Materi Bahasa Inggris Grammar Simple Present Tense Dengan Contoh Soal dan Jawabannya -
Materi Bahasa Inggris tentang Simple Present Tense yang di lengkapi dengan
Contoh Soal dan Jawaban.
Dalam aturan tata bahasa Inggris, dikenal
istilah "tenses" yang digunakan untuk
menyesuaikan waktu terjadinya suatu peristiwa. Secara umum, ada tiga
tenses atau rentang waktu/masa yang
digunakan, yaitu present tense (masa kini/sekarang),
past tense (masa lampau), dan future tense (masa depan).
Untuk bentuk present tense dibagi
menjadi empat sub-bagian, yaitu simple present tense,
present continuous, present perfect, dan
present perfect continuous. Masing-masing bentuk
tersebut memiliki fungsi dan kegunaan yang berbeda. Persamaannya hanyalah
kalimat-kalimat dalam keempat jenis present tense tersebut terjadi pada
saat ini atau sekarang.
A. Pengertian Simple Present Tense
Simple present tense adalah bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi secara teratur, rutin, atau biasa dilakukan
pada masa kini.
B. Ciri-Ciri Simple Present Tense
Berikut ini ciri-ciri Simple Present Tense:
- Menggunakan kata kerja (verb) dalam bentuk dasar (infinitive) atau kata kerja tak beraturan yang telah dikenal. Contoh: I play soccer every weekend. (Play adalah kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar).
- Memakai kata bantu (auxiliary verb) yaitu "Do" atau "Does" untuk kalimat verbal dalam bentuk negatif dan interogatif. Contoh:
- She doesn't eat bread. (Doesn't = does not, kata bantu dalam bentuk negatif untuk subjek "She")
- Do you like chocolate? (Do = kata bantu untuk pertanyaan dengan subjek "You")
- Dalam present tense, biasanya terdapat kata keterangan waktu seperti always, usually, often, seldom, rarely, never, every day/week/month/year. Contoh: I always drink coffee in the morning.
C. Rumus Simple Present Tense
Ada dua tipe kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu Kalimat Nominal dan
Kalimat Verbal. Dalam kalimat verbal, setelah subjek akan diikuti oleh
kata kerja (V). Sementara itu pada kalimat nominal, setelah subjek akan
diiringi dengan non kata kerja yang biasa kita kenal sebagai
auxiliary verb atau to be (kata kerja bantu)
C.1. Bentuk Positive / Positif
- Subjek + be (am/is/are) + Complement > (Nominal Simple Present Tense)
- Subjek + Verb I (+s/es/ies) + Complement > (Verbal Simple Present Tense)
- Subjek + auxiliary verbs (do/does) + bare infinitive + Complement
Contoh kalimatnya.
- I am an international school student (saya adalah seorang mahasiswa) > Nominal
- I live in Bandung (saya tinggal di Jakarta) > Verbal
Untuk kalimat yang berbentuk positif dan verbal, untuk kata kerjanya di
berikan akhiran -s, -es, dan -ies untuk subjek yang berbentuk
singular. Berikut ini ketentuan untuk menambahkan akhiran
-s, -es, dan -ies pada kata kerja kalimat
simple present tense:
- I/You/They/ We - Kata kerja tidak ditambahkan akhiran apapun.
- He/She/It - ditambahkan akhiran -s, -es, dan -ies
- I go to school by bike. (Saya pergi ke sekolah menggunakan sepedah motor.)
- He goes to shool by bike. (Dia (laki-laki) pergi ke sekolah menggunakan sepedah motor.)
Sekarang kami akan jelaskan aturan penambahan -s, -es, dan -ies pada kata
kerja atau verb simple present tense :
Bentuk spelling kata kerja pada orang ketiga (She, He, It), tergantung dari
akhiran kata kerja (verb) tersebut.
1. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran -O, -CH, -SH, -X, atau -Z,
tambahkan -ES.
- go – goes
- catch – catches
- wash – washes
- kiss – kisses
- box – boxes
- fix – fixes
2. Untuk kata kerja (Verb) yang berakhiran konsonan + Y,
hilangkan Y, dan tambahkan -IES.
- carry – carries
- study – studies
- worry – worries
- marry – marries
Sedangkan, untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran vokal
+ Y, cukup tambahkan -S.
- play – plays
- say – says
- enjoy – enjoys
C.2. Bentuk Negative / Negatif
Rumus Negative Simple Present Tense
- Subjek + be (am/are/is) + not + Complement > (Nominal Simple Present Tense)
- Subjek + auxiliary verbs (do/does) + not + bare infinitive + Complement > (Verbal Simple Present Tense)
Contoh kalimatnya:
- I don't speak English. (Saya tidak bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris.) - Verbal
- Ghania doesn't speak English. (Ghania tidak bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris.) - Verbal
- They don't call the police. (Mereka tidak menelepon polisi.) - Verbal
- She is not an international school student. (dia bukan seorang mahasiswa) - Nominal
C.3. Bentuk Interogative / Tanya
Jika kita ingin membuat kalimat tanya dalam bentuk
simple present tense, kita dapat menggunakan kata do apabila subjek kalimatnya menggunakan kata ganti
I/we /you/they atau orang ketiga jamak.
Sedangkan bila kata gantinya he/she/it atau kata ganti
orang kedua tunggal, kita dapat menggunakan kata tanya does. Setelah itu,
baru diikuti dengan kata kerja dasar (Verb 1) untuk semua subjek.
Rumus Interogative Simple Present Tense
Do/Does + Subjek + bare infinitive + Complement? > (Verbal Simple Present
To be + Subject + Complement? > (Nominal Simple Present Tense)
Contoh kalimatnya:
- Do they speak English? (Apakah mereka bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris? - verbal
- Does she speak English? (Apakah dia bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris? - verbal
- Do you call me? (Apakah kamu menelponku?) - verbal
- Does he call you? (Apakah dia menelponmu?) - verbal
- Is she an international school student? (apakah dia seorang mahasiswa?) - nominal
Pada pola kalimat tanya, dipisah menjadi dua bagian, yaitu Yes/No Question
dan WH Question:
Yes/No Question
- Do I work? (apakah saya bekerja?)
- Does he work? (apakah dia bekerja?)
Sesuai dengan nama jenisnya, yaitu Yes/No question, jadi kamu hanya perlu menjawab pertanyaan di atas dengan:
- Yes, I do (Iya, saya bekerja)
- Yes, he does (Iya, dia bekerja)
WH Question
Apa yang kamu pikirkan saat membaca WH? Exactly! Yaitu kata tanya
dalam bahasa Inggris yang lekat dengan awalan huruf W dan H.
- What do I play?
- Who do you play?
- When does he play?
- Where does she play?
- Why do we play?
- How do they play?
D. Fungsi Simple Present Tense
Pola simple present tense digunakan untuk:
1. Membicarakan hal-hal yang terjadi secara berulang-ulang, atau
membicarakan hal-hal yang sudah umum.
Contoh kalimatnya:
- The earth goes around the sun. (Bumi mengelilingi matahari.), (Sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum kalau bumi mengelilingi matahari.)
- Angga works in a publisher. (Angga bekerja di sebuah penerbitan.), (Secara berulang-ulang dan terus-menerus setiap hari, Angga bekerja di sebuah penerbitan).
2. Membicarakan kebiasaan yang sering dilakukan.
Contoh kalimatnya:
- Ghania always gets up at 7 o'clock every morning. (Ghania selalu bangun pukul tujuh setiap pagi.
- In January, Iwan usually buys a new calender. (Pada bulan Januari, biasanya Iwnb membeli kalender baru.)
3. Untuk membuat simple statement yang berlaku general (berlaku
kapan saja) maupun tidak general.
Contoh kalimatnya:
- I live in Bandung. (Saya tinggal di Bandung.)
- Heni is so beautiful. (Heni sangat cantik.)
4. Untuk menyatakan perasaan (feeling), indera
(sense), pikiran (mental state), atau kepemilikan
Contoh kalimatnya:
- Matilda Genes loves dancing. (Matilda Genes suka menari.)
- I see tears in your eyes. (Saya melihat air mata di matamu.)
5. Untuk memberikan instruksi.
Contoh kalimatnya:
- You add a glass of coconut milk into a pan and then boil it. (Kamu tambah segelas santan ke dalam panci lalu rebus.)
- You go straight ahead then turn left. (Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.)
6. Untuk conditional sentence type 1.
Contoh kalimatnya:
- If you meet the naughty boy, your parents will be angry. (Jika kamu bertemu dengan anak nakal itu, orang tuamu akan marah.)
- I will go swimming if I have free time. (Aku akan pergi berenang jika ada waktu.)
E. Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Dengan Jawaban
Choose the correct answer!
1. I and my friends … in library. We read some books
A. am
B. is
C. have
D. are
2. He … not work because he has flu.
A. is
B. does
C. do
D. be
3. Jisoo … song every night.
A. sings
B. sing
C. is
D. does
4. My father … coffee every morning.
A. drink
B. drinks
C. drinking
D. is
5. They … a test every week.
A. does
B. has
C. are
D. have
6. Joko : Please call me if you need.
Yanto : No. I … need your help.
A. do not
B. does
C. not
D. am not
7. He is a student, he … at school.
A. studying
B. study
C. studies
D. does
8. We … soccer match.
A. do
B. watching
C. watches
D. watch
9. Jenny cooks fried rice. It … amazing.
A. does
B. do
C. are
D. is
10. My sister rides a bike to school …
A. every day
B. last day
C. next week
D. next time
11. Birds... high in the sky.
A. fly
B. flew
C. flies
D. flying
12. A watering can is useful to . . . plants.
A. water
B. waters
C. watered
D. watering
13. A sheep . . . in the field.
A. graze
B. grazes
C. grazed
D. grazing
14. Look at the butterfly, It . . . beautiful colours.
A. has
B. had
C. have
D. having
15. Crocodiles . . . in a swamp.
A. live
B. lives
C. lived
D. Iiving
16. Penguins live in the Antarctic. They cannot fly, but they . . . well
A. swim
B. swam
C. swims
D. swimming
17. Ants . . . their burrow together.
A. built
B. build
C. builds
D. building
18. A swan does not give birth, it . . . eggs.
A. lay
B. laid
C. lays
D. laying
19. The car is tall.
It . . . big wheels.
A. has
B. have
C. do not have
D. does not have
20. This mobile phone is sophisticated.
It . . . complete features.
A. has
B. have
C. do not have
D. does not have
The following dialogue is for questions 21 to 23.
Yayun : Is the man over there your father?
Nana : Yes, he is.
Yayun : What does he do?
Nana : He is a tailor.
Yayun : Really? He's cool.
Nana : Yeah He makes a lot of nice clothes
Yayun : Does he make your clothes,too?
Nana : He does He sews my clothes By the way, what about your father? What
is he?
Yayun : He is a soldier. He travels a lot.
Nana : Wow! He's cool, too.
21. What is Nana's father?
A. A tailor.
B. A soldier.
C. A traveller.
D. A designer.
22. Who sews Nana's clothes?
A. Her father does.
B. A soldier does.
C. Yayun does
D. Nana does.
23. What does Yayun's father do?
A. A tailor.
B. A soldier.
C. A traveler.
D. A designer
24. Ron : What do you usually do after school?
Jack : I usually . . .
A. have lunch
B. take a holiday
C. wake up at six
D. have breakfast
25. Smith : . . .
Anto : At 10pm.
A.What do you usually do before sleeping?
B.When do you usually have breakfast?
C.What time do you usually go to bed?
D.What do you usually do at night?
26. She _____ her dog everyday
A. To feed
B. Feed
C. Feeds
D. Feeding
27. I ____ always ____ to the dentist
A. Do not, go
B. Does not, go
C. Do not, went
D. Does not, went
28. When __ you ____ a shower?
A. Do, took
B. Do, take
C. Do, taken
D. Do, taking
29. Q: Do you like to sing?
T: …
A. Yes, I likes to sing
B. Yes, I like to sing
C. Yes, I am liking to sing
D. Yes, I liked to sing
30.Tom and I ____ ____ together.
A. Do surfing
B. Don’t surfing
C. Do surfs
D. Don’t surf
31. I ___ breakfast every day at 7 AM
A. Eat
B. To eat
C. Ate
D. Eaten
32.Q: How do you go to school?
Y: We ___ the bus to school
A. Rode
B. Ridden
C. Ride
D. Riding
33. Q: When do you do your homework?
R: …
A. I have did my homework at 6 PM
B. I did my homework at 6 PM
C. I do my homework at 6 PM
D. I am doing my homework at 6 PM
34. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park?
T: …
A. No, I doesn’t enjoy playing in the park
B. No, I no enjoy playing in the park
C. No, I don’t enjoy playing in the park
D. No, I don’t enjoys playing in thE park
35. Q: Does he love his mother?
Y: …
A. He love his mother
B. He loves his mother
C. He to love his mother
D. He is loving his mother
36 . I and my friends … in library. We read some books
A. am
B. is
C. have
D. are
37. She … not work because she has flu.
A. is
B. does
C. do
D. be
38. Alina … song every night.
A. sings
B. sing
C. is
D. does
39. My father … tea every morning.
A. drink
B. drinks
C. drinking
D. is
40. They … a test every week.
A. does
B. has
C. are
D. have
Change the verb into the correct form!
1. Christopher ___ (drive) a bus.
2. We have (have) some money.
3. Do you ____ (you watch) movies?
4. They don’t _____ (not work) for us.
5. I ____ (love) to dance.
6. She ____ (have) many friends.
7. Alexis and her husband always ____ (come) for the summer.
8. Does he ____ (he draw) well?
9. James ____ (not remember) me.
10. Laura ____ (be) a beautiful girl.
11. I ____ (not eat) cheese.
12. Cats ____ (like) to sleep.
13. You ____ (be) a smart boy.
14. She ____ (wash) the dishes every evening.
15. ____ (be) you ready?
Fill the blanks!
1. I____________at a bank. (work)
2. She____________with her parents. (live)
3. Cows____________on grass. (feed)
4. He____________a nice salary. (earn)
5. Jane____________to be a singer. (wants)
6. Emily____________delicious cookies. (make)
7. Ana and her husband____________in Singapore. (live)
8. Ronny and Samantha____________to play card games. (like)
9. Sophia____________English very well. (speak)
10. Martin____________for a walk in the morning. (goes)
11. My grandfather____________his pet dog. (adore)
12. Plants____________water and sunlight to make their food. (need)
Put the verbs into the correct form.
1. I (like) lemonade very much.
The girls always (listen) to pop music.
Janet never (wear) jeans.
Mr Smith (teach) Spanish and French.
You (to do) your homework after school.
Fill in the correct form of the verbs.
Simple present with ‘have’ and ‘be’
1. We (to have) a nice garden.
2. She (to be) six years old.
3. Simon (to have) two rabbits and five goldfish.
4. I (to be) from Vienna, Austria.
5. They (to be) Sandy’s parents.
Make negative sentences.
1. My father makes breakfast.
2. They are eleven.
3. She writes a letter.
4. I speak Italian.
5. Danny phones his father on Sundays.
Make questions.
1. you / to speak / English.
2. when / he / to go / home.
3. they / to clean / the bathroom.
4. where / she / to ride / her bike.
5. Billy / to work / in the supermarket.
Change the verb into the correct form!
1. I usually (go) to school.
2. They (visit) us often.
3. You (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom (work) every day.
5. He always (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never (help) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually (dance) a lot.
9. Linda (take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely (leave) the country.
11. We (live) in the city most of the year.
12. Lorie (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
13. I (bake) cookies twice a month.
14. You always (teach) me new things.
15. She (help) the kids of the neighbourhood.
Change the verb into the correct form!
1. London (be) in England.
2. The summer (be) hot.
3. She (drive) very well.
4. They (open) the store at 8:00.
5. Linda (be) a very pretty girl.
6. I (have) several jobs.
7. Water (boil) at 100 degrees.
8. Water (freeze) at 0 degrees.
9. My sister (speak) English.
10. He (have) a big apartment.
11. A triangle (have) three corners.
12. My birthday (be) in June.
13. Books (have) pages.
14. Dogs (be) good friends.
15. I (work) hard.
Change the verb into the correct form!
1. I (love) you.
2. This (weigh) 20 kilograms.
3. Ron (seem) serious.
4. We (like) tomatoes.
5. The boy (want) to play.
6. You (need) to sleep.
7. They (agree) with me.
8. She (hear) something strange.
9. The box (contain) food.
10. Emma (appear) sad.
11. David (know) how to fix a car.
12. Daniel and Liz (seem) happy.
13. This (smell) bad.
14. I (believe) you.
15. We (be) number one!
Change the verb into the correct form!
1. I (go) to the city once a week.
2. You (play) the guitar very well.
3. She never (visit) me.
4. Tom always (find) new ways to do things.
6. Ann (want) to speak.
7. Toronto (be) in Canada.
8. Cars (have) wheels.
9. My mother (have) a big house.
10. We (play) a lot.
11. They (sell) fruit and eggs.
12. The building (be) on fire.
13. Marta (seem) sad.
14. I usually (help) my neighbours.
15. His brother rarely (leave) town.
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- Simple Present Tense: Pengertian, Kegunaan, Rumus, dan Contoh Kalimat [online] Available at
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