, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Expressions of Asking for and Giving an Advice, Asking for and Giving Suggestion, Expression of Purpose of Doing or Not Doing Something, Expression of Agreement and Disagreement, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Expressions of Asking for and Giving an Advice, Asking for and Giving Suggestion, Expression of Purpose of Doing or Not Doing Something, Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

Asking for and Giving an Advice

An advice is an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation.
  1. Use should and ought to for general advice. e.g. You should go to bed earlier.
  2. Use had better (not) only for very strong advice and warnings. Had better (not) is much stronger than should or ought to. It suggests that something negative will happen if you don't take the advice. We usually only use it in speaking, e.g. You  had better  finish your assignment or you might get a bad score.
  3. Use should in questions. Ought to and had better are not common in questions, e.g. Should I study hard for the final exam?
  4. Use maybe, perhaps, or I think to soften advice. These expressions usually go at the beginning of the sentence. e.g. Maybe you should call her now; Perhaps you ought to work hard to get the extra points; I think you should wake up earlier in order not to miss the school bus.

Asking for and Giving Suggestion

Advice and suggestion are co-related to each other. An advice acts as a noun which means an opinion recommended or offered, while suggestion also acts as a noun which means an idea or a fact that is put ahead for analysis or consideration.
  1. Might (want to), could, why don't/doesn't, and why not are often. used to make suggestions. Suggestions are not as strong as advice.
  2. Use might (want to) and could to make suggestions.  They often express a choice of possible actions. Might is often used with want to, e.g. You might (want to) schedule you writing test in the morning, or you could wait until the afternoon.
  3. Do not use could not in negative suggestions. Use might not want to, e.g. You might not want to be punish for being late.
  4. Why not and why don't/doesn't are both question forms and end with a question mark. e.g. Why don't you prepare costumes for your audition? Why not  prepare costumes for your audition?

Expression of Purpose of Doing or Not Doing Something

  1. We use to, in order to, for, and so that to express purpose of doing or not doing something.
  2. We use to in less formal situation. We use in order to in more formal situation. e.g. I study hard to get an A for the English test; I study hard in order to get an A for the English test.
  3. Use so that to express purpose. We generally need to use modal when using so that. e.g. I wake up earlier so that I will not miss the school bus.
  4. We also use for to express purpose. For may be followed by either a noun or a verb + ing (a gerund). e.g. We go to Lombok for vacation; The students fo to a TV Station for having a field trip.
  5. We use "what for" or "what ..... for" to ask questions about the purpose of doing or not doing something. e.g. What for do we take a warm-up before doing exercise?; What should we have breakfast for?

Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

Agreement is the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in which they approve of accept something.

Example of Agreement
  • I agree with you.
  • So, do I. / I do too.

Example of Disagreement
  • I don't agree with you.
  • I disagree.
  • Neither, do I. / I don't either.
