     the writer’s close friend 

B.     the writer’s wife 

C.     the sender’s close friend 

D.     the sender’s wife 

Key answer 

  1. A (used to be Classmates) 
  2. B (the factories) 
  3. B (Southern part of Wales) 
  4. D (the success in her daily life) 
  5. C (by complimenting) 
  6. B (The connection) 
  7. D (to stop) 
  8. B (close friends) 
  9. D (to express gratitude) 
  10. D (the sender’s wife) 