Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Announcement, Invitation, and Short Message Text SMP.
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18 Contoh Soal Announcement, Invitation, and Short Message Text, Jawaban,
dan Pembahasannya. Berikut ini kami rangkumkan materi Bahasa Inggris dengan materi Announcement, Invitation, and Short Message Text
Text seringkas mungkin, untuk latihannya di lengkapi dengan contoh soal,
jawaban, dan pembahasan.
Daftar Isi
Announcement Text
Announcement Text (Pengumuman) adalah suatu teks dalam bahasa inggris
yang bertujuan untuk mengumumkan suatu kegiatan atau acara kepada orang
lain.Tujuan komunikatif teks announcement adalah untuk memberitahukan/
menyerukan/ mengajak (to Announce/inform/give information about... ).
Struktur teks announcement:
Title (judul) merupakan bagian penting dalam pengumuman karena
mewakili isi keseluruhan dari pengumuman tersebut walaupun kadanang
tidak disebutkan dengan jelas.
Explanation (penjelasan/penjabaran/uraian) berupa penjelasan
lebih lanjut mengenai pengumuman tersebut Biasanya terdiri dari informasi
dasar yang mencakup: jenis kegiatan, waktu, tempat, dan partisipan.
Contoh Announcement Text
It's that time of year again. As you all know, Christmas is our busiest season
of the year. Every year is a struggle for management and supervisors to find
the time and energy to organize a staff Christmas party. This year, we have
decided to postpone the Christmas party until after our busy season.
Party Detail:
Date : 2nd or 3rd Saturday in January
Theme : Beach
Food : Caribbean
Special event : Karaoke and happy dancing
We apologize that the celebration will have to wait until the new year. Anyone
interested to help out with the event is encourage to call Lucy. Lucy's cell
phone number is 222-3098. Please contact Lucy outside business hours regarding
this matter.
Invitation Text
Invitation (undangan) adalah teks berisi permohonan untuk
menghadiri suatu acara atau kegiatan yang diberikan seseorang kepada orang
lain. Misalnya perayaan ulang tahun, pertemuan sekolah, dan Iain-Iain.
Struktur atau bagian-bagian di dalam teks invitation:
- Invitee -> siapa yang diundang
- Body ofinvitation -> isi undangan biasanya berupa hal hal berikut ini:
- Occasion: undangan dibuat untuk acara apa
- Day or Date: ha ri dan tanggal
- Time: waktu yang ditetapkan
- Place: tempat penyelenggaraan acara
- Inviter siapa yang mengundang
Contoh Invitation
Short Message Text
Short Message (Pesan singkat) adalah sebuah teks pesan singkat
yang ditujukan untuk menginformasikan atau memberikan instruksi kepada orang
lain, jenis-jenis short message antara lain:
Memo adalah sebuah pesan pendek yang dituliskan pada selembar kertas
dengan tujuan menyampaikan sesuatu pada seseorang.
SMS (Short Message Service)
SMS adalah layanan pesan pendek yang dikirimkan oleh pengirim kepada si
penerima melalui handphone.
Greeting Card (Kartu Ucapan)
Greeting card ditulis dengan tujuan untuk memberikan
ucapan-ucapan khusus kepada si penerima (misal: ulang tahun, wisuda, dan
18 Contoh Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Announcement, Invitation, and Short Message Text SMP Lengkap dengan Jawaban dan Pembahasan
Multiple Choice
Text for questions 1 and 2
Dear all Student members,
The time for preparing our art performance for Student to Europe is limited.
We plan to start our 'angklung' music practice next week. Let me know your
available day and time. We need at least 80 minutes for practice.Text the
available time via our WhatsApp group soon.
Thank you,
1. The text is mainly about... available day and time for'angklung' music
A. saying
B. finding
C. collecting
D. announcing
2. What would happen if all the members texted the available day and time
through WA group?
A. The preparation of angklung music is made.
B. The procedure of angklung music is set.
C. The result of the day and time to practice is cancelled.
D. The process of deciding time and day for practice is started.
Text for questions 4 and 5
3. What should people do to see the tiger cubs?
A. Come to the zoo on weekends.
B. Go to the zoo on weekdays.
C. Visit them in the afternoon.
D. Contact the zoo management.
4. "Santana and Mariah (Tiger Cubs)"
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
A. families
B. babies
C. mothers
D. relatives
Text for question 5
Ananda Putri
Let's have some fun!
In my birthdaytime
Sunday, 31 st August
2 pm
At my house, Jalan Dahlia No.38 Semarang
R.S.V.P Mom Clara at 08987654321
5. What is the purpose of the writer to compose the text?
A. To tell how to get Ananda's house
B. To invite someone to come to Dahlia street
C. To inform that Ananda will hold a birthday party
D. To ask someone to come to Ananda's birthday party
Text for questions 6 to 8
Drama Club
The Drama Club will perform a play called "The Magic Carpet" All teachers,
parents, and students are in vited to watch the play. The play will be held
Day/date : Monday, December 21st, 2016
Time : 10.00 a.m.
Venue : School hall
Students who are interested in taking part in this play may register their
names to Mr. Rudi in his office.
6. What is the writer's purpose to write the text?
A. To hold the drama club at school.
B. To tell about drama club at school.
C. To explain how to join drama club at school.
D. To invite the readers for watching drama show
7. Where should the students register to join theplay?
A. At students club
B. In Rudi's office
C. At drama club
D. At school hal
8. Who can join the play?
A. All students
B. All parents
C. All teachers
D. All students who have registered themselves
Text for questions 9 to 11
In celebration of youth art month Bina Prestasi elementary school presents
The 5th Annual Student's Art Exhibition
We invite all students to participate in one of the following programs:
- Fine art
- Musical performance
- Dance performance
Please contact your art teachers or register to creation@bp.ac.id
9. Why does the school publish that announcement?
A. To inform about youth art month.
B. To ask students' participations.
C. To present "creations".
D. To contact their art teachers.
10. What can students present in the art exhibition?
A. Poetry reading
B. Paintings
C. Storytelling
D. Garage sale
11. " The 5th annual students art exhibition"
The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. once a year
B. twice a year
C. three times a year
D. four times a year
Text for question 12
To : Mr. Handy
From : Ghania
Phone Number : +6242897640
The monthly meeting is postponed due to the technical reason.
Further information will be conveyed soon. Call him, when you are back.
12. Who delivered the message to Mr. Winfield?
A. Ghania
B. Mr. Handy
C. Ghanias's Secretary
D. The Secretary of Mr. Handy
Text for questions 13 and 14
Friends and Family
Join us to celebrate
Casey's 15^ birthday!
Saturday, 21 May 2016
123 Main Street Perth
RSVP to Lisa at 123-456-7891
13. When will Casey's birthday be held?
A. At night
B. In the evening
C. In the morning
D. In the afternoon
14. What can we conclude from the invitation?
A. The invitation is written by Lisa.
B. For confirmation, we can contact Lisa.
C. Charlotte and Lisa are Casey's cousins.
D. Lisa is the owner of the house at 123 main street Perth.
Text for questions 15 and 16
To: Nurul
Mutia and I are going to swim after school this afternoon. If you are free,
you can join us. Meet us at Atlas Swimming Pool at 3 RM. don't bring any
snacks Mutia will treat us. It's her birthday.
15. Who will go swimming?
A. Nurul and Nina
B. Nina and Nurul
C. Nina and Mutia
D. Mutia and I
16. What is the writer's purpose of writing the message?
A. To treat someone on a birthday
B. To ask someone to join an activity
C. To remind someone about an activity
D. To show someone's attention to a friend
Text for questions 17 and 18
17. Why does the Consulate close for a moment?
18. How if the reader needs the Consulate in case of emergency?
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