Greet People Properly - In this article you'll learn how to greet people properly.
Greeting people properly can vary depending on cultural norms and the relationship you have with the person you are greeting. However, here are some general guidelines for greeting people in a respectful and polite manner:
1. Smile: Start by smiling when you greet someone. A warm and friendly smile can help create a positive atmosphere.
2. Use appropriate body language: Stand or sit up straight, maintain eye contact, and extend a friendly and open demeanor. Avoid crossing your arms or displaying negative body language.
3. Use the appropriate greeting: Choose a greeting that is suitable for the situation and the person you are greeting. Common greetings include "hello," "hi," "good morning/afternoon/evening," or "how are you?"
4. Use the person's name if possible: If you know the person's name, it's a good idea to use it when greeting them. Using someone's name shows that you acknowledge and respect them as an individual.
5. Handshake: In many Western cultures, a handshake is a common way to greet someone, especially in professional settings. When shaking hands, offer a firm and brief handshake. However, be mindful of cultural differences, as some cultures have different customs for greetings, such as bowing or other gestures.
6. Be attentive and listen: When greeting someone, give them your full attention. Listen actively to their response and engage in a conversation if appropriate.
7. Show respect and courtesy: Treat everyone with respect and courtesy, regardless of their age, gender, or position. Be polite, use appropriate language, and avoid offensive or derogatory remarks.
8. Consider cultural norms: If you are in a multicultural environment or greeting someone from a different culture, it's important to be aware of their customs and practices. Some cultures may prefer more formal greetings, while others may embrace a more casual approach. Taking the time to learn about and respect these differences can go a long way in creating a positive interaction.
Remember, the key to greeting people properly is to be genuine, respectful, and considerate of the person and the context in which you are greeting them.
Look at the picture and learn them!
Parts of the Days |
The pictures show us parts of the day in English.
Parts of The Days
- Morning - 5 am to 12 pm (noon)
- Early morning - 5 am to 8 am
- Late morning - 11 am to 12pm
- Afternoon - 12 pm to 5 pm
- Early afternoon - 1 to 3pm
- Late afternoon - 4 to 5pm
- Evening - 5 pm to 9 pm
- Early evening - 5 to 7 pm
- Night - 9 pm to 4 am
Greetings in English
Three common greetings used in English are:
- Good morning (used until midday/noon)
- Good afternoon (from midday/noon until sunset)
- Good evening (from sunset)
Good night is not greeting expression but we usually use it when we take apart with others in the night.
You can also greet people with these expressions:
- Hi
- Hello!
- How are you?
- How's life?
- How's everything?
- How're you doing?
Expressions of Greeting and the responses
Here are some common expressions of greeting and appropriate responses:
1. Expression: "Hello" or "Hi"
Response: "Hello" or "Hi" (in return)
2. Expression: "Good morning / afternoon / evening"
Response: "Good morning/afternoon/evening" (in return)
3. Expression: "How are you?"
Response: "I'm good, thank you. How about you?" or "I'm doing well. How are you?"
4. Expression: "Nice to meet you"
Response: "Nice to meet you too" or "Pleasure to meet you as well"
5. Expression: "How have you been?"
Response: "I've been good, thanks for asking. How about you?" or "I've been keeping busy. How about yourself?"
6. Expression: "What's up?" (informal)
Response: "Not much, just [activity/update]. How about you?" or "Just [activity/update]. How about yourself?"
7. Expression: "Good to see you"
Response: "Good to see you too" or "It's great to see you as well"
8. Expression: "Hey, how's it going?" (informal)
Response: "Hey, I'm doing well. How about you?" or "Hey, things are going fine. How about yourself?"
Remember, these are just general examples, and the responses may vary depending on the situation and the relationship you have with the person you're greeting. It's essential to gauge the context and respond accordingly with sincerity and interest in the other person.
Here's an exercise with expressions of greeting and their corresponding answers:
1. Expression: "Good morning!"
Answer: "Good morning! How are you today?"
2. Expression: "Hey there!"
Answer: "Hey! How's it going?"
3. Expression: "Hi, how have you been?"
Answer: "Hi! I've been doing well, thanks. And you?"
4. Expression: "Hello, it's nice to see you!"
Answer: "Hello! It's great to see you too. How have you been?"
5. Expression: "Hey, what's up?"
Answer: "Hey! Not much, just catching up on some work. How about you?"
6. Expression: "Good afternoon! How's your day so far?"
Answer: "Good afternoon! My day has been pretty good. How about yours?"
7. Expression: "Hi, long time no see! How have you been keeping?"
Answer: "Hi! I know, it has been a while. I've been doing well. How about yourself?"
8. Expression: "Hey, how's life treating you?"
Answer: "Hey! Life's been treating me well, thanks for asking. What about you?"
Feel free to practice these greetings and answers to improve your conversational skills! Remember to adapt them to the specific situation and individual you're greeting.
That's all about How to Greet People Properly in English, I hope this article help you. Thanks