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Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Penjelasan Countable dan Uncountable Nouns Bahasa Inggris

Table of Contents
Definition of Countable Nouns
Countable Nouns Examples
Definition Uncountable Nouns
Uncountable Nouns Words and Examples
Contoh Soal Countable dan Uncountable Nouns Dengan Jawaban

Definition of Countable Nouns

Countable nouns are for things/objects we can count using numbers. They have a singular and a plural form. The singular form can use the determiner "a" or "an". If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the plural countable noun.

Countable nouns digunakan untuk benda/objek yang bisa dihitung dengan angka. Kata ini memiliki bentuk singular (tunggal) dan Plural (jamak). Bentuk singular dapat menggunakan determiner "a" atau "an". Jika kamu ingin menanyakan banyaknya dari sebuah countable noun, kamu bisa menanyakannya dengan menggunakan kalimat "How many?"/berapa banyak digabungkan dengan plural countable noun.

Countable Nouns Examples

  • bucket
  • cup
  • bottle
  • bag
  • spoon
  • cookie
  • glass
  • jar
  • plate
Contoh kalimat countable nouns
  1. She has three cats/Dia punya tiga kucing.
  2. I own a car/Aku punya sebuah mobil.
  3. I would like two pencils please/Aku ingin dua pensil.
  4. How many cats do you have?/Berapa banyak kucing yang kamu punya?
  5. I Put The Book On The Bed. / Saya Meletakkan Buku Itu Di Atas Kasur.
  6. He Always Eating An Apple Everyday. / Dia Selalu Mengonsumsi Sebuah Apel Setiap Hari.
  7. A Lot Of People Do Self Quarantine. / Banyak Orang Melakukan Karantina Diri secara Mandiri.
  8. Lot of Apples In The Kitchen. / Banyak Buah Apel Di Dapur.
  9. How Many People That You Invited To Your Birthday Party? / Seberapa Banyak Orang yang Kamu Undang Ke Pesta Ulang Tahun Kamu?
  10. He Took A Lot of Specimens From The Dead Sea. / Dia Mengambil Banyak Sekali Spesimen Dari Laut Mati.
  11. I have a Book. / Saya punya sebuah buku.
  12. Do you like these photos? / Apakah Anda menyukai foto-foto ini?
  13. I’ve got a problem with the car. / Saya punya masalah dengan mobil.
  14. Ghania has a cheese sandwich and a banana for breakfast. / Ghania memiliki sandwich keju dan pisang untuk sarapan.
  15. I have two brothers, Lukman and Panji. / Saya memiliki dua saudara laki-laki, Lukman dan Panji.

Definition Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns are for the things/objects that we cannot count with numbers. They may be the names for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects that are too small to be counted like liquids, powders, gases, etc. Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a plural form.

Uncountable nouns digunakan untuk benda/objek yang tidak bisa hitung dengan angka. Kata ini mungkin nama untuk ide atau sesuatu yang abstrak atau untuk objek yang terlalu kecil untuk dihitung seperti cairan, bedak, gas, dan lain-lain. Uncountable nouns digunakan dengan sebuah kata kerja singular, biasanya tidak memiliki bentuk plural (jamak).

Uncountable Nouns Words and Examples

  • water
  • sugar
  • oil
  • flour
  • salt
  • milk
  • bread
  • tea
  • jam
  • rice
Contoh kalimat uncountable noun
  1. My idea Was Replaced This Morning. / Ide Saya Telah Diganti Pagi Ini.
  2. You Need A Lot Of Equipment Right Now. / Kamu Membutuhkan Banyak Peralatan Saat Ini.
  3. You Will See Nine Bags of Garbage In Front Of Garage. / Kamu Akan Melihat Sembilan Kantung Sampah Di Depan Garasi.
  4. She Put Too Much Sugar To My Coffee. / Dia Memasukan Terlalu Banyak Gula Ke Dalam Kopi Saya.
  5. Can I have some water? / Bisakah saya meminta air?
  6. Can you give me some information about that ? / Bisakah Anda memberi saya beberapa informasi tentang itu?
  7. There has been a lot of research into the causes of this disease. / Ada banyak penelitian tentang penyebab penyakit ini.
  8. He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview. / Dia memberikan banyak nasihat sebelum wawancaraku.
  9. Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns? / Bisakah kamu memberiku informasi tentang uncountable nouns?
  10. He did not have much sugar left. / Dia tidak punya banyak gula tersisa
  11. Measure 1 cup of water, 300g of flour, and 1 teaspoon of salt. / Ukur satu gelas air, 300g tepung, dan satu sendok teh garam.
  12. How much rice do you want? / Berapa banyak beras yang kamu mau?

Contoh Soal Countable dan Uncountable Nouns Dengan Jawaban

1.     Our house has three ...

A.    hair

B.    man

C.    bathroom

D.    party


2.     Thank you so much, i have a great time at the ...

A.    hair

B.    man

C.     bathroom

D.    party


3.     My mother wearing four rings and a ...

A.    neckalce

B.    restaurant

C.     babies

D.    photo


4.     We build two hotel and a ... in this town

A.    neckalce

B.    restaurant

C.     babies

D.    photo


5.     Last year i have three ...

A.    neckalce

B.    restaurant

C.    babies

D.    photo  


6.     Let’s take a ... with me

A.    neckalce

B.    restaurant

C.     babies

D.    photo


7.     My ...still love me

A.    wife

B.    children

C.     plan

D.    photo   


8.     in the corner you can see many ...

A.    wife

B.    children

C.     plan

D.    photo


9.     My family’s ... is go to beach in this holiday

A.    wife

B.    children

C.    plan

D.    photo


10.  I wonder how to climb trees without …

A.    Branch

B.    Branchs

C.    Branches

D.    Branching


11.  Stamped kitchen … are usually cheaper than forged kitchen …

A.    Knife

B.    Knives

C.     Knifes

D.    Knifing


12.  … and flowers may brighten up your living room.

A.    Vass

B.    Vas

C.    Vases

D.    Vased


13.  If you have other email … , please indicate them.

A.    Address

B.    Addresses

C.     Address/addresses

D.    Addressed


14.  I love to visit both public and academic …

A.    Library

B.    Librarys

C.     Libraryet

D.    Libraries


15.  He cleaned up his kitchen sink after finding two …

A.    Mouses

B.    Mouse

C.    Mice

D.    Mousing



16.  Have you ever been to the … ?

A.    Island/islands

B.    Island

C.     Islands

D.    Islandes


17.  To improve database efficiency, they use these …

A.    Method

B.    Methodes

C.    Methods

D.    Methoded



18.  How many … can we eat per week?

A.    Eggs

B.    Egg

C.     Eggs/egg

D.    Egges


19.  There are a couple of … with antlers.

A.    Deers

B.    Deer

C.     Deeres

D.    Deered


20.  There is … water on the floor

A.    some

B.    any

C.     many

D.    a few


21.  Do you have … food?

A.    some

B.    any

C.     many

D.    a few


22.  … people come to my party .

A.    some

B.    any

C.     many

D.    a few


23.  There is … men in the bus.

A.    some

B.    any

C.     many

D.    a few


24.  There are … students here.

A.    some

B.    any

C.     many

D.    fewer


25.  I don’t have .. money left

A.    some

B.    any

C.     many

D.    fewer


26.  I collected … dolls

A.    some

B.    any

C.    many

D.    fewer


27.  He pays me … money than I thought

A.    some

B.    any

C.     many

D.    fewer


28.  Which of these following sentences is wrong?

A.    I have so much apples to share.

B.    There are several mugs left inside our living room.

C.     We bought three rods and two balls at a sport center yesterday.

D.    A pin is needed to clip our documents.


29.  He lives inside an upper-floored room inside an apartment. He lives inside a …

A.    suite

B.    rooftop

C.    penthouse

D.    studio room


30.  There is a … inside my house

A.    lamp

B.    cats

C.     motorbikes

D.    studio room


31.  My family own three … with their own equipment

A.    lamp

B.    cats

C.     motorbikes

D.    studio room


32.  Many … are parking inside that area

A.    lamp

B.    cats

C.    motorbikes

D.    studio room


33.  Waiters, please give…for me !

A.    two sandwiches

B.    animals

C.     eggs

D.    games


34.  How many … are there?

A.    two sandwiches

B.    animals

C.     eggs

D.    games


35.  How many … for breakfast ?

A.    two sandwiches

B.    animals

C.    eggs

D.    games


36.  How many … shall we play ?

A.    two sandwiches

B.    animals

C.     eggs

D.    games


37.  How many … do you have ?

A.    toys

B.    sisters

C.     motorcycle

D.    car


38.  I have two …, their name is Clara and Sinta

A.    toys

B.    sisters

C.     motorcycle

D.    car


39.  I’ve got dilema with the …

A.    toys

B.    sisters

C.    motorcycle

D.    car


40.  Do you like these …?

A.    toys

B.    sisters

C.     motorcycle

D.    car


41.  There are two … in my food

A.    hair

B.    man

C.     bathroom

D.    party


42.  Look at there, you can see a…?

A.    hair

B.    man

C.     bathroom

D.    party


43.  Our house has three …

A.    hair

B.    man

C.    bathroom

D.    party


44.  Thank you so much, i have a great time at the …

A.    hair

B.    man

C.     bathroom

D.    party


45.  My mother wearing four rings and a …

A.    neckalce

B.    restaurant

C.     babies

D.    photo


46.  We build two hotel and a … in this town

A.    neckalce

B.    restaurant

C.     babies

D.    photo


47.  Last year i have three …

A.    neckalce

B.    restaurant

C.    babies

D.    photo


48.  Let’s take a … with me

A.    neckalce

B.    restaurant

C.     babies

D.    photo


49.  My …still love me

A.    wife

B.    children

C.     plan

D.    photo



50. My family’s … is go to beach in this holiday

A.    wife

B.    children

C.    plan

D.    photo


Decide whether these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U)

1.     The children are playing in the garden. (C)

2.     I don't like milk. (U)

3.     I prefer tea. (U)

4.     Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution. (C)

5.     My mother uses butter to prepare cakes. (U)

6.     There are a lot of windows in our classroom. (C)

7.     We need some glue to fix this vase. (U)

8.     The waiters in this restaurant are very professional. (C)

9.     My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning. (C)

10.  The bread my mother prepares is delicious. (U)

11.  Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery. (C)

12.  Some policemen are organizing road traffic to avoid any accidents. (C)

13.  I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic. (C)

14.  I'd like some juice please! (U)

15.  Successful candidates will join the camp later this year. (C)

16.  A rise in oil prices is inevitable since there is more and more world demand for energy. (U)

17.  The exercises on this website are interesting. (C)

18.  Dehydrated babies must drink a lot of water. (U)

19.  Adult illiterates learn through a special government program. (C)

20.  I met some nice people when I was walking along the beach. (C)
