, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

 Pada kesemapatan kali ini kami akan membagikan contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya baik itu pilihan ganda maupun essay. Tetapi sebelum kita membahas soal soal tersebut ada baiknya kita tahu dulu pengertian, generic structure, maupun language features dari advertisement text itu sendiri,kami akan jelaskan dalam bahasa Indonesia ataupun bahasa Inggris.

Daftar Isi

·       Pengertian Advertisement Text

·       Generic Structure Advertisement Text

·       Language Features of Advertisement Text

·       Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

a.     Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Advertisement Text

b.     Contoh Soal Essay Advertisement Text

Baca Juga :  Contoh Soal Latihan Advertisement Text Dengan Jawaban - Kelas 9

Pengertian Advertisement Text

An advertisement is a text to tells the readers about certain information in order to promote and persuade people to buy or use the products/services. Besides to persuade and promote, some advertisement may be used to inform and remind the reader, for example driving safe advertisement. Advertisements can be found in many form of mass media, such as brochures, pamphlets, newspaper, magazine and etc. (Sebuah teks iklan/advertisement adalah sebuah text yang memberitahukan pembacanya tentang informasi tertentu yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan dan mengajak orang-orang untuk membeli atau menggunakan produk/jasa. Disamping mengajak dan mempromosikan, beberapa advertisement bisa saja digunakan untuk menginformasikan dan mengingatkan pembaca, contohnya iklan berkendara dengan aman,

Generic Structure Advertisement Text

Generally, an advertisement is organized as follows. (Pada Umumnya sebuah advertisement text tersusun atas

Headline (Tajuk Utama/Judul Utama)

The Headline is a stating word to draw reader's attention. The headline is usually put in large size. (Judul utama adalah kata-kata pernyataan untuk menarik perhatian para pembacanya. Judul ini biasanya ditulis dalam huruf besar).

Subheadlines (Sub Judul)

Subheadlines are stating words that appear in a smaller type size than the headline, but larger than the body copy or text type size. It is usually take form as selling points and promoting words. (Sub judul adalah kata-kata yang muncul dalam tulisan yang lebih kecil dari judul, tetapi lebih besar dari pada isi iklan itu sendiri. Biasanya dipergunakan dalam bentuk kata-kata penjualan dan promosi).

Body copy (Isi Iklan)

Body copy states the explanation or elaboration of how the product or service being advertised satisfies the consumer's need. (Isi iklan adalah penjelasan penjelasan dari bagaimana sebuah produk atau jasa diiklankan untuk memuaskan atau memenuhi kebutuhan para pelanggannya).


Slogan can be refered as successful headlines. If it is used continuously, become standard statements not only in advertising but also for the public, for example I'm Lovin' It (Mc Donalds company). (Slogan mereferensikan suksesnya sebuah judul. Jika digunakan secara terus menerus, akan menjadi sebuah pernyataan standar tidak hanya mengiklankan tetapi juga untuk umum, contohnya I’m Lovin it sebuah slogan dari perusahaan Mc Donalds, yang memiliki arti saya menyukainya).

Logo and signature cuts (Logo dan Tanda Brand)

Logo and signature cuts present the advertiser's company name or product name. (Logo dan tanda brand dimunculkan dengan nama perusahaan atau produk).

The visual (Tampilan)

Additionally, some advertisements may have other further information, such as contact information, price, and time/place information. (Sebagai tambahan, beberapa advertisement mungkin memiliki informasi lebih lanjut, seperti informasi kontak, harga, dan waktu/tempat).

Language Features of Advertisement Text

Advertisements mostly contain of various linguistics elements. It depends on the advertisements itself. However, some linguistics elements that commonly found in an advertisement are adjective, adverbs, imperative language, and persuasive language. Advertisement is mostly used simple present tenses. (Kebanyakan iklan berisikan berbagai macam elemen tata bahasa. Tergantung kepada iklan itu sendiri. Bagaimanapun, beberapa element kebahasaan yang biasanya di temukan dalam sebuah advertisement adalah kata sifat, kata keterangan, bentuk perintah, dan ajakan. Kebanyakan Advertisement menggunakan kalimat simple present tense)

Jika sudah memahamai hal-hal tersebut diatas mari kita simak contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya.

contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Advertisement Text

The following text is for questions no. 1 – 7

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

1.     This is the advertisement of . . .

A.    product

B.     service

C.     shoes

D.    bag

2.     Number 1 represents . . .

A.     slogan

B.     body copy

C.     headline

D.    subheadline

3.     Number 2 represents . . .

A.     headline

B.     selling words

C.     subheadline

D.    brand product

4.     Number 3 is . . .

A.     Slogan

B.     Headline

C.     selling words

D.    brand product

5.     Number 4 is . . .

A.    slogan

B.     body copy

C.     selling words

D.    brand product

6.     Angel needs school uniforms. Can she buy the product being advertised?

A.     Yes, he can.

B.     No. he can't.

C.     Yes, she can.

D.    No, she can't.

7.     Which statement is false about the advertisement?

A.     This is a product advertisement.

B.     This is a service advertisement.

C.     The advertisement displays the visual of the product.

D.    The advertisement puts the information of contact of the company.

The following text is for questions no. 8 – 10.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

8.     Vania needs to upgrade her laptop. Can she call Vintech Computers?

A.    Yes, she can.

B.     Yes, she will.

C.     No, she cannot.

D.    No, she should not.

9.     Budi has plan to purchase a computer. Can Vintech Computers satisfy his needs?

A.     Yes, they will.

B.     No, they should not.

C.     Yes, they could.

D.    No, they could not.

10.  What does Vintech Computers not offer?

A.     bring back the lost data

B.     clean your computer from viruses

C.     rent the hardware computer to you

D.    solve your computer's internet connection

11.  These are service advertisements, except . . .

A.     car repair advertisement

B.     art supply advertisement

C.     paint classes advertisement

D.    driving lesson advertisement

12.  These are product advertisements, except . . . 

A.     stationery

B.     knitted carpet

C.     a computer set

D.    financial consultant

The following text is for questions number 13 – 18.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

13.  What does the advertisement promote? 

A.     brand

B.     menus

C.     location

D.    discount

14.  These are half price menus, except . . .

A.     pizza

B.     pasta

C.     salads

D.    hot kebab

15.  How much will you pay for 2 pans pizza if the each price is Rp56,000.00?

A.     Rp23,000.00

B.     Rp56,000.00

C.     Rp102,000,00

D.    Rp112,000.00

16.  Kirana wants to eat salads but it's rainy outside. Can she buy the salads in Tomato Italiano using delivery service?

A.    Yes, she can.

B.     No, she can't.

C.     Yes, she will.

D.    No. she won't

17.  What is the social functions of the text?

A.     to describe the restaurant to the readers

B.     to persuade the reader to buy the menus.

C.     to promote about new menus to the readers.

D.    to inform the restaurant renovation to the readers.

18.  Which statement is not true about the ads?

A.     Half price hot deals are for pizza, salads, pasta and hot sandwiches.

B.     Central Ave, Sometown is the location of the restaurant.

C.     Tomato Italiano is the name of the restaurant.

D.    The restaurant offers the discount 50% off for beverages.

The following text is for questions number 19 – 25.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

19.  What are the things being advertised?

A.    cleaning service

B.     painting service

C.     exterior design service

D.    interior design service

20.  What is the purpose of the ads above?

A.     to inform the contact information of the company.

B.     to tell the slogan of the company.

C.     to inform the cleaning service.

D.    to promote the cleaning service.

21.  Aldo needs to tidy up his office. Can he contact Squeaky Clean Services?

A.    Yes, he can.

B.     No, he can't.

C.     Yes, he will.

D.    No, he won't.

22.  What does Squeaky Clean Services offer?

A.     car and bike washing

B.     interior design service

C.     exterior design service

D.    mirror clean and polishing

23.  Budi needs Squeaky Clean Services. He should do these to get the services, except . . .

A.     call number 0800 982 7832

B.     come to Squeaky Clean Services

C.     send email to

D.    send packages to Squeaky Clean Services

24.  Which statement is true about the ads?

A.     This is product advertisement.

B.     Budi is the owner of Squeaky Clean Services.

C.     This advertisement don't put the information of contact.

D.    The advertisement offers commercial building cleaning.

25.  Commercial Building Cleaning ... What is the synonym of the italicized word?

A.     Market

B.     Coroorate

C.     Wholesale

D.    Remarkable

The following text is for questions number 26 – 32.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

26.  This is advertisement of . . .

A.    service

B.     product

C.     stationery

D.    consumer goods

27.  What is not being advertised?

A.     art classes

B.     art supplies

C.     drawing classes

D.    painting classes

28.  What does Artland School of Arts not offer?

A.     Calligraphy

B.     Water color

C.     Basic drawing

D.    Advance drawing

29.  Renata wants to learn drawing. She is a beginner. What class can she join?

A.     Calligraphy

B.     Oil painting

C.     Basic drawing

D.    Acrylic painting

30.  Does the advertisement have the information of contact the Artland School of Arts?

A.     Yes, it do.

B.     Yes, it does.

C.     No, it doesn't.

D.    No, it doesn't.

31.  Mrs. Rachel wants her son joins in Artland School of Arts. She will do the followings, except . . .

A.     She calls 99406 22257.

B.     She visits

C.     She sends message to the owner of Artland school. 

D.    She comes to No-6, Yamunai St, Vasantham Nagar, Avadi.

32.  Which information is true based on the ads?

A.     The address of Artland is No-9, Yamunai St, Vasantham Nagar, Avadi.

B.     Artland School of Arts offers drawing and sculpture classes.

C.     The website of Artland is

D.    It is for kids and family activities.

The following text is for questions number 33 – 40.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

33.  What is the brand of product?

A.    KFC


C.     KFC Deliver

D.    KFC Fried Chicken

34.  What is slogan of product?

A.    Happy new Wednesday

B.     It's finger lickin good

C.     12 Pcs for 350

D.    Save 42%

35.  This is advertisement of . . .

A.     service

B.     consumer good

C.     product

D.    restaurant

36.  "12 Pcs for 350". What is the meaning of this phrase?

A.     We must pay 12 for 350 pieces of this product.

B.     We can get 12 pieces of this product with price 12

C.     We can get 12 pieces of this product with price 350.

D.    We must pay 350 for getting 350 pieces of this product.

37.  What is the meaning of "Save 42%"? 

A.     If you buy the product you get discount 42%.

B.     If you buy the product you save 42%.

C.     If you buy the product you get a half price.

D.    If you eat the product you get a half price.

38.  What is the antonym of save?

A.     keep

B.     waste

C.     rescue

D.    redeem

39.  What should Mr. Rudy do if he wants to get advertised product?

A.     He sends email to

B.     He can call 0141-33334444 anytime.

C.     He sends message to the owner KFC.

D.    He can call 0141-33334444 on Wednesday

40.  Which statement is true based on the ads?

A.     This is service advertisement.

B.     KFC is the slogan of this advertisement.

C.     We can save up to 42% if we buy this product on Wednesday.

D.    We can calls 01 41-33994444 for order this product anytime.

Contoh Soal Essay Advertisement Text

Look at the picture. Then Answer the questions.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

1.     Write two sentences describing the advertisement?

A.     ______________________________________

B.     ______________________________________

2.     Write two sentences describing the product being advertised.

A.     ______________________________________

B.     ______________________________________

3.     Write two sentences to promote the product.

A.     ______________________________________

B.     ______________________________________

4.     Write a short dialog (question-answer) inviting your friend to try the product and his/her acceptance!

Invitation (a) :_______________

Acceptance (b) :________________

5.     Write your opinion about the advertisement. Are you interested to get the offering mentioned in the advertisement? Give your argument.

Jawaban untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas bisa saja bervariasi tergantung dengan kemampuan peserta didik dalam menulis. Tetapi dibawah ini adalah panduan untuk penilaiannya.

  • score 10 if the student writes the argument unreasonably
  • score 15 It the student writes the argument reasonably but ungrammaticall
  • score 20 if the student writes the argument reasonably and grammatically 

Itulah Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk para pembaca semuanya. Jika ada yang perlu file Ms. Wordnya bisa menghubungi dengan memberikan donasi terlebih dahulu untuk perkembangan website ini melalui cara pembayaran yang akan disampaikan di E-mail. Terimakasih.
