, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Rangkuman Materi Descriptive Text SMP, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Rangkuman Materi Descriptive Text SMP

Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text SMP Lengkap Dengan Contoh Soal, Jawaban, dan Pembahasan

Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text SMP Lengkap Dengan Contoh Soal, Jawaban, dan Pembahasan

Lengkap dengan 20 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text, Jawaban, dan Pembahasannya. Berikut ini kami rangkumkan materi Bahasa Inggris dengan materi Descriptive Text seringkas mungkin, untuk latihannya di lengkapi dengan contoh soal, jawaban, dan pembahasan.

Daftar Isi

Pengertian Descriptive Text

Descriptive text adalah teks yang menggambarkan sifat-sifatyang melekat pada sesuatu; baikitu manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, benda (seperti mobil, rumah, dan lainnya) secara lebih khusus dibandingkan report text.

Social Function of Descriptive Text

Social Function teks descriptive adalah untuk menjelaskan/menggambarkan/mengungkapkan seseorang atau benda (To describe/explain....).

Generic Structure Descriptive Text

a. Identification: Pengenalan subjek yang dideskripsikan
b. Description: Spesifikasi karakter

Language Features Descriptive Text

Susunan grammar yang biasa digunakan:
a. Menggunakan kata benda tertentu
b. Menggunakan kelompok kata benda khusus
c. Menggunakan berbagai macam kata sifat
d. Menggunakan kata kerja terkait untuk memberikan informasi

20 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text Lengkap dengan Jawaban dan Pembahasan

Berikut ini adalah 20 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text yang sudah di lengkapi dengan jawaban dan pembahasannya yang mudah untuk di pelajari dan juga di berikan tips bagaimana cara untuk bisa menjawab seefektif mungkin. Mari kita simak dibawah ini

Multiple Choice

The following text is for questions 1 to 4.

The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts centre in Sydney, Australia, identified as one of the 20th century's most distinctive buildings.

Designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon, the building was formally opened on 20 October 1973 after a gestation beginning with Utzon's 1957 selection as a winner of an international design competition. The government of New South Wales, led by the premier, Joseph Cahill, authorised work to begin in 1958 with Utzon directing construction. The government's decision to build Utzon's design is often overshadowed by circumstances that followed, including cost and scheduling over runs as well as the 
architect's ultimate resignation.

The building and its surrounds occupy the whole of Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, between Sydney Cove and Farm Cove, adjacent to the Sydney Central business district and the Royal Botanic Gardens and close by the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Though its name suggests a single venue, the building comprises multiple performance venues which together are among the busiest performing arts centres-hosting well over 1,500 performances annually, attended by more than 1,2 million people. Performances are presented by numerous performing artists, including four resident companies: Opera Australia, The Australian Ballet, The Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. As one ofthe most popularvisitorattractions in Australia, more than eight million people visit the site each year and approximately 350,000 visitors take a guided tour ofthe building each year.The building is managed by the Sydney Opera House Trust, an agency of the New South Wales State Government.

On 28 June 2007, the Sydney Opera House became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

1. What does the text tell us about?
A. The location of the Sydney Opera House building.
B. The designer of the Sydney Opera House Building.
C. The description of the Sydney Opera House building.
D. The designation of the Sydney Opera House on World Heritage Site.

Jawaban: C
Teks bacaan diatas berisi deskripsi Gedung Opera Sydney di mana dalam bacaan dijelaskan fungsi gedung, jumlah pengunjung, pertunjukan apa saja yang digelar di dalamnya, dan lain- lain. 

2. Based on the text, the Sydney Opera House is ...
A. royal botanic
B. central business
C. the centre of art performance
D. Sydney Cove Symphony orchestra

Jawaban: C
Berdasarkan pada teks bacaan tersebut, Gedung Opera Sydney merupakan pusat pertunjukan seni. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada kalimat pertama paragraf 1: "The Sydney Opera House is a multivenue performing arts centre in Sydney..."

3. What might a music lover do after reading the text?
A. Making an international competition there.
B. Planning to watch an opera or orchestra show there.
C. Going there to take the picture of the Sydney Opera House.
D. Praising the opera house as a UNESCO world heritage site.

Jawaban: B
Pada paragraf 4 kalimat 2 disebutkan bahwa ada empat penampil tetap di Gedung Opera, yaitu Opera Australia, The Australian Ballet, The Sydney Theatre Company, dan The Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Sehingga bila pecinta music membaca teks tersebut kemungkinan akan berencana melihat opera atau pertunjukan orchestra.

4. "The building and its surrounds occupy the whole of..."(paragraph 3)
 The underlined word refers to ....
A. The Sydney Harbour
B. The Royal Botanic Gardens
C. The Sydney Opera House Building
D. The Sydney central business district

Jawaban: C
Kata "its" pada kalimat tersebut merujuk pada kata sebelumnya, yaitu Gedung Opera Sydney.

This text is for question 5.

Mr. Tucker is my math teacher at school. He teaches us at class IX. He is a smart teacher. He can teach us very well. He is a strict teacher. He doesn't like his students came late at class. He will be very angry. Besides that he doesnt like us cheating in the test. He always tells us to be honest. His students must pay attention to his explanation.

Besides that Mr. Tucker always does the same things everyday. Entering the classroom, he will wash his hands in the basin in the corner of the class. After that he will walk over to his desk. Sitting in her desk, he will look at and greet us formally. Then he will put on his glasses, open his textbook and ask us what lesson we discussed the previous meeting. And then he starts teaching. I was really amazed by his habit.

5. The writer can tell Mr. Tucker habit precisely because...
A. He always come to school early.
B. He admires Mr.Tucker character. 
C. He sees Mr.Tucker does the same thing everyday.
D. He pays attention to Mr.Tucker's explanation.

Jawaban: C
Penulis adalah murid dan Mr. Tucker adalah gurunya yang selalu dia liat setiap hari sehingga dia tau bagaimana kebiasaan Mr.Tucker.

Text for questions 6 - 8


The pyramids of Giza are the only surviving Ancient Wonder of the World and one of the most famous tourist attractions in the modern world. They are some of the oldest sacred sites in our index and certainly among of the most impressive.

Although it is clear the pyramids were used for the burial of pharaohs, the construction,date and possible symbolism of the Giza pyramids are still not entirely understood. This mystery only adds to the attractiveness of these ancient wonders and many modern people still regard Giza as a spiritual place. A number of fascinating theories have been offered to explain the "mystery of the pyramids" one of which is summarized below.

Giza is the most important site on earth for many New Age followers, who are drawn by the pyramids mysteries and ancient origins. Since 1990, private groups have been allowed into the Great Pyramid, and the majority of these have been seekers of the mystical aspects of the site. But even the most skeptical visit or cannot help but be awed by the great age, grand scale and harmonic mathematics of the pyramids of Giza.

6. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? 
A, Many people regard that Giza is an important place.
B. The pyramids are the only surviving Ancient Wonders.
C. The mystery of the Giza pyramids are still not entirely understood.
D. Giza is the most important site on earth for many New Age followers.

Jawaban: C
Mencari Main Idea/Topic dari satu paragraf:
- Baca kalimat pertama dan terakhir paragraf tersebut
- Cari kata yang paling sering muncul 
- Pilih pilihan yang paling umum 
- Jawaban biasanya adalah kalimat pertama di paragraf tersebut

Paragraf 2 banyak berbicara tentang Giza Pyramid yang masih misterius/belum bisa dimengerti (The mystery of the Giza Pyramids are still not entirely understood). Hal ini dijelaskan di kalimat awal paragraf 2

7. From the text we know that....
A. All people did not believe that pyramids were the burial of pharaohs.
B. There are not any interesting theories that explain the pyramids.
C. The Giza pyramids were build to honour all people in Egypt.
D. Many modern people still respect Giza as a spiritual place

Jawaban: D
Conclusion (Kesimpulan) -> cek kebenaran tiap-tiap pilihan menggunakan keyword

(yang ditebalkan adalah keyword)
  • All people did not believe that pyramids were the burial of pharaohs.(bertentangan dengan paragraf 2 kalimat pertama)
  • There are not any interesting theories that explain the pyramids (bertentangan dengan paragraf 2 kalimat terakhir: a number = sejumlah)
  • The Giza pyramids were build to honour all people in egypt. (bertentangan dengan paragraf 2 kalimat pertama) 
  • Many modern people still respect Giza as a spiritual place, (sesuai dengan paragraf 2 kalimat ke 2.)

8. What were the pyramids clearly used for?
A. The spiritual place.
B. The burial of oharaohs.
C. the tourist resort in the world.
D. The burial of many people in Egypt.

Jawaban: B
Detail information: carilah keyword: 
- Nama
- Angka 
- Kata spesifik

Soal ini menanyakan detail information dari teks yang disajikan, dan soal ini menanyakan "kata spesifik": used for. Kata ini terdapat di kalimat "Although it is clear the pyramids were used for the burial of pharaohs, the construction..."

The following text is for questions 9 - 11

Mr. Wahid is my grandfather who is also my best friend. My grandfather is sixty four years old and he is retired now, so he has plenty of time to play with me. I love him very much and I know he really loves me too. We spend a lot of time together.

My grandfather is a very tall and strong man. My grandfather is smart, patient, and care. When I am sad, he can always make me laugh with his funny faces. He puts me on his shoulders and tells me many stories.

Everyday my grandfather drives me to school and picks me up at the end of classes. He also does sports and many other activities with me. He takes me to the swimming pool. He plays chess with me. During starry nights, we count the start together in our backyard. 1 love my grandpa.

9. What is the text about?
A. The writer's faimily.
B. The writer's grandfather.
C. A very tall and strong man.
D. The writer's sports activities.

Jawaban: B
Dari kalimat pertama paragraf pertama, "Mr. Wahid is my grandfather who is..." dapat diketahui bahwa teks tersebut menceritakan tentang kakek penulis.

10. What is shown by paragraph three?
A. The writer's activities.
B. The activities of Mr. Wahid.
C. Mr. Wahid's characteristic.
D. The description of the writer's family.

Jawaban: B
Pada paragraf ketiga diceritakan tentang aktivitas kakek penulis (the activities of Mr. Wahid), antara lain "Everyday my grandfather drives me to school and picks me up at the end of classes. He also does sports and many other activities with me."

11. "My grandfather is sixty four years old and he is retired now."
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
A. very weak
B. not energetic
C. having no money
D. no longer working

Jawaban: D
Very weak : sangat lemah
Not energic : tidak energik
Having no money : tidak punya uang
No longer working : pensiun

Kata ret/redartinya pension. Pensiun berarti tidak bekerja lagi secara resmi (no longer working).

This text is for questions number 12 - 14

My best friend is Ernesto, and he is my classmate. We go to school together, Ernesto comes from an educated family. His father is a school principal and his mother is also a teacher.

He is punctual, well-educated, and has good manners. He is really hard working. He always does his homework. He is also well-dressed and well-behaved. All teachers have a high opinion of him.

Ernesto has a well-built body. He is gentle but fearless. He takes part in all sports, scout, trekking, and mountaineering activities. He has a good 
heart. He is truthful, honest, and obedient.

He also plays guitar, and he makes his parents very proud of him. He secures good marks and be the usualy top of his class in examinations.This inspires me to work harder. He keeps me away from bad company. I am happy to have such a friend.

12. The text is mostly about....
A. the writer’s family
B. a very good friend
C. my best friend
D. Ernesto

Jawaban: D
Tujuan Descriptive text: to describe something specific.
Teks ini berbentuk descriptive text tersebut yang menceritakan tentang teman penulis yang bernama Ernesto.

13. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The writer takes some benefits from his best friend.
B. The writer's best friend has a good character and many activities.
C. People are very proud of Ernesto because of his awesome achievements.
D. Ernesto is a brilliant students and usually gets the highest mark in the class.

Jawaban: B
Mencari Main Idea/Topic dari satu paragraf: 
  • Baca kalimat pertama dan terakhir paragraf tersebut
  • Cari kata yang paling sering muncul 
  • Pilih pilihan yang paling umum
  • Jawaban biasanya adalah kalimat pertama di paragraf tersebut

Paragraf ketiga banyak berbicara tentang kegiatan Ernesto dan sifatnya (Ernesto's activities and his characters).

14. Why does the writer regard Ernesto as his inspiring friend? Because....
A. He makes the writer realize the importance of friendship.
B. His good achievement leads him to be top of his class.
C. All friends, teachers, and his parents are proud of him.
D. He comes from educated family.

Jawaban: B
Detail information: carilah key word
- Nama
- Angka
- Kata spesifik

Soal ini menanyakan detail information dari teks yang disajikan. Keyword berupa "kata spesifik" inspire. Kata ini terdapat di kalimat: "This inspires me to work harder."

Dan kata "this" di sini merujuk pada kalimat sebelumnya"He secures good marks (achievement) and is usually top of his class in examinations."

Read the following text for number 15 - 18

Gardenia plants are popular for the strong sweet scent of their flowers. Gardenia is the the national flower in Pakistan. In Japan and China, the flower is called Kuchinashi (Japanese) and Zhi zi (Chinese).

Gardenia plants are evergreen shrubs. Their small trees can grow to 1-5 meters tall. The leaves are 5-50 centimetres long and 3-25 centimeters broad, dark green, and glossy and with leathery texture.The flowers are in small groups, white, or pale yellow, with 5-12 lobes (petals) from 5-12 centimeters diameter. They usually bloom in mid-spring to mid-summer. Many species have strong aroma.

To cultivate gardenia as a house plant is not easy. This species can be difficult to grow because it originated in warm humid tropical areas. It demands high humidity and bright (not direct) light to thrive. It flourishes in acidic soil with good drainage and thrives on 20°-23°C during the day and 15°-16°C in the evening. Potting soils developed specifically for gardenias are available. It grows no longer than 18 inches in height and width when grown indoor. In climates where it can be grown outdoors, it can reach the height of 6 feet. If water hits the flowers, they will turn brown.

15. How tall is gardenia tree?
A. 3-25 cm
B. 5-12 cm
C. 5-50 cm
D. 1-5 m

Jawaban: D
Soal ini menanyakan mengenai tinggi (tall) dari pohon gardenia. Berdasarkan teks pada paragraf 1, tinggi gardenia dapat mencapai 1-5 meter. Gunakan kata kunci "tall" dan carilah pada teks untuk menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan ini.

16. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. It is easy to plant gardenia tree.
B. A gardenia plant needs high humidity.
C. It's not easy to plant gardenia as a house plant.
D. A good drainage is important for gardenia plant.

Jawaban: C
Soal menanyakan gagasan utama dari paragraf terakhir (last). Paragraf terakhir menjelaskan bahwa tidak mudah menanam gardenia sebagai tanaman rumahan (To cultivate gardenia as a house plant is not easy)

17. From the text we know that....
A. People don't like the strong scent of flower.
B. Gardenia is widespread in Asia.
C. The flower is easy to plant.
D. The flower is expensive.

Jawaban: B
Pada soal menanyakan salah satu informasi yang dapat kita ambil dari teks. Dari keempat pilihan jawaban yang disediakan, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah gardenia tersebar luas di Asia (gardenia is widespread in Asia) karena pada teks dijelaskan bahwa gardenia tumbuh di Pakistan, Jepang, dan China yang merupakan kawasan Asia

18. "... because it originate in warm ..."(paragraph 3, line 10). The underlined word refers to.
A. the flower
B. the species
C. the soil
D. the leaf

Jawaban: A
Soal ini menanyakan referensi kata pada sebuah kalimat (reference). Kata It pada kalimat tersebut mengacu pada bunga (flower).

Text For questions 19 and 20

The Flatiron Building is one of the famous historic landmarks in New York. The iconic twenty-one story building best known for its triangular shape, was one of the early spectacular high-rises that have come to define Manhattan.

The Flatiron Building was contructed between 1901 and 1903 at the intersection of Broadway and Fitfh Avenue, at the time one of the prominent locations in New York City. It is situated near Madison Square at the end of Ladies' Mile, one of Manhattan's most important shopping districts at the turn of the nineteenth century.

The Flatiron Building was designed by Chicago's Daniel Burnham as a steel-frame skycraper clad in white terra-cotta. As 21 stories and 93 metres, it's one of the city's tallest building. Its singular shape and prominent location soon made it one of New York City's most famous landmarks.

The building probably featured on most postcards than any other building of its time. The whole area, the Flatiron district, was even named after the building. Originally, the Flatiron building featured an observation deck on the top of the floor, but taller buildings have taken over this function. It is still, however, a popular tourist attraction, and one of the most photographed landmarks in New York.

19. The text highlights...

Jawaban dan Pembahasan
Tertulis dalam teks The iconic twenty-one story building best known for its triangular shape, kemudian Its singular shape and prominent location soon made it one of New York. Dua hal ini menunjukkan bahwa teks bacaan ingin menekankan hal-hal yang menarik dari The Flatiron Building. Jadi, jawabannya adalah the attractive aspects of this building.

20. Becausethere are other taller buildings in the city, the Flatiron Building changes ...

Jawaban dan Pembahasan
Dijelaskan dalam teks tentang fungsi awal gedung. Hal ini dapat terlihat dalam kalimat originally, the flatiron featured an observation deck on the top of the floor, but taller buildings have taken over this function. (...., tetapi keberadaan gedung-gedung lain yang leblh 
tinggi telah mengubah fungsi dari gedung). Jadi, jawabannya adalah its function.
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  2. Ringkasan Materi Report Text SMP Dengan Contoh Soal
  3. Rangkuman Materi Narrative Text SMP
  4. Rangkuman Materi Descriptive Text SMP
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  8. Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Materi Announcement, Invitation, and Short Message Text SMP Lengkap dengan 18 Contoh Soal, Jawaban, dan Pembahasan
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  11. Prohibitions Expressions
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  13. Obligation, Prohibition, and Recommendation - Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP dengan Jawaban
  14. Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Materi Daily Activity (Simple Present Tense) and Obligation SMP Lengkap dengan 17 Contoh Soal, Jawaban, dan Pembahasan
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Artikel di atas semua di lengkapi dengan contoh soal, jawaban dan pembahasan.