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Lengkap Kunci Jawaban English for Nusantara Kelas 8 Chapter 2 halaman 73 - 126 - Dalam artikel ini akan kami bagikan Lengkap Kunci Jawaban Buku English for Nusantara Kelas 8 pada Chapter 2 plus dengan Jawaban Progress Check 1, Jawaban-jawaban worksheet pada chapter 2 ini bisa kalian kembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau instruksi yang diberikan dalam buku maupun guru. Kami tidak menyarankan untuk melihat jawaban ini secara langsung ada baiknya agar meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris kalian, kerjakan sendiri terlebih dahulu jawabannya.

Tidak panjang lebar berikut ini kunci jawaban Chapter 2 pada buku English for Nusantara untuk kelas 8:

Jawaban Worksheet 2.1. halaman 73

  1. A Mother Duck sat on her nest.
  2. Five duck eggs cracked and hatched.
  3. A Mother Duck counted her ducklings one, two, three, four, five.
  4. Mother Duck waited for the last egg to hatch.
  5. A gray duckling walked with a funny wobble.

Jawaban Worksheet 2.2. halaman 74

  1. Once upon a time on a big farm, a Mother Duck sit/sat on her nest. She had to keep her six eggs warm until they hatched/hatch.
  2. At last, the eggs begin/began to crack. One by one, five yellow ducklings came/come out of the eggs. They shake/shook their wings and said, “Quack, quack.” Then, they walked/walk gracefully.
  3. “Look at all of you!” say/said Mother Duck with joy. “You are all so cute!”
  4. She count/counted one, two, three, four, five. “Oh, dear! I should have six ducklings!” Mother Duck is/was worried.
  5. But one large egg was still in the nest. It was/is a little stubborn. So, Mother Duck sat/sit on her nest again and wait/waited some more.
  6. The next day, the big egg crack/cracked open. A shy duckling come/came out. He was not yellow! He was gray and bigger than others. But he was weak and it walk/walked with a funny wobble.

Jawaban Worksheet 2.3. halaman 75

  1. The Mother Duck and the yellow duckling walked to the river without the gray duckling.
  2. The Mother Duck was angry with the yellow ducklings.
  3. The yellow ducks and the gray duck swam in the river.

Jawaban Worksheet 2.4. halaman 77

  1. Each yellow duckling jumped/jump into the river and swam behind Mother Duck. The Ugly Duckling jumped in and start/started to paddle, too. “I can swim, Mother!” said the Ugly Duckling. He was proud.
  2. After swimming, the yellow ducklings started to play. They jumped and splash/splashed in muddy puddles. They shook their muddy wings and they laughed and laughed. The Ugly Duckling tried/try to play with his brothers and sisters, too. “I can jump and shake my wings!” exclaimed/exclaim the Ugly Duckling. He was so happy. But, the yellow ducklings yelled, “Go away!”
  3. The Ugly Duckling walk/walked with his head down. He was sad
  4. The Ugly Duckling went/go to his mum and said, “Mom, they don’t want to play with me. Am I too ugly?”
  5. “You’re different. You are not yellow but gray and brave.” Mother Duck tried to calm him down. But, he was/is not very pleased to hear it.

Jawaban Worksheet 2.5. halaman 79

  1. Sat
  2. Hatched
  3. Shook
  4. Cracked
  5. Walked
  6. Counted

Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 2.6. halaman 87

Tabel Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 2.6. halaman 87
Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 2.6. halaman 87

Jawaban Worksheet 2.7. halaman 89

  1. cow
  2. dog
  3. chickens
  4. swans

Jawaban Worksheet 2.8. halaman 93

  1. True 
  2. False 
  3. False 
  4. False 
  5. False
  6. True
  7. False
  8. True

Jawaban Worksheet 2.9. halaman 93

  1. “Can I please stay here?” asked the Ugly Duckling politely.
  2. The dog chased the Ugly Duckling. “Woof! Woof!” The dog sniffed and sniffed at him, then turned away.
  3. Two farms
  4. A cow
  5. “Look at yourself in the water and tell us”.

Jawaban Worksheet 2.10. halaman 95 - 96

Part 1

  1. She felt happy.
  2. They were proud/boastful.
  3. She became worried.
  4. He was happy.

Part 2

  1. They were annoyed.
  2. She became angry.
  3. He felt sad/heartbroken.
  4. He did not feel happy/pleased.

Part 3

  1. They felt annoyed.
  2. He was scared.
  3. He felt nervous.

WAIT WAIT ehh di bilang tunggu "jangan scroll scroll terus kebawah dong!". Admin mau nawarin aksesoris menarik nih, silahkan liat-liat dulu aja barang kali mau beli. Tapi wajib beli sih kalau mau keliatan keren 😋

cristal cube 11 ribu pergelang
cincin tali di jemari

Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 2.11. halaman 99

Pada jawaban dibagian ini memerlukan kreativitas kalian mengenai akhir cerita dari "The ugly duckling" dengan cara menggambar cerita akhirnya. Disini kita berikan salah satu contoh gambar Ending dari cerita tersebut. 

Akhir ceritanya: The ugly duckling became a beautiful swan and found his mate.

Berikut gambar akhir ceritanya

Akhir ceritanya: The ugly duckling become a beautiful swans and find his mate.
The ugly duckling became a beautiful swan and found his mate

Silahkan kalian secara berkelompok memikirkan sendiri gambar yang akan dibuat untuk akhir ceritanya bisa happy ending atau sad ending tergantung selera kelompok kalian.

Jawaban Worksheet 2.12. halaman 111

  1. He wandered to search for friends
  2. Five animals
  3. They were rude to him.
  4. He was sad.
  5. They were afraid of the tiger who ate the animals he found.
  6. No, he didn’t.
  7. No, he was not.
  8. He gave the tiger a hefty kick. 
  9. The animals thanked the elephant and became his friends.
  10. He felt happy.

Jawaban Worksheet 2.13. halaman 115

  1. The two grown-up chickens were mean. The Ugly Duckling felt sad.
  2. The cow was rude. The Ugly Duckling felt heartbroken.
  3. The Ugly Duckling. The dog was fierce.
  4. The ugly duckling was surprised.
  5. The white swans were honest. The Ugly Duckling was shy.
  6. The white swans and the ugly Duckling were happy.
  7. The monkey was arrogant.

Jawaban Worksheet 2.14. halaman 117

Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 2.14. halaman 117
Jawaban Worksheet 2.14. halaman 117

Jawaban Worksheet 2.15. halaman 118

Elements Function Example Detail
Orientation Introducing the time, location and characters in the story. That night, the Ugly Duckling lew away. He landed
on the other side of the river. There he met two grown-up chickens. The next morning, the Ugly Duckling lew away. He landed on a farm. Suddenly, a big hungry dog came.The Ugly Duckling was very tired. But, he lew and lew till he found another farm. There he met a cow.
Time: at night, the next
morning, next days
Place: on the other side of the
river, on a farm, a clear pond
Characters: the Ugly
Duckling, two grown-up
chickens, a big dog, a cow
Complication Showing the
conflict(s) or
problem(s) in
the story
Can I please stay here?” asked the Ugly Duckling politely.
“Why do we care?” said one of the chickens.
“Go away,” exclaimed the other.
The Ugly Duckling walked with his head down in shame. He was sad.
The dog chased the Ugly Duckling. “Woof! Woof!”
The Ugly Duckling was scared. The dog sniffed and sniffed at him, then turned away. “I am too ugly even for the big hungry dog to want,” said the Ugly
Duckling. He felt heartbroken.
“Can I please stay here?” asked the Ugly Duckling nicely.
“Why do I care?” replied the rude cow. She then yelled, “Moo! Go away!”
Once again, the Ugly Duckling walked away with his head down. He felt heartbroken.
The chickens sent him away
the dog turned away from him the cow sent him away
Resolution Giving the
Solution(s) for
the conlict(s)/
As time passed, the Ugly Duckling grew up. He lew and lew till finally he found a clear pond. He saw some big white birds swimming in the pond. “Wow, they are very beautiful!” he thought, “but I’m too ugly to be their friend.
“Hi,” greeted the Ugly Duckling. The beautiful white birds looked at him. It made the Ugly
Duckling feel nervous. Suddenly, the biggest white bird exclaimed, “Hey, look, we have another swan here!”
“No. No, I’m not. I’m an ugly duckling”, said the Ugly Duckling. He shook his head.
The beautiful white swans smiled and said, “Look at yourself in the water and tell us.”
The Ugly Duckling saw a relection in the water. He was surprised.
The Ugly Duckling met big
white birds who told him a
beautiful swan

Jawaban Worksheet 2.16. halaman 199

Elements Function Example Detail
Orientation Introducing the time, location and characters in the story. One day an elephant wandered into a forest in search of friends. Time: One day
Place: in a forest
Characters: elephant.
Complication Showing the
conflict(s) or
problem(s) in
the story
He saw a monkey on a tree.
“Will you be my friend?" asked the elephant.
“You are too big. You cannot swing from trees like me," replied the arrogant monkey,
Next, the elephant met a rabbit. He asked him to be his friend.
But the shy rabbit said, “You are too big to play in my burrow!"
Then the elephant met a frog.
“Will you be my friend? He asked.
“How can I?" asked the disgruntled frog. “You are too big to
leap about like me."
He met a fox next.
“Will you be my friend?" he asked the fox.
The sly fox said, “Sorry, sir, you are too big. You can’t run as fast as I can."
The elephant was upset and felt heartbroken.
Meanwhile, the tiger kept eating up whoever he could find.
the monkey, rabbit, frog, and fox did not want to be his friend a tiger ate animals in the forest
Resolution Giving the
Solution(s) for
the conlict(s)/
The elephant walked up to the tiger and said, “Please, Mr. Tiger, do not eat up these poor animals."
“Mind your own business!" growled the ferocious tiger.
The elephant had no choice but to give the tiger a hefty kick.
The frightened tiger ran for his life.
The elephant went back into the forest to announce the good news to everyone.
All the animals thanked the elephant.
They said, “You are very brave and just the right size to be our friend."
The elephant fought the tiger and the animals in the forest became his friends.

Contoh Jawaban Worksheet 2.17. halaman 120

Pada bagian ini kita akan merubah beberapa bagian cerita dari The Elephant and Friends. Silahkan kreasikan cerita kalian sendiri ini merupakan contoh saja.

Elements Function Example Detail
Orientation Introducing the time, location and characters in the story. A long time ago there is an elephant named Bobo. He wandered into a town in search of friends. Time: A long time ago
Place: in a town
Characters: Bobo.
Complication Showing the
conflict(s) or
problem(s) in
the story
Event 1
He saw a bird on a power pole.
“Will you be my friend?" asked Bobo.
“You are too big and doesn't have wings. I'm so sorry You cannot fly to the pole like me, but I can go with you by perch on your back and we can be friend" replied the kind bird with politely.

Bobo was very happy, He got his first friend in the town,

Event 2
Next, Bobo met a kangaroo. He asked him to be his friend. The kangaroo said "of course we can be friend, I like to have a lot of friends we can go along."

Once again Bobo felt very happy.

Event 3
Then the elephant met a wolf.
“Will you be my friend? He asked.
“Absolutely" replied the strong wolf. “You are big we can be more strong together and we can run a lot to play."

Event 4
He met a snake next.
“Will you be my friend?" he asked the snake.
The slithering snake, “Yeay, sir, you are friend now. And you have a lot of friend go along with you. I love have a lot of friend.
The elephant was very happy and felt blessed.

Meanwhile, the tiger kept eating up whoever he could find.
the bird, kangaroo, wolf, and snake want to be his friend a tiger ate animals in the twon
Resolution Giving the
Solution(s) for
the conlict(s)/
Bobo and his friends walked up to the tiger and said, “Please, Mr. Tiger, do not eat up these poor animals." asked Bobo with politely."Yeah Dude. Don't be so mean to us or we kicked your butt." Yelled Bobo's friends.

“Mind your own business!" growled the ferocious tiger.

Bobo dan his friends had no choice but to give the tiger a hefty kick together. Wataaaaaawww. They kick the tiger.
The beaten and frightened tiger ran for his life. Bobo went back into the town to announce the good news to everyone. All the animals thanked Bobo and his friends. They said, “You are very brave and just the right size to be our friend."
Bobo and his friends fought the tiger and the animals in the town became his friends.

Jawaban Worksheet 2.18. halaman 121

Pada lembar kerja ini kita hanya tinggal memindahkan cerita yang ada di tabel diatas sehingga menjadi sebuah cerita yang utuh menjadi sebuah Narrative Text tentang "Bobo and His Friends".

Bobo and His Friends

A long time ago there is an elephant named Bobo. He wandered into a town in search of friends.

He saw a bird on a power pole. “Will you be my friend?" asked Bobo. “You are too big and doesn't have wings. I'm so sorry You cannot fly to the pole like me, but I can go with you by perch on your back and we can be friend" replied the kind bird with politely. Bobo was very happy, He got his first friend in the town,

Next, Bobo met a kangaroo. He asked him to be his friend. The kangaroo said "of course we can be friend, I like to have a lot of friends we can go along." Once again Bobo felt very happy.

Then the elephant met a wolf. “Will you be my friend? He asked. “Absolutely" replied the strong wolf. “You are big we can be more strong together and we can run a lot to play."

He met a snake next. “Will you be my friend?" he asked the snake. The slithering snake, “Yeay, sir, you are friend now. And you have a lot of friend go along with you. I love have a lot of friend. The elephant was very happy and felt blessed.

Meanwhile, the tiger kept eating up whoever he could find.

Bobo and his friends walked up to the tiger and said, “Please, Mr. Tiger, do not eat up these poor animals." asked Bobo with politely."Yeah Dude. Don't be so mean to us or we kicked your butt." Yelled Bobo's friends.

“Mind your own business!" growled the ferocious tiger.

Bobo dan his friends had no choice but to give the tiger a hefty kick together. Wataaaaaawww. They kick the tiger. The beaten and frightened tiger ran for his life. Bobo went back into the town to announce the good news to everyone. All the animals thanked Bobo and his friends. They said, “You are very brave and just the right size to be our friend."

Kunci Jawaban Progress Check 1 Chapter 1 and 2 Halaman

Part I - Jakarta's City Tour

Kunci jawaban progress check 1 chapter 1 dan 2 Part I - Jakarta's City Tour
Jawaban Part I - Jakarta's City Tour

Part II

  1. Possible answers: ‘The Greedy Man’ because the man is greedy as he knew that the boat started sinking because of the weight of the gold chain but he kept pulling the chain, or ‘The Man and the Gold Chain’ because the focus on the story is on the man and the gold chain.
  2. A fisherman.
  3. He got upset and angry as he felt that he had to deal with a problem.
  4. A grumpy or crabby or emotional person as he got angry and cursed easily.
  5. The weight of the chain was too heavy and was put equally on the boat.
  6. Possible answers: ‘don’t be greedy or ‘measure your competence and be grateful for that’.
  7. Possible Answers: ‘I would not keep pulling as it endangered myself ’ or ‘I would leave the gold chain, marked the areas, and came back later with better equipment to pull the chain’.

Part III - Timun Mas: The Golden Cucumber Girl

Sesuai dengan tabel, urutannya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Paragraph 3
  2. Paragraph 4
  3. Paragraph 1
  4. Paragraph 2

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Kumpulan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 English for Nusantara
