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Lengkap Jawaban Worksheet Chapter 5 English for Nusantara Kelas 7

Contoh Jawaban dan Penjelasan Jawaban Worksheet 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English for Nusantara Kelas 7

Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7

Kurikulum Merdeka sudah mulai di terapkan hampir di seluruh sekolah baik dari SD, SMP/Mts, dan SMA/MA/MAK, tentunya perubahan Kurikulum ini dari Kurikulum 2013 ke Kurikulum merdeka pastinya akan membawa perubahan, tidak hanya dari segi pengimplentasiannya tetapi juga ke segi materi dan metode pembelajarannya. Tentunya pemerintah juga mengeluarkan buku materi pembelajarannya dari Kemdikbudristek untuk mendukung kesuksesan pembelajaran, nah salah satunya untuk buku bahasa Inggris telah terbit English for Nusantara untuk kelas 7 dan kelas 8.

Menanggapi hal tersebut kami ingin memberikan contoh-contoh jawaban dan penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai worksheets yang ada pada buku tersebut. 

Daftar Isi

Berikut ini Contoh Jawaban Worksheet English for Nusantara Chapter 5 Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22

Jawaban Worksheet 5.1 Chapter 5

Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.1

Perintah / Instruksi
Pada Worksheet 5.1 ini kita harus memperhatikan gambar yang ada pada lembar kerja ini kemudian kita harus bisa menyebutkan benda atau tempat apa saja yang ada pada gambar dengan cara mencentang kotak-kota yang sudah disediakan.

Let’s take a look at this picture. This is SMP Merdeka. What can you see in the picture?” / Mari kita lihat gambar ini. Ini adalah SMP Merdeka. Apa yang bisa kamu lihat di dalam gambar?

Now, Give a check to the thing or area that you can see in the picture.” Sekarang berikan sebuah tanda centang atau area yang bisa kamu lihat di gambar.

Berikut jawabannya:

Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7

Jadi didalam gambar tersebut terdapat Bendera, Ruangan Kelas, Halaman Sekolah, dan Taman, sedangkan untuk perpustakaan tidak terdapat di dalam gambar.

BNB barenbliss Peach Makes Perfect Lip Tint Korea Lip Gloss「24H Moisturizing」 dengan harga Rp62.000. Dapatkan di Shopee sekarang!

Jawaban Worksheet 5.2 Chapter 5

english for nusantara kelas 7
Worksheet 5.1

Perintah / Instruksi
Pada worksheet ini kita harus menandai True (Benar) / False (Salah) pernyataan-pernyataan yang berada pada worksheet 5.2 berdasarkan Audio 5.2 yang telah di dengarkan. Sebelum membahas jawabannya berikut ini adalah transkrip dari Audio 5.2.

Transkrip Percakapan Audio 5.1. Chapter 5 english for nusantara kelas 7
Transkrip Percakapan Audio 5.1

Terjemahan transkrip percakapan Audio 5.1

Galang    : Hai, Monita. Bagaimana kabarmu?
Monita    : Kabar saya sangat baik
Galang    : Monita, ini Pipit. Dia adalah murid baru. Pipit, ini Monita
Monita    : Hai, Pipit, Apa kabar?
Pipit        : Hai, Monita. Apa kabar?
Galang    : Pelajaran kita apa selanjutnya setelahh jam istrirahat?
Monita    : Pelajaran selanjutnya adalah Ilmu Pengeteahuan Alam dengan Pak Romy. Kita akan Belajar di Laboratorium Science.
Pipit        : Oh Ya? Kamu tahu dimana Laboratorium Science berada?
Monita    : Laboratorium IPA berada disebelah Perpustakaan.
Pipit        : Oke, Terimakasih Monita. Saya tidak sabar untuk belajar dengan Pak Romy

Setelah kita memahami isi percakapannya kita bisa menjawab worksheet 5.2, berikut ini jawaban worksheet 5.2

Jawaban Worksheet 5.2 Chapter 5 English for Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.2 Chapter 5

Jawaban Worksheet 5.3 Chapter 5

Jawaban Worksheet 5.3 Chapter 5 English for Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.3

Perintah / Instruksi
Kali ini kita juga harus mendengarkan terlebih dahulu percakapan atau Audio 5.2 untuk menjawab worksheet 5.3 didalam percakapan tersebut dibicarakan posisi-posisi ruangan yang ada di sekolah kemudian kita harus menjab dengan memberikan tanda ceklis atau silang pada kotak yang sudah disediakan apakah posisi gambar nomor 1 - 5 sudah benar sesuai dengan percakapan yang kita dengarkan. Sebelum menjawab worksheet 5.3 ini ada baiknya di pahami dulu percakapannya berikut ini:

Transkrip Percakapan Audio 5.2 Chapter 5 English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Transkrip Percakapan Audio 5.2

Terjemahan Transkrip Percakapan Audio 5.2

Galang    : Pelajaran IPA sangat menyenangkan bukan?
Monita    : Iya, Saya menyukai Pelajaran IPA!
Pipit        : Hey, Galang, ruangan apa itu?
Galang    : Yang mana?
Pipit        : Yang satu itu yang diantara ruang Kepala Sekolah dan ruangan kelas 9?
Galang    : Oh, itu adalah Klinik
Pipit        : Oh begitu. Bagaimana dengan ruangan yang berada disamping ruangan kelas 7?
Galang    : Itu ruangan Kesenian. Biasanya Bu Irma, Guru Kesenian kita, membawa kita kesana untuk belajar kesenian.
Monita    : Guys, Aku perlu pergi ke toilet. Kalian bisa pergi ke kelas duluan.
Pipit        : Baiklah. Sampai berjumpa di kelas, Monita.

Setelah kita memahami percakapan diatas, berikut jawaban worksheet 5.3:
Jawaban Worksheet 5.3 Chapter 5 English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.3

Jawaban Worksheet 5.4 Chapter 5

Worksheet 5.4 Chapter 5 English for Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.4

Perintah / Instruksi
Disini kita harus menjawab 5 buah pertanyaan pada lembar kerja tersebut, adapun terjemahan dari 5 pertanyaan tersebut adalah:
  1. Dimana letak Klinik?
  2. Dimanakah ruangan Kesenian?
  3. Dimanakah ruangan Kepala Sekolah?
  4. Dimanakah ruangan Kelas 3?
  5. Dimanakah ruangan Kelas 1?
Untuk menjawab lembar kerja ini kita harus kembali mendengarkan atau memahami percakapan yang ada di transkrip audio 5.2. Berikut jawaban worksheet 5.4:
  1. It is between the principal’s office and the third graders’ classroom. / Ada diantara ruangan Kepala Sekolah dan ruangan Kelas 3.
  2. It is beside the first graders’ classroom. / Ada disampung ruangan kelas 1.
  3. It is beside the clinic or It is beside the third graders’ classroom. / Ada disamping Klinik atau disamping ruangan kelas 3.
  4. It is beside the principal’s office. / Ada disamping ruangan Kepala Sekolah
  5. It is beside the clinic. / Ada disamping Klink.

Jawaban Worksheet 5.5 Chapter 5

Worksheet 5.5 Chapter 5
Worksheet 5.5

Perintah / Instruksi
Pada lembar kerja ini kita harus mendengarkan kembali sebuah percakapan pada Audio 5.3 untuk menjawabnya, berikut transkrip dari percakapan audio tersebut:
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Transkrip percakapan Audio 5.3

Terjemahan transkip percakapan audio 5.3
Pipit        : Monita, bisakah kamu memberitahuku di mana ruang guru?
Monita    : Kenapa kamu ingin pergi kesana?
Pipit        : Ibu Ayu mau ketemu saya disana setelah istirahat sekolah.
Monita    : Langsung saja. Berjalan melewati laboratorium IPA dan perpustakaan. Belok kiri. Langsung turun. Ruang guru berada di samping kantin.
Pipit        : Oh, oke, tapi sebelum saya pergi menemui Ibu Ayu, saya harus ke toilet dulu. Apakah Anda tahu di mana itu?
Monita    : Nah, kamu tahu laboratorium IPA kan? Berjalan melewati laboratorium dan perpustakaan. Belok kanan. Toilet anak perempuan ada di sebelah kiri Anda di samping toilet anak laki-laki.
Pipit        : Oh, baiklah. Terima kasih.
Monita    : Terima kasih kembali

Setelah memahami percakapan diatas berikut ini jawaban worksheet 5.5:
  1. Go straight. / Lurus
  2. Turn left. / Belok kiri
  3. Turn right. / Belok Kanan

Jawaban Worksheet 5.6 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.6

Perintah / Instruksi
Pada lembar kerja ini kita akan melengkapi kalimat yang ada pada gambar diatas menggunakan kata beside, between, behind, in front of, or across from. Kita artikan terlebih dahulu kata-kata tersebut:
  • Beside = disamping
  • Between = diantara
  • Behind = dibelakang
  • In front of = didepan
  • Across from = disebrang dari
Setelah kita mengetahui arti dari kata-kata tersebut dan memahami gambar pada lembar kerja diatas, berikut jawaban worksheet 5.6
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.6

Jawaban Worksheet 5.7 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.7

Pada lembar kerja ini ada baiknya kita mengetahui bagaimana caranya meminta dan memberikan arah kepada orang, berikut tentang how asking and giving directions:
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Asking and Giving Direction Expressions


Asking and Giving Directions
  • Can you tell me where teachers' room is? / Bisakah kamu memberitahuku dimana ruangan guru berada?
  • Go straight forward until you find the library. / Lurus terus kedepan sampai kamu menemukan perpustakaan.
  • Turn Left. / Belok ke kiri.
  • Go straight forward. The teachers' room is beside the canteen. / Lurus terus kedepan. Ruangan Guru berada disamping kantin. 
  • Where is the toilet? Dimanakah toilet?
  • Go straight forward until youfind the toilet. / Lurus terus kedepan sampai kamu menemukan toilet.
  • Turn right. / Belok kanan.
  • The toilet is on your left. / Toilet ada disebelah kirimu.
  • Can you show me the way to the clinic? / Bisakah kamu menunjukan kepadaku jalan ke Klinik?
  • Go straight forward in the corridor until you find the ninth graders’ room. / Terus lurus kedepan di koridor sampai kamu menemukan ruangan kelas 9.
  • Turn right. / Belok kanan.
  • The clinic is beside the principal’s office. / Klinik berada disamping ruangan Kepala Sekolah.

Setelah mengetahui bagamaina caranya meminta dan memberikan arah dalam bahasa Inggris mari kita jawab worksheet 5.7 berikut jawaban lembar kerja tersebut:
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban worksheet 5.7 Chapter 5

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Jawaban Worksheet 5.8 Chapter 5

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worksheet 5.8

Perintah / Instruksi
Pada lembar kerja ini cukup mudah untuk kita kerjakan, kita hanya diminta untuk membuat peta dari lingkungan sekolah kita mulai dari kelas, lapangan, Lab IPA, Lab Komputer, dll. Silahkan untuk menyesuaikan dengan kondisi sekolah masing-masing. Ini lah beberapa nama tempat di sekolah yang bisa kita jadikan referensi:
  1. Ruangan Kelas = Classroom
  2. Ruangan Guru = Teachers' Room
  3. Ruangan Kepala Sekolah = Principal's / Headmaster's Room / Office
  4. Perpustakaan = Library
  5. Lab IPA = Science Laboratory
  6. Lab Komputer = Computer Laboratory
  7. Ruangan Kesenian = Art Room
  8. UKS = Clinic
  9. Kantin = Canteen / Cafetaria
  10. Parkiran = Parking Lot
  11. Ruangan Tata Usaha = Administrations' Office
  12. Tangga = Stairs
  13. Lab Bahasa = Language Laboratory
  14. Ruangan Musik = Music Room
  15. Halaman Sekolah = School Yard
  16. Lapangan Upacara = Field Ceremony
  17. Taman = Garden
  18. WC / Kamar Mandi = Toilet / Bathroom
  19. Koridor = Corridor
  20. Aula Sekolah. =Schools' Hall

Jawaban Worksheet 5.9 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.9 Chapter 5

Perintah / Instruksi
Di Lembar Kerja 5.9 ini kita akan diminta untuk memperhatikan gambar yang di sajikan, kita harus menamai Ekstrakurikuler sesuai dengan gambar yang terlihat dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut jawaban worksheet 5.9:
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.9 Chapter 5

Jawaban Worksheet 5.10 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.10

Perintah / Instruksi
Think about what students do in extracurricular activities. Match the verbs in the left column with the corresponding extracurricular activities on the right column.

Pada worksheet 5.10 ini kita harus menjodohkan kata-kata yang berada dalam kolom dibagian sebelah kiri yang berwarna orange dengan kata-kata yang berada di kolom sebelah kanan yang berwarna merah, yang dimana kata-kata di kolom sebelah kiri berkaitan dengan kata-kata yang berada pada kolom sebelah kanan, berikut jawabannya:
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.10 Chapter 5

atau kita bisa mengisinya dengan cara memberikan garis seperti pada gambar dibawah ini:
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.10 Chapter 5

Jawaban Worksheet 5.11 Chapter 5

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Worksheet 5.11 Chapter 5

Perintah / Instruksi
Look at the pictures in Section 2a again. Using the verbs that you have listed in Section 2b, write what students do in each extracurricular activity. Number one has been done as an example for you. Add information about time and place too.

Nah pada bagian lembar kerja ini kita haru melihat gambar yang sebelumnya kita kerjakan, yang mana kita telah menulis ekstrakurikuler apa saja yang ada pada gambar tersebut dengan mendaftar nama-nama ekstrakurikulernya seperti gambar dibawah ini :

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.9 Chapter 5

Jadi disini kita harus membuat kalimat apa yang dilakukan siswa pada setiap ekstrakurikuler diatas, kita juga harus menambahkan informasi keterangan  dan tempat juga, berikut ini contoh jawaban worksheet 5.11 chapter 5 nomor 1 telah diisi sebagai contoh pada gambar;
  1. In English Club, students read books in English every week. They are also practice Speaking in English.
  2. In Basketball, students learn how to dribble, pass, and shot the ball to the basket. They're practice every Friday afternoon. They're practice in Basketball field.
  3. In Science Club, students do many experiment a lot of things, or they analyze something like food, drink, insects, frog and many else.
  4. In Painting, students draw beautiful picture. They express their ideas and emotions and draw many beautiful or aesthetic picture.
  5. In Pencak Silat, students practice the movements, kick and punch. They're practice every Tuesday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the school yard.
  6. In Scout, students do tracking and explore nature, sometimes they do camping too in nature every weekend in the end of the month. 
  7. In Choir, students sing a lot of beautiful song, they have beautiful voice to listen, they rehearse every Sunday morning at Music Room.
  8. In Dancing, students learn how to move, wave and steps to present beautiful dance.

Jawaban Worksheet 5.12 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.12 Chapter 5

Perintah / Instruksi
Listen again to Audio 5.4. Complete number 1 to 8 in the schedule. Number one has been done for you.

Dalam lembar kerja ini kita harus melengkapi kalimat-kalimat diatas, untuk mengetahui jawabannya kita harus mendengarkan Audio 5.4 nah berikut ini transkrip percakapan pada audio tersebut beserta terjemahannya :



Hey, look at this extracurricular schedule. It says the English Club is on Monday in the library.



Oh, and Science Club is also on Monday. It is in the Science Laboratory. But I’m not interested.



What do you join?



I join Pencak Silat. It is in the school yard every Tuesday. 



Oh, okay. I think Galang joins the basketball club. It is every Wednesday from 3pm to 5pm. 



You’re right. He loves basketball.



Yes. Also, all students must join the scout every Thursday. 



Hmm. What about the choir? Where is it? 



It is in the art room. Painting is also in the art room on the same day. 



What do you think about Andre? What extracurricular activity does he join? 



I think he joins dancing every saturday. 




Hei, lihat jadwal ekstrakurikuler ini. Katanya English Club ada di perpustakaan hari Senin.



Oh, dan Klub Sains juga ada di hari Senin. Itu di Laboratorium Sains. Tapi aku tidak tertarik.



Kamu bergabung dengan ekskul apa?



Aku ikut Pencak Silat. Itu ada di halaman sekolah setiap hari Selasa.



Oh baiklah. Aku pikir Galang bergabung dengan klub basket. Itu setiap hari Rabu dari jam 3 sore sampai jam 5 sore.



Kamu benar. Dia suka basket.



Ya. Juga, semua siswa harus mengikuti pramuka setiap hari Kamis.



Hmm. Bagaimana dengan paduan suara? Dimana itu?



Itu di ruang seni. Lukisan juga ada di ruang seni pada hari yang sama.



Apa pendapat Anda tentang Andre? Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler apa yang dia ikuti?



Saya pikir dia bergabung menari setiap hari Sabtu.

Setelah kita memahami percapakan diatas berikut ini jawaban worksheet 5.12 :
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.12 Chapter 5

Jawaban Worksheet 5.13 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.13 Chapter 5

Disini kita haru memilih jawaban yang tepat sesuai dengan teks bacaan di bawah ini, kami sertakan dengan terjemahannya:

SMP Merdeka Basketball Club

Galang joins an extracurricular activity this semester. He is in SMP Merdeka basketball club. The name of the club is Eagle Merdeka Basketball. Their irst uniform is red and their second uniform is white. The mascot of the team is an eagle.

More than 30 students are in the club. The members of the club always practice once a week with their coach. The coach calls the members of the club as eagles. The eagles always practice on Wednesdays at 3 PM at the school yard.

Eagle Merdeka Basketball club will join a tournament next month in Banjarbaru. They are looking for new players to join the tournament from seventh grader students. The selection for the new players is next week.

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Terjemahan :

Klub Basket SMP Merdeka

Galang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler semester ini. Dia di klub basket SMP Merdeka. Nama klubnya adalah Bola Basket Elang Merdeka. Seragam pertama mereka berwarna merah dan seragam kedua berwarna putih. Maskot tim adalah elang.

Lebih dari 30 siswa berada di klub. Anggota klub selalu berlatih seminggu sekali dengan pelatih mereka. Pelatih menyebut anggota klub sebagai elang. Elang selalu berlatih pada hari Rabu pukul 15.00 di halaman sekolah.

Klub Bola Basket Elang Merdeka akan mengikuti turnamen bulan depan di Banjarbaru. Mereka mencari pemain baru untuk mengikuti turnamen dari siswa kelas tujuh. Pemilihan pemain baru minggu depan.

Setelah kita membaca teks diatas berikut ini jawaban worksheet 5.13 chapter 5:
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. a

Jawaban Worksheet 5.14 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.14 Chapter 5
Perintah / Instruksi
Circle T (True) or F (False) based on the text in Section 6a and schedule in Section 6b. If the statement is incorrect, make the correction in the space provided.

Lingkari T (Benar) atau F (Salah) berdasarkan teks pada Bagian 6a dan jadwal pada Bagian 6b. Jika pernyataan tersebut salah, lakukan koreksi pada tempat yang disediakan.

Pernyataan dan terjemahannya:
  1. Pipit likes pencak silat because she can kick and punch a lot. Pipit menyukai pencak silat karena dia banyak menendang dan memukul.
  2. Pak Amin teaches how to kick an opponent in a pencak silat match. Pak Amin mengajarkan cara menendang lawan dalam pertandingan pencak silat.
  3. Pipit practices pencak silat on Tuesday, from 1 to 3 PM. Pipit berlatih pencak silat pada hari Selasa, dari jam 1 sampai jam 3 sore.
  4. Monita likes English. Monita menyukai bahasa Inggris.
  5. Monita, Pipit, Galang and Andre join Scout. Monita, Pipit, Galang dan Andre ikut Pramuka.
  6. Galang and Pipit join the same extracurricular activity. Galang dan Pipit mengikuti ekstrakurikuler yang sama.
  7. Only Andre is in the choir activity. Hanya Andre yang mengikuti kegiatan paduan suara.
  8. Galang likes sports. Galang suka olahraga.

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Jawaban Worksheet 5.14 Chapter 5

Jawaban Worksheet 5.15 Chapter 5

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Worksheet 5.15 Chapter 5

Read a text about school festival.

School Festival at SMP Merdeka

SMP Merdeka holds an annual festival. It usually happens in June. It takes place in some school facilities. At this festival, students participate in many activities, such as art exhibitions and competitions.

Art exhibition is usually located in the art room. It shows students’ artwork like paintings, statues, and crafts. A group of students also sell crafts in the stalls. Students usually enjoy the art exhibition and buy interesting crafts. There are two kinds of competitions. They are sports and art competitions. The sports competition is held in the school yard. Class teams compete in soccer, basketball and badminton. Art competition is performed on stage in the school garden. Some students perform singing and dancing. Other students present poetry reading and storytelling. Students who like reading can join a storytelling activity.

Before the school festival, students practice sports and arts for competition. Some students help prepare the decorations for the stage. Everyone is happy participating in the school festival.


Festival Sekolah di SMP Merdeka

SMP Merdeka mengadakan festival tahunan. Biasanya terjadi pada bulan Juni. Itu terjadi di beberapa fasilitas sekolah. Di festival ini, siswa mengikuti berbagai kegiatan, seperti pameran seni dan kompetisi.

Pameran seni biasanya terletak di ruang seni. Pameran ini menunjukkan karya seni siswa seperti lukisan, patung, dan kerajinan. Sekelompok siswa juga menjual kerajinan di warung. Siswa biasanya menikmati pameran seni dan membeli kerajinan yang menarik. Ada dua macam perlombaan. Perlombaannya adalah kompetisi olahraga dan seni. Perlombaan olahraga diadakan di halaman sekolah. Tim kelas bersaing dalam sepak bola, bola basket, dan bulu tangkis. Lomba seni dilakukan di atas panggung di taman sekolah. Beberapa siswa tampil menyanyi dan menari. Siswa lainnya mempresentasikan pembacaan puisi dan bercerita. Siswa yang gemar membaca dapat mengikuti kegiatan bercerita.

Sebelum festival sekolah, siswa berlatih olahraga dan seni untuk kompetisi. Beberapa siswa membantu menyiapkan dekorasi panggung. Semua orang senang berpartisipasi dalam festival sekolah.

Put a tick in the map based on text ‘School Festival at SMP Merdeka for:
• The location for art exhibition.
• The location for the sports competition.
• The location for the art competition.

Beri tanda centang pada peta berdasarkan teks 'Festival Sekolah di SMP Merdeka untuk:
• Lokasi pameran seni.
• Lokasi pertandingan olah raga.
• Lokasi lomba seni.


1. Art Room
2. School Yard
3. Garden

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.15 Chapter 15

Jawaban Worksheet 5.16 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.16 Chapter 5

Perintah / Instruksi
Read the ‘School Festival at SMP Merdeka. Then, answer the questions. Baca ‘Festival Sekolah di SMP Merdeka. Kemudian, jawab pertanyaannya.

  1. School festival in SMP Merdeka happens in __________
  2. In the school festival, students participate in activities such as __________
  3. Arts exhibition shows students’ artwork such as __________
  4. Some students are in the stalls to sell __________
  5. The sports competitions are __________, __________ and __________
  6. Some students perform __________ and __________
  7. Students who like reading can join __________
  8. Students prepare __________ for the stage before the school festival.

  1. Festival sekolah di SMP Merdeka diadakan pada __________
  2. Dalam festival sekolah, siswa berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan seperti __________
  3. Pameran seni menampilkan hasil karya siswa seperti __________
  4. Beberapa siswa ada di warung untuk berjualan __________
  5. Perlombaan olahraga adalah __________, __________ dan __________
  6. Beberapa siswa melakukan __________ dan __________
  7. Siswa yang gemar membaca dapat bergabung dengan __________
  8. Siswa mempersiapkan __________ untuk panggung sebelum festival sekolah.

Jawaban Worksheet 5.16
  1. June
  2. art competition and sports competition
  3. paintings, statues, and crafts
  4. Crafts
  5. soccer, basketball and badminton
  6. singing, dancing
  7. storytelling competition
  8. decorations

Jawaban Worksheet 5.17 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.17 Chapter 5

Perintah / Instruksi
Write sentences for the following place. Use the words to help you. The words can be used in some sentences. You can also use your own words. Tulislah kalimat untuk tempat berikut. Gunakan kata-kata untuk membantu Anda. Kata-kata tersebut dapat digunakan dalam beberapa kalimat. Anda juga dapat menggunakan kata-kata Anda sendiri

Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 5.17
  1. My school garden is beautiful.
  2. It is small.
  3. There are lowers, big trees, and two benches.
  4. Students sit around the garden. They talk and have a chat with each other. Some students read books. The janitor waters the garden everyday.

Jawaban Worksheet 5.18 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.18 Chapter 5

Instruksi / Perintah
Complete the chart based on the picture. /Lengkapi diagram berdasarkan gambar
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Gambar 5.12 Pameran Sekolah

Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 5.18

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.18

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Jawaban Worksheet 5.19 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.19
Instruksi / Perintah
Write the details about the room in Worksheet 5.19. / Tulis detail ruangan pada Lembar Kerja 5.19.

Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 5.19




The name of the room

Mazayas’ Art Room


Feature 1 : The size

This is our art room. It’s big.

Feature 2 : The Object

There are paintings, handycrafts, and statues. There is receptionist table to write down the guest who visit the room. There are 3 statues, 7 beautiful paintings and handycrafts like bag, necklace, made by SMP Mazaya student who join Art Club.

Feature 3 : The Activiy

We can see a lot of handcrafts that made by our friends and also painting. We can also buy the things in that room selling by them.

Art members show us how to make usefull handycrafts, beautiful painting dan statue too. All of their art are exhibited in that room. 

Jawaban Worksheet 5.20 Chapter 20

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.20 Chapter 5

Perintah / Instruksi
Planning and brainstorming
1) Think of one room in your school.
2) List the words to describe the room.

Perencanaan dan brainstorming
1) Pikirkan satu ruangan di sekolah Anda.
2) Daftar kata-kata untuk menggambarkan ruangan.

Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 5.20




The name of the room

My Classroom


Feature 1 : The size

20 m2, white paint

Feature 2 : The Object

35 tables and chairs, two large whiteboards, photos of Presidents and Vice Presidents, Pancasila photos, Heroes picture, cabinet, janitoral tools, teacher’s desk, flower vase, pile of books.

Feature 3 : The Activiy

Learning, conpetition, lesson, favorite class, comfortable.

Jawaban Worksheet 5.21 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.21 Chapter 5

Instruksi / Perintah
Make an outline of your paragraph using the following structure: / Buat garis besar paragrafmu menggunakan struktur berikut:

Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 5.21




The name of the room

My Classroom


Feature 1 : The size

I learn in 7b class. It is a class with size about 20 m2 with white paint that covered all the walls.

Feature 2 : The Object

In my classroom there are about 35 tables and chairs arranged well. In front of tables and chairs, there are two sufficiently large Whiteboards. Above the whiteboard, there is pair of photos of President of republic Indonesia and Pancasila symbol. Besides the photos of president, there are also so many heroes’ pictures who stuck to the wall of my classroom. At the corner of my classroom, there is a cabinet used to store janitorial tools such as brooms, feather duster, and others. Right next to the cabinet, there is a teacher’s desk which is covered with blue tablecloth. On the teacher’s desk, there is a beautiful flower vase and a pile of books that ordered well.

Feature 3 : The Activiy

My classroom is a clean and comfortable class for learning. Even my classroom always wins the cleanness and completeness competition held in my school every year. The cleanliness in my school always maintain because we always hold a picket schedule. Every morning, my class is always cleaned before the lesson begins. Therefore, my class always becomes the most favorite class for teachers. They are very fond of being in my class because the atmosphere which so comfortable.


Jawaban Worksheet 5.22 Chapter 5

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Worksheet 5.22 Chapter 5

Perintah / Instruksi
Write your descriptive paragraph here. / Tulis paragraf deskriptif Anda di sini. Kita hanya perlu menuliskan jawaban di worksheet 5.21 di buku tugas/catatan/kertas satu lembar.

Jawaban Worksheet 5.22
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7
Jawaban Worksheet 5.22 Chapter 5

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Jawaban Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5

Text 1
Progress Check 2
Today, there is a school event in SMP Merdeka. There are many competitions to join in. There is a basketball competition in the school ield. There are also other competitions that are held in some classes. Galang and his friends want to join the basketball competitions. They will compete against another class. Sinta likes to sing. She wants to join the singing competition. Her voice is so beautiful. Monita wants to join the storytelling competition. She is registering for it in the library. There is also an art exhibition. There are many handicrafts like keyrings and paintings to sell. Andre wants to buy a painting. He is going to the art exhibition now.For numbers 1-5, choose the best answer for each question.

For numbers 1-5, choose the best answers.
1. These are some competitions in SMP Merdeka’s school event, except
a. A basketball competition.
b. A story telling competition.
c. A painting competition.
d. A singing competition.

2. What competition do Galang and his friends want to join?
a. A soccer competition.
b. A basketball competition.
c. A volleyball competition.
d. A badminton competition.

3. Why does Sinta want to join the singing competition?
a. Singing is her hobby.
b. The competition is held in the class.
c. The competition is held in the field.
d. Sinta is registering for it in the library.

4. What is Andre going to do?
a. Watch the basketball competition.
b. Register for the art exhibition.
c. Buy a handicraft.
d. Join the painting competition.

5. Where do competitions take place?
a. In some classes, art exhibition, and library.
b. In the library, the school field, and art exhibition.
c. In the art exhibition, some classes, and school ield.
d. In the school field, some classes, and library.

For numbers 6-10, complete the dialogue with appropriate words. Use the school layout to help you complete the dialogue.
Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7



How’s your first day at school?



It’s fun, but I want to go around the school. There are many school areas that I want to know more about.



I can show you some.



Thank you.



You’re welcome. Well, where should we start?



There! What room is that?



That is the principal’s oice. It is (6) next to the clinic.



How about that room (7) beside the library? 



That is the science laboratory. We always go there on Thursday for science class.



That’s interesting. By the way, (8) where is the canteen? 



The canteen is (9) between the musalla and the teachers’ room. There is also a school yard (10) in front of it. Many students play basketball there after school. 



Well, I’m quite hungry now. Should we grab something at the canteen before going home? 



Okay, let’s go! 

11. Monita is to make her own class schedule. She tries to remember the class subjects, the day, and the time she does it. However, she remembers it in the wrong order. Help Monita arrange the schedule in the correct order.

Monita’s Class Schedule
  1. On Wednesday, she has English to learn. 
  2. Monita studies at school from Monday to Friday. Her school usually starts at 7 o’clock in the morning.
  3. She usually goes home by 3 o’clock. It is different on Friday because she only has two classes. On Friday, she goes back home before noon.
  4. On Monday, she usually has Maths, Bahasa Indonesia, and Natural Science. The three subjects are also learned on Thursday.
  5. On Tuesday, she learned Religious Education, Social Sciences, and a local language. While on Friday, she learned Arts and Sports. She has a really nice weekend on Saturday and Sunday.
Write the numbers to arrange Monita’s Class Schedule.

Jawaban: ( 2 ) – ( 3 ) – ( 4 ) – ( 1 ) – ( 5 )

Complete the table with Monita’s school subjects.

Monita’s Schedule

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7

Text 3
Galang attends an online class this afternoon. Before joining the online class, he prepares a book and a pen to write the learning material. He also wears a school uniform. He joins the online class on time. He turns on his camera and turns off his microphone. One of Galang’s friends, Andre, forgets to turn off his microphone. He speaks very loudly and it is very noisy. Then, the teacher tells him to turn off his microphone when it is not used. After he turns it off and the class begins. The students are enjoying the lesson. However, Galang has a question to ask. He clicks the raise hand button and the teacher allows him to speak. The class goes well and Galang is happy with it.

For numbers 16-20, choose the best answers.

12. What do Galang prepare before joining the online class?
a. A book, a pen, and an eraser.
b. A book, a pen, and a learning material.
c. A school uniform, a book, and a pen.
d. A pen, a book, and a microphone.

13. What does Andre forget to do?
a. Turn on his camera.
b. Turn off his computer.
c. Turn off his microphone.
d. Turn on the raise hand button.

14. Which activity is NOT right when joining an online class?
a. Prepareabook.
b. Click the raise hand button before speaking.
c. Wear a school uniform.
d. Turn on the microphone when it is not used.

15. What does Galang do when he wants to ask a question?
a. Turn on his microphone and ask the question.
b. Click the raisehand button and ask the question.
c. Ask the question and turn on his camera.
d. Turn on his camera and his microphone.

16. How does Galang feel about today’s online class?
a. The online class is fun. Galang is happy with it.
b. The online class is not well. Galang is happy with it.
c. The online class goes fast. Galang is not happy with it.
d. The online class goes slow. Galang is not happy with it.

17. Think about your study habits. Describe what you usually do when you study, what you need to prepare before studying, who your study buddy is, and how often you do your study habits. To describe your study habits, you may use the sentences below.

Lengkap Contoh Jawaban Worksheets 5.1 - 5.22 dan Final Progress Check 2 Chapter 5, English For Nusantara Kelas 7

I love to study. I like to do it after school in my own bedroom. Before studying, I usually prepare a glass of water and a timer on his phone. I study for 25 minutes and takes a break for 5 minutes before continuing my study. I write down all the tasks that my teachers give me in a small book that I always carries around to school. I also write the due date right beside the tasks so that I will never forget to give it to my teachers. I usually study alone, but sometimes I also study with my best friend, Kondre. Even though there are a lot of tasks to do, I always have the time to play with my friends and have a good rest. I manages his time well.
