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Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP dengan Jawaban – Bank Soal Materi Invitations – Bandung

Invitation atau undangan merupakan ajakan dari seseorang kepada orang lain untuk menghadiri sebuah acara atau kegiatan, misalnya pertemuan OSIS, perayaan ulang tahun seseorang, kelulusan sekolah, perpisahan setelah lulus sekolah, dan perayaan hari jadi sekolah atau suatu instansi. Undangan sebaiknya ditulis dengan model huruf yang mudah dibaca dan isinya ditulis dengan jelas. Dalam undangan, kita mencantumkan nama orang yang diundang, acara, waktu (hari, tanggal, jam), tempat, pesan/informasi tambahan, serta nama orang yang mengundang.

Bank Soal Materi Invitation dengan Jawaban

The following text is for questions 1 and 2. 

Dear Handy,

Ghania is turning 15 now

Lees share fun and joy at her

Birthday Party

On Sunday, 9 a.m. — till end

20th January 2019

At Mutiara Restaurant, Jl. Anggrek no. 56

Regrets only to Heni (Call/WA 08744455556663),

by 14th January 2019


1.     What is the writer's intention of writing the text? 

A.     To share fun and joy at a party. 

B.     To inform the location of the party. 

C.     To invite Handy to attend Ghania’s party. 

D.     To ask Handy to come to Jl. Anggrek. 

2.     Suppose Miko cannot attend the party. What should he do after receiving the invitation

A.     Meet Dera at Mutiara Restaurant. 

B.     Visit Dera's house on her birthday. 

C.     Text Danu after 14th January 2019. 

D.     Call Danu before 14th January 2019.

The following text is for questions 3 and 4. 

You're invited to

Graduation Party


Evan Putra Sanjaya

Sunday, 26th May 2019

9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

At his house, Valley Residence Block C no. 2

RSVP at 08577788884455 by 20th May 2019

3.     The writer hopes the invitees …

A.     call him 

B.     attend the party 

C.     compliment him 

D.     congratulate him 

4.     From the text, it can be concluded that …

A.     Evan celebrates his achievement 

B.     Evan will complete his studies soon 

C.     the party will be held in the afternoon 

D.     the party will take place at Evan's school

The following text is for questions 5 and 6. 

To: Arts Club members 

We would like to hold a meeting to discuss our participation in the celebration of the school anniversary. The meeting will be held tomorrow at the school hall after school. Please prepare your idea to enliven the event. If you cannot attend the meeting, please meet Mrs. Sandra for permission. Looking forward to seeing you all in the meeting. 


Arts Club Chairperson 

5.     The writer's intention of writing the text is to … the Arts club's meeting.

A.     inform of the agenda of 

B.     mention the time and place of 

C.     request all the invitees to present 

D.     ask the members to meet Mrs. Sandra before 

6.     Who do you think Mrs. Sandra is? 

A.     The headmistress. 

B.     The Arts teacher. 

C.     The Arts club's advisor. 

D.     The Arts club's secretary. 

The following text is for questions 7 and 8. 

Student Organization SMP Tunas Bangsa

Jl. Merdeka No. 56 Surabaya

(031) 888999788

To: Intan 

You are hereby expected to attend the OSIS meeting which will be held: 

Day/Date          : Wednesday, 27th February 2019 

Time                 : 2 p.m. 

place                : School hall 

Agenda             : Charity programme 

Please be punctual. Thank you for your attention. 


Bony Nugraha   Dania Rahmawati 

OSIS Secretary OSIS Chairperson 

7.     Who will attend the meeting? 

A.     All the students. 

B.     The OSIS secretary. 

C.     The OSIS chairperson. 

D.     The OSIS committee members. 

8.     From the text, we can conclude that 

A.     the invitation is sent by Intan 

B.     the participants should come on time 

C.     the meeting will be held in the OSIS room 

D.     the meeting occurs in the beginning of the month


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