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Buku English for Nusantara untuk Kelas 8 Chapter 5 Worksheets 5.1. sampai
Jawaban Worksheet 5.1 Chapter 5
Pada halaman 237 kita akan di suguhkan beberapa gambar suatu produk, jika dilihat dari produknya seperti produk skincare berikut gambar yang di maksud dan beberapa pertanyaan yang harus kalian jawab
Jawaban Worksheet 5.1 - Ilustrasi Produk Skincare Halaman 237 - English for Nusantara Kelas 8 |
Berikut ini beberapa pertanyaan yang harus kalian harus jawab:
1. What are the products for? (Untuk apa produk-produk tersebut?)
Contoh Jawaban : The products are for taking care our skin and hair from dried. (Produk-produk tersebut untuk merawat kulit dan rambut kita dari kekeringan.)
2. Do you use them every day?
Contoh Jawaban : Yes I do. (Iya)
Mungkin kalian tertarik juga dengan produk dibawah ini untuk merawat
kulit kalian
Contoh Jawaban Section 2 - Listening
Terlebih dahulu dengarkanlah Audio dibawah ini
Transkrip dan terjemahan
Monita : Pipit, look at these models! They are so beautiful.
Pipit : You’re right. They’re white and tall. They have no flaws at all.
Monita : They are just perfect.
Pipit : I wish I looked like them.
Monita : So do I.
Pipit : They put on makeup.
Monita : Yes. That’s what makes them beautiful.
Pipit : Should we put on makeup?
Monita : I think so.
Kak Sinta : Hey, girls. I just overheard. You know, we are beautiful just the way we are, with or without makeup. By the way, I’m listening to a new story on a podcast. Let’s listen to it.
Monita : Pipit, lihat model-model ini! Mereka sangat cantik.
Pipit: Kamu benar. Mereka berkulit putih dan tinggi. Mereka tidak memiliki kekurangan sama sekali.
Monita: Mereka sempurna.
Pipit : Aku berharap aku terlihat seperti mereka.
Monita : Aku juga.
Pipit : Mereka merias wajah.
Monita : Ya. Itulah yang membuat mereka cantik.
Pipit : Haruskah kita merias wajah?
Monita: Aku kira begitu.
Kak Sinta : Hai, gadis-gadis. Aku baru saja mendengar. Kalian tahu, kita cantik apa adanya, dengan atau tanpa riasan. Ngomong-ngomong, aku mendengarkan cerita baru di podcast. Mari kita dengarkan.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan jawaban untuk di diskusikan dengan kelompok.
1. Why do Monita and Pipit want to be looks like the models in the advertisement? (Kenapa Monita dan Pipit ingin terlihat seperti model yang ada didalam iklan?)
Contoh Jawaban:
Because they have no flaws. They are white and talls. (Karena mereka tidak memiliki kekurangan. Mereka putih dan tinggi.)
2. What do you think about the idea of looking like models? (Menurutmu bagaimana tentang ide ingin terlihat seperti model?)
Contoh Jawaban:
It's okay want to be look like a model, but being yourself is even better. (Ingin terlihat seperti model boleh-boleh saja, akan tetapi menjadi diri sendiri akan lebih baik.)
3. Do you agree with Kak Shinta’s opinion about being beautiful? Why or why not? (Apakah kamu setuju dengan pendapat Kak Shinta tentang menjadi cantik?)
Contoh Jawaban:
Yups, we are absolutely agree. (Yups, kita sangat setuju.)
4. Can you guess what the story will be about? (Apakah kamu bisa menebak ceritanya akan seperti apa?)
Contoh Jawaban:
No, we can't. (Tidak bisa)
5. Do you think girls and boys will like the story? Why or why not? ()
Contoh Jawaban:
Yes they will. Because they will know how to be beautiful by being yourself. (Ya mereka akan menyukainya. Karena mereka akan mengetahui bagaimana menjadi cantik dengan menjadi diri sendiri.)
Jawaban Worksheet 5.2 Chapter 5
Pelajarilah kosa kata berikut ini :
- conceal: menyembunyikan, menutupi
- embrace: merangkul
- humming: bersenandung
- overplayed: sering dimainkan
- scanning: memindai
- scratch: guratan
- dent: penyok
- line: garis
- makeup: tata rias wajah
- vanished: menghilang
- a glance: melirik sekilas
- a solid minute: satu menit
- apparently: nyatanya
- carefully: dengan hati-hati
- intently: dengan teliti
- maybe: mungkin
- prettify: mempercantik
- someday: suatu hari nanti
Match the phrases with the appropriate meanings. (Cocokan frasa-frasa berikut dengan pengertian yang sesuai)
Wordbox |
Contoh Jawaban:
- makeup: cosmetics applied to the face.
- threw a glance: a quick look.
- intently: with earnest and eager attention.
- scanning: Look at all parts.
- dent: A slight hollow in a hard even surface.
- scratch: A mark or wound.
Jawaban Worksheet 5.3 Chapter 5
Listen to a story in Audio 5.2. (Dengarkan sebuah cerita pada Audio 5.2)
Sebelumnya silahkan putar Audio dibawah ini dan perhatikan dengan seksama karena jawaban untuk worksheet ini berada pada Audio ini.
Transkrip dan Terjemahan :
“Have you heard of makeup?”
I threw her a glance. She came to me in the morning, waiting for the class to begin.
“You’d look prettier with makeup on.” She looked at me intently; her eyes were scanning every inch of my face.
Every dent, every scratch, every line.
Every flaw.
Suddenly, all the words I had made friends with throughout my life vanished. I didn’t say anything to her for a solid minute, I didn’t know what to say.
“Yeah, I know,” I finally managed.
She turned away to do her work, humming a song that was overplayed by the radio. Apparently, not aware of how much her words had hurt me.
Dear girl who I sat next to for one music class. Maybe someday I’ll carefully conceal my dents, my scratches, my lines. Maybe someday I’ll “prettify” my face. Maybe someday, but for now, I’ll learn how to embrace every imperfection, flaw, and part of me that needs to be painted away.
Terjemahan :
"Pernahkah kamu mendengar tentang make-up?"
Aku memandang padanya. Dia datang kepadaku di pagi hari, menunggu kelas dimulai.
"Kamu akan terlihat lebih cantik dengan riasan." Dia menatapku dengan saksama; matanya memindai setiap inci wajahku.
Setiap penyok, setiap goresan, setiap baris.
Setiap cacat.
Tiba-tiba, semua kata-kata yang telah saya jadikan teman sepanjang hidup saya lenyap. Saya tidak mengatakan apa-apa padanya selama satu menit penuh, saya tidak tahu harus berkata apa.
"Ya, aku tahu," akhirnya aku berhasil.
Dia berbalik untuk melakukan pekerjaannya, menyenandungkan lagu yang diputar berlebihan oleh radio. Rupanya, tidak menyadari betapa kata-katanya menyakitiku.
Gadis tersayang yang duduk di sebelah saya untuk satu kelas musik. Mungkin suatu hari nanti saya akan dengan hati-hati menyembunyikan penyok saya, goresan saya, garis saya. Mungkin suatu hari nanti saya akan "mempercantik" wajah saya. Mungkin suatu hari nanti, tetapi untuk saat ini, saya akan belajar bagaimana merangkul setiap ketidaksempurnaan, kekurangan, dan bagian dari diri saya yang perlu dihilangkan.
Mungkin suatu hari nanti.
Answer these questions. You may use Indonesian. (jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini. Kamu bisa menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia.), Kalau bisa menggunakan bahasa Inggris Why not!
1. How many people were there in the story? Were they friends?. (Berapa banyak orang yang ada dalam cerita itu? Apakah mereka berteman?)
Contoh Jawaban :
Two. Not really, they seem to be classmates. (Dua. Tidak juga, mereka sepertinya teman sekelas.)
2. Where did the story take place? (Di mana cerita itu terjadi?)
Contoh Jawaban :
A class. (Disebuah kelas)
3. Can you guess the gender and age of ‘I’ character in the story? (Bisakah Anda menebak jenis kelamin dan usia karakter 'Saya' dalam cerita?)
Contoh Jawaban :
A girl, teenager perhaps 13 or 14 years old. (Seorang gadis, remaja mungkin berusia 13 atau 14 tahun.)
4. Who asked the question “Have you heard of makeup?” in the story? (Siapa yang mengajukan pertanyaan "Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang makeup?" dalam cerita?)
Contoh Jawaban :
She (the narrator’s classmate). (Dia/Prempuan (teman sekelas narator))
5. Why did she say that “You’d look prettier with makeup on”? (Mengapa dia mengatakan bahwa "Kamu akan terlihat lebih cantik dengan riasan"?)
Contoh Jawaban :
Perhaps, she’s just being mean, commenting on the fact that ‘I’ did not put any makeup on but ‘I’ looks pretty. Or, perhaps she was concerned about ‘I’ who doesn’t look fresh without any make up. (Mungkin, dia hanya bersikap jahat, mengomentari fakta bahwa 'Aku' tidak merias wajah tapi 'Aku' terlihat cantik. Atau, mungkin dia khawatir tentang 'aku' yang tidak terlihat segar tanpa make up.)
6. Why did ‘I’ not say anything to her? (Mengapa 'aku' tidak mengatakan apapun padanya?)
Contoh Jawaban :
She/he probably thinks there is no point arguing with her classmate. She/he has her/his own belief about being pretty or make up. She/he seems to try to be comfortable with the way she/he is. She/he embraces herself. (Dia mungkin berpikir tidak ada gunanya berdebat dengan teman sekelasnya. Dia memiliki keyakinannya sendiri tentang menjadi cantik atau berdandan. Dia sepertinya mencoba untuk merasa nyaman dengan apa adanya. Dia memeluk dirinya sendiri.)
7. What does the word ‘intently’ in “She looked at me intently” mean? (Apa arti kata 'intently' dalam kalimat "She looked at me intently"?)
Contoh Jawaban :
She observes the face seriously and makes ‘I’ uncomfortable. (Dia mengamati wajah itu dengan serius dan membuat 'aku' tidak nyaman.)
8. Have you experienced looking at something intently? (Pernahkah Anda mengalami melihat sesuatu dengan saksama?)
Contoh Jawaban :
Yes, looking at a painting or at my mum’s new plant. (Ya, melihat lukisan atau tanaman baru ibuku.)
Jawaban Worksheet 5.4 Chapter 5
Fill in the bubbles in the comic with the words from the story. (Isi balon kata di komik dengan kata-kata dari cerita.)
.jpg) |
worksheet 5.4 |
- Have you heard of makeup?
- You’d look prettier with makeup on.
- Yeah, I know.
- She turned away to do her work, humming a song that was overplayed by the radio. Apparently not aware of how much her words had hurt me. Dear girl who I sat next to for one music class. Maybe someday I’ll carefully conceal my dents, my scratches, my lines. Maybe someday I’ll “prettify” my face. Maybe someday, but for now, I’ll learn how to embrace every imperfection, flaw, and part of me that needs to be painted away. Maybe someday.
Jawaban Worksheet 5.5 Chapter 5
Think of the actions and feelings of each character while retelling the story. Discuss with your groups how to project the feelings while retelling.
Story teller: | Events and Sayings | Feelings, intonation |
The Girl : (Student 1) | “Have you heard of makeup?” | Example: Annoyed Rising tone |
Narrator 1 : (Student 2) | I threw her a glance. She came to me in the morning, waiting for the class to begin. | Angry |
The Girl : (Student 1) | “You’d look prettier with makeup on.” | cynical, falling intonation |
Narrator 2 : (Student 3) | She looked at me intently; her eyes were scanning every inch of my face. | shy |
Narrator 3 : (Student 4) | Every dent, every scratch, every line. Every flaw. | shy |
Narrator 1 : (Student 2) | Suddenly, all the words I had made friends with throughout my life vanished. I didn’t say anything to her for a solid minute, I didn’t know what to say. | inferiority |
Narrator 2 : (Student 3) | “Yeah, I know,” | shy, falling intonation |
Narrator 3 : (Student 4) | I finally managed. | relief |
Narrator 1 : (Student 2) | She turned away to do her work, humming a song that was overplayed by the radio. Apparently, not aware of how much her words had hurt me. | sad |
Narrator 2 : (Student 3) | Dear girl who I sat next to for one music class. Maybe someday I’ll carefully conceal my dents, my scratches, my lines. | sad and angry |
Narrator 3 : (Student 4) | Maybe someday I’ll “prettify” my face. | sad, falling intonation |
Narrator 1 : (Student 2) | Maybe someday, but for now, I’ll learn how to embrace every imperfection, flaw, and part of me that needs to be painted away. | sad |
All Narrators: (all students) | Maybe someday. | sad |
Unit 2 - I know I Can Do It
Jawaban Worksheet 5.6 Chapter 5
1. What is your favorite activity?
Contoh Jawaban: Playing guitar
2. How well do you do it? Choose the level that best describes your ability.
Contoh Jawaban: Well enough,
3. What do you do to improve your ability?
Contoh Jawaban: Practice more and more, and find a tutor for me.
Jawaban Worksheet 5.7 Chapter 5
Sebelum kita mengerjakan worksheet 5.7 lebih baik kita mendengarkan dahulu dan memahami audio percakapan di bawah ini
Transkrip dan terjemahan
Monita : It’s a good story, isn’t it?
Galang : Yes. It motivates me to work hard.
Made : You’re right. I was in the same situation once. I thought I was not good at anything. But, I found out that I was good at playing basketball.
Monita : In my case, I thought I was not good at fishing but Galang proved me wrong. He taught me how to fish well. Thanks, Galang.
Made : Yeah, we just have to ind what we like. Then, we have to practice
Monita : Itu cerita yang bagus, bukan?
Galang : Iya. Ini memotivasi saya untuk bekerja keras.
Dibuat: Anda benar. Saya pernah berada dalam situasi yang sama. Saya pikir saya tidak pandai dalam hal apa pun. Tapi, saya menemukan bahwa saya pandai bermain basket.
Monita : Dalam kasus saya, saya pikir saya tidak pandai memancing tetapi Galang membuktikan bahwa saya salah. Dia mengajari saya cara memancing dengan baik. Terima kasih, Galang.
Made : Ya, kita hanya perlu menemukan apa yang kita suka. Lalu kita harus berlatih.
Lalu mari kita jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini yang ada pada worksheet 5.7:
1. What motivates Galang to work hard? (Apa yang memotivasi Galang untuk bekerja keras?)
Jawaban : The efforts made by the main character in a story. (Upaya yang dilakukan oleh tokoh utama dalam sebuah cerita)
2. Who thought that she or he was not good at anything at first? (Siapa yang mengira bahwa dia atau dia tidak pandai dalam segala hal pada awalnya?)
3. What did Made say to Galang? (Apa yang Made katakan kepada Galang?)
Jawaban : He agreed that the story motivated him, too. (Dia setuju bahwa cerita itu memotivasi dia juga.)
4. Why did Made say that to Galang? (Kenapa Made bilang begitu ke Galang?)
Jawaban : He was not sure about what he was not good at, but he finally knew he was good at playing basketball. (Dia tidak yakin tentang apa yang dia tidak pandai, tetapi dia akhirnya tahu dia pandai bermain basket.)
5. What do you think Galang is good at? Why? (Menurutmu apa yang Galang kuasai? Mengapa?)
Jawaban : Fishing. He taught Monita how to do the fishing. (Penangkapan ikan. Dia mengajari Monita cara memancing)
Jawaban Worksheet 5.8 Chapter 5
Mari kita baca terlebih dahulu cerita dibawah ini, tenang kita sediain juga nih terjemahannya dibawah ya
Part 1
One Friday afternoon on Gang Pelita, a small street where very few cars passed by, Bayu drew lines with a piece of stone to create a soccer field.
When the field was drawn, the kids were grouped into two teams then they took their positions. Mirza, Abay, and Siti were one team, taking the left side of the field. Raka, Amelia, and Pitra were on the other team.
While everyone was so eager to defend and score, Mirza was not sure about his role as a keeper. He ran left, then to the right, clumsily leaving the goal area empty. The next thing he knew, the other team already scored.
They took some rest under the shade of a tall building on the street.
“You were no use, Mirza. You can’t play football,” Siti said.
“I think he guarded the goal area well,” replied Bayu.
“But he didn’t know what to do in the game. He was just running here
and there,” Siti said sternly.
Mirza didn’t say anything. He kept silent. It was not the first time Siti talked like that.
Bagian 1
Suatu Jumat sore di Gang Pelita, sebuah jalan kecil yang hanya dilalui sedikit mobil, Bayu membuat garis dengan sebongkah batu untuk membuat lapangan sepak bola.
Saat lapangan diundi, anak-anak dikelompokkan menjadi dua tim kemudian mereka mengambil posisi masing-masing. Mirza, Abay, dan Siti satu tim, menempati sisi kiri lapangan. Raka, Amelia, dan Pitra berada di tim lawan.
Sementara semua orang sangat ingin bertahan dan mencetak gol, Mirza tidak yakin dengan perannya sebagai kiper. Dia berlari ke kiri, lalu ke kanan, dengan canggung membiarkan area gawang kosong. Hal berikutnya yang dia tahu, tim lain sudah mencetak gol.
Mereka beristirahat di bawah naungan gedung tinggi di jalan.
“Kamu tidak berguna, Mirza. Anda tidak bisa bermain sepak bola, ”kata Siti.
“Saya rasa dia menjaga area gawang dengan baik,” jawab Bayu.
“Tapi dia tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan dalam permainan. Dia baru saja berlari ke sini
dan di sana,” kata Siti tegas.
Mirza tidak mengatakan apa-apa. Dia tetap diam. Ini bukan pertama kalinya Siti berbicara seperti itu.
Answer the questions based on the story Part 1. (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan cerita ke 1)
1. Who drew the soccer field? (Siapa yang menggambar lapangan sepak bola?)
Jawaban : Abay
2. Write the names based on the teams. (Tulis nama berdasarkan tim.)
Jawaban :
Team 1: Mirza, Abay, and Sii
Team 2: Raka, Amel, and Pitra
3. What did Mirza do to guard the goal area? (Apa yang dilakukan Mirza untuk menjaga area gawang?)
Jawaban : He clumsily left the goal area empty. (Dia dengan canggung membiarkan area gawang kosong.)
4. Why did Mirza keep silent after the game? The possible answer is … (Mengapa Mirza diam saja setelah pertandingan? Jawaban yang mungkin adalah…)
Jawaban : Semua jawaban bisa saja benar.
a. He was worried he could not play soccer again. (Dia khawatir dia tidak bisa bermain sepak bola lagi.)
b. He was thinking about what Siti said. (Dia sedang memikirkan apa yang dikatakan Siti.)
c. He wanted to play again. (Dia ingin bermain lagi.)
5. Tick what word in the story means minimum skill. (Centang kata apa dalam cerita yang berarti keterampilan minimum.)
Jawaban :
Jawaban Worksheet 5.8 Chapter 5 Nomor 5 |
6. What do you think would happen to Mirza? (Menurut Anda apa yang akan terjadi pada Mirza?)
Jawaban : The possible answer is being kicked out from the group. (Jawaban yang mungkin dikeluarkan dari grup.)
Jawaban Worksheet 5.9 Chapter 5
Baca dulu ceritanya ya biar kalian paham apa yang ditanyakan pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan nanti. Berikut ini ceritanya dan terjemahannya.
Part 2
The next afternoon Mirza played with his plastic soccer ball in his bedroom. He kicked the black and white striped ball hard to the wall. His mother got annoyed by the sound. She came to his room and saw what was going on.
“You always make noises with that ball. Can’t you just play outside?” said his mother from the doorway.
“I want to, but…,” Mirza replied hesitantly.
“Go play outside with your friends!” his mother ordered.
But, Mirza didn’t go out that day. He stayed home for the rest of the day. He wished his dad were home and played soccer with him.
The next Sunday morning, Mirza sat next to his mother who was busy with boxes of clothes. His mother worked as an assistant for an online shop selling kids’ clothing.
“Mum, can I join Winners football club?”
“Do you really have to join the club?”
“Yes. I need a coach to train me to play soccer. This is a good soccer club, Mum.”
“But you know our financial condition,” whispered his mother.
“But this is important for me,” Mirza looked down at the floor.
“There’s a community football club here. I heard Pak RT was looking for children to join the club,” said his mother.
Mirza thought about it for a moment. It was not a bad idea after all.
Bagian 2
Sore berikutnya Mirza bermain bola plastik di kamar tidurnya. Dia menendang keras bola bergaris hitam dan putih ke dinding. Ibunya merasa terganggu dengan suara itu. Dia datang ke kamarnya dan melihat apa yang sedang terjadi.
“Kamu selalu membuat suara dengan bola itu. Tidak bisakah kamu bermain di luar saja? kata ibunya dari ujung pintu.
“Mau, tapi…,” jawab Mirza ragu.
“Pergilah bermain di luar dengan teman-temanmu!” perintah ibunya.
Tapi, Mirza tidak keluar hari itu. Dia tinggal di rumah selama sisa hari itu. Dia berharap ayahnya ada di rumah dan bermain sepak bola dengannya.
Minggu pagi berikutnya, Mirza duduk di samping ibunya yang sibuk dengan kotak-kotak pakaian. Ibunya bekerja sebagai asisten toko online yang menjual pakaian anak-anak.
“Bu, bolehkah saya bergabung dengan klub sepak bola Winners?”
"Apakah kamu benar-benar harus bergabung dengan klub?"
"Ya. Saya membutuhkan seorang pelatih untuk melatih saya bermain sepak bola. Ini klub sepak bola yang bagus, Bu.”
“Tapi kamu tahu kondisi keuangan kami,” bisik ibunya.
“Tapi ini penting buat saya,” Mirza menatap lantai.
“Ada klub sepak bola komunitas di sini. Saya dengar Pak RT sedang mencari anak-anak untuk bergabung dengan klub, ”kata ibunya.
Mirza memikirkannya sejenak. Lagipula itu bukan ide yang buruk.
Answer the questions based on the story Part 2.
1. What day did Mirza stay in his house after school? (Pada hari apa Mirza tinggal di rumahnya sepulang sekolah?)
Jawaban : Saturday. (Sabtu)
2. Why did Mother go to Mirza’s room? (Kenapa Ibu pergi ke kamar Mirza?)
Jawaban : Because she got annoyed by the sound. (Karena dia terganggu dengan suara itu.)
3. Draw Mirza’s plastic soccer ball. (Gambar bola sepak plastik Mirza.)
Jawaban :
Jawaban Worksheet 5.9 Chapter 5 Nomor 3 |
4. Can you guess why Mirza wished his dad was with him? (Bisakah Anda menebak mengapa Mirza berharap ayahnya bersamanya?)
Jawaban : His dad was not around. Perhaps he was out of town or his dad already passed away. Mirza wanted to play soccer with his dad; his dad could pay for the soccer club. (Ayahnya tidak ada. Mungkin dia sedang keluar kota atau ayahnya sudah meninggal. Mirza ingin bermain sepak bola dengan ayahnya; ayahnya bisa membayar klub sepak bola)
5. Which soccer club would Mirza join? (Klub sepak bola mana yang akan diikuti Mirza?)
Jawaban : Winners soccer club. (Klub sepak bola Winners)
Jawaban Worksheet 5.10 Chapter 5
Sebelum kita menjawab lembar kerja 5.10 ini ada baiknya kamu memahami cerita di bawah ini:
Part 3
The next day, he joined the soccer club. He promised to train hard. He wanted to become a great soccer player and helped his team win. However, he could not play well at the club. He always failed to keep the goal area. He was very sad and almost gave up. Pak RT came to him and suggested that he should try other positions. After trying some positions, he found that being a midfielder was the best position for him.
A month later, there was a mandatory soccer match in that region. Mirza was grouped with Siti, Abay, Raka, Amelia, and Pitra. At first, they underestimated Mirza’s skills, but he proved them wrong. He helped his team to win as a midfielder. He could pass the ball accurately so that Siti, the forward, could score for the team. Everyone cheered for Mirza, including Siti.
“I’m sorry for underestimating you, Mirza. I should not have pushed you to be a goalkeeper. You are such a great midfielder!” praised Siti. Mirza smiled and said “That’s okay. Let’s practice together to become a better team.”
Bagian 3
Keesokan harinya, dia bergabung dengan klub sepak bola. Dia berjanji akan berlatih keras. Dia ingin menjadi pemain sepak bola yang hebat dan membantu timnya menang. Namun, dia tidak bisa bermain bagus di klub. Ia selalu gagal menjaga area gawang. Dia sangat sedih dan hampir menyerah. Pak RT mendatanginya dan menyarankan agar dia mencoba posisi lain. Setelah mencoba beberapa posisi, ia menemukan bahwa menjadi gelandang adalah posisi terbaik baginya.
Sebulan kemudian, ada pertandingan sepak bola wajib di wilayah itu. Mirza satu grup dengan Siti, Abay, Raka, Amelia, dan Pitra. Awalnya, mereka meremehkan kemampuan Mirza, tapi dia membuktikan bahwa mereka salah. Dia membantu timnya untuk menang sebagai gelandang. Dia bisa mengoper bola dengan akurat sehingga Siti sang penyerang bisa mencetak gol untuk tim. Semua orang bersorak untuk Mirza, termasuk Siti.
“Maaf telah meremehkanmu, Mirza. Saya seharusnya tidak mendorong Anda untuk menjadi penjaga gawang. Kamu benar-benar gelandang yang hebat!” puji Siti. Mirza tersenyum dan berkata, “Tidak apa-apa. Mari berlatih bersama untuk menjadi tim yang lebih baik.”
Answer the questions based on the story Part 3. (Jawab pertanyaan berdasarkan cerita Bagian 3.)
1. Draw a picture of the setting in each part of the story. (1. Buatlah gambar latar di setiap bagian cerita.)
Contoh Jawaban : Pada bagian ini silahkan kamu berkreasi dengan gambar kamu sendiri.
.jpg) |
| Jawaban Worksheet 5.10 Chapter 5 Drawing Illustration
2. Who are the characters in each part? (Siapa saja karakter di setiap bagian?)
Jawaban :
Part 1: Mirza, Abay, Siti, Raka, Amel, and Pitra.
Part 2: Mirzha, his mother, and Pak RT.
Part 3: Pak RT, Mirza, Dita, Abay, Raka, Amel, and Pitra.
3. Circle the words that could describe how Mirza was feeling in each part. You can choose more than one word. (Lingkari kata-kata yang dapat menggambarkan perasaan Mirza pada setiap bagian. Anda dapat memilih lebih dari satu kata.)
Jawaban :
Part 1: clumsy, sad, silly, upset, annoyed.
Part 2: cranky, angry, upset, sad, distressed.
Part 3: excited, happy, hopeful, worried.
4. Each part of the story has been summarized below. Put the summaries in order by writing 1-7 in the boxes on the left. (Setiap bagian dari cerita telah dirangkum di bawah ini. Urutkan ringkasan dengan menulis 1-7 pada kotak di sebelah kiri.)
Jawaban :
g. Mirza played soccer with his friends on an empty street.
f. Siti was upset because Mirza did not play well.
c. Mirza wanted to join a soccer club.
a. Mirza’s mother could not afford to pay for the club.
e. Mirza practiced soccer in the community club.
b. He worked hard to help his teammate score a goal.
d. Siti apologized for underestimating Mirza.
g. Mirza bermain sepak bola bersama teman-temannya di jalan yang sepi.
f. Siti kesal karena Mirza tidak bermain bagus.
c. Mirza ingin bergabung dengan klub sepak bola.
a. Ibu Mirza tidak mampu membayar klub tersebut.
e. Mirza berlatih sepak bola di klub komunitas.
b. Dia bekerja keras untuk membantu rekan setimnya mencetak gol.
d. Siti meminta maaf karena meremehkan Mirza.
5. What do you learn from the story? (Apa yang kamu pelajari dari cerita tersebut?)
Jawaban :
Part 1: We have to watch our words.
Part 2: There is always a way out on every problem.
Part 3: We can be the best version of yourselves if you do it properly.
We can prove that everyone that looks down on you is wrong.
Bagian 1: Kita harus menjaga kata-kata kita.
Bagian 2: Selalu ada jalan keluar dari setiap masalah.
Bagian 3: Kita bisa menjadi versi terbaik dari dirimu sendiri jika kamu melakukannya dengan benar.
Kita dapat membuktikan bahwa setiap orang yang memandang rendah Anda salah.
6. What is the best title for the story? (Apa judul terbaik untuk cerita ini?)
Jawaban :
I want to be a good soccer player. (Saya ingin menjadi pemain sepak bola yang bagus.)
Jawaban Worksheet 5.11 Chapter 5
Read the questions. Write an adverb of manner to complete the sentences.
1. How did Dita run?
She was quick. She ran ____________
Jawaban : Quickly
2. How does mother shout?
She is loud. She shouts ____________
3. How does Rizky Febian sing?
He is a good singer. He sings ____________
4. How did the girl look at you?
She gave me an angry look. She looked at me ____________
5. How does the father ride the motorcycle?
He is a careful motorcycle rider.
He rides the motorcycle ____________
Jawaban Worksheet 5.12 Chapter 5
Choose adjectives or adverbs of manner to complete the following sentences.
1. Parto is a (brilliant - brilliantly) student. He always passes the exams (brilliant - brilliantly).
Jawaban : briliant, brilliantly
2. Turtles walk (slow - slowly) because they are (slow - slowly) animals.
Jawaban : slowly, slow
3. They are (quiet - quietly) students. They speak (quiet - quietly).
4. We had (heavy - heavily) rain last night. It rained (heavy - heavily).
5. Mirza is a (good - well) soccer player. He plays soccer very (good - well).
Jawaban Worksheet 5.13 Chapter 5
Read the story below
Mumtaz and her classmates sat for the semester exam. One of the subjects in the exam was Social Sciences. The subject always gave Mumtaz challenges. She prepared for this examination very seriously. She even asked her best friend, Radit, to review the exam materials together. Radit always got good grades in this subject. However, Radit could not do the review because he did not feel very well that time.
On the day of the test, all students sat separately. Mumtaz and Radit could not sit together as usual. The teacher asked Radit to sit in the next row in front of Mumtaz. After the teacher distributed the exam papers, the students began to answer the questions. Mumtaz could not answer some questions. They were too dificult for her. She started to look around the class. Her friends were very busy writing their answers on the paper. Radit, however, often looked down. Mumtaz was surprised. Radit was holding his cellphone under his desk, and he was reading from it. Mumtaz did not know what to think. She felt angry at Radit, but she did not know what to do.
Mumtaz dan teman-teman sekelasnya mengikuti ujian semester. Salah satu mata pelajaran yang dilombakan adalah Ilmu Sosial. Topik itu selalu memberi Mumtaz tantangan. Dia mempersiapkan ujian ini dengan sangat serius. Dia bahkan meminta sahabatnya, Radit, untuk meninjau materi ujian bersama. Radit selalu mendapat nilai bagus di mata pelajaran ini. Namun, Radit tidak bisa melakukan review karena merasa tidak enak badan saat itu.
Pada hari ujian, semua siswa duduk terpisah. Mumtaz dan Radit tidak bisa duduk bersama seperti biasa. Guru meminta Radit duduk di baris berikutnya di depan Mumtaz. Setelah guru membagikan kertas ujian, siswa mulai menjawab pertanyaan. Mumtaz tidak bisa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan. Mereka terlalu sulit baginya. Ia mulai melihat ke sekeliling kelas. Teman-temannya sangat sibuk menulis jawaban mereka di atas kertas. Radit, bagaimanapun, sering melihat ke bawah. Muntaz terkejut. Radit memegang ponselnya di bawah mejanya, dan dia membaca dari situ. Mumtaz tidak tahu harus berpikir apa. Dia merasa marah pada Radit, tapi dia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa.
Answer the questions based on the story.
1. What subject did Mumtaz have for the semester exam in the story?
Jawaban : Social Science
2. The subject was … for Mumtaz.
a. challenging
b. easy
c. serious
3. How did Mumtaz prepare for the exam?
a. lazily
b. seriously
c. powerfully
4. Mumtaz reviewed the subject … before the exam.
a. with Radit
b. alone
c. the teacher
5. What does the word separately mean in the second paragraph?
Jawaban : They sat in different chairs.
6. Could Mumtaz answer all the questions? Explain your answer.
Jawaban : No, she could not. The questions were too hard for her.
7. Why did Radit often look down when doing the exam?
Jawaban : Radit was holding his cellphone under the desk. He was cheating by reading the material from his cellphone.
8. What did Mumtaz feel when she saw Radit?
9. Draw a picture where Radit held his handphone.
contoh |
Unit 3 - Practice Makes Perfect
Jawaban Worksheet 5.14 Chapter 5
Work in a group of four. Read each phrase in the box. Put each phrase in one category under the box.
Getting into the Band
- I asked my friends
- they all got tired of following me around
- along the beach
- A few auditions
- I
- the leader
- wanted to run home
- how to relax and do breathing techniques
- Dad helped me out
- The third time was a completely different story
- in front of the whole band
- the band’s uniform
Characters I the leader | Settings along the beach in front of the whole band | Conflicts / Problem
A few auditions The third time was a completely different Story wanted to run home the band’s uniform |
Dad helped me out | Endings
they all got tired of following me around | Vocabulary we do not know
the band’s uniform the band’s uniform |
I wonder
I asked my friends | Summary
how to relax and do breathing techniques |
Jawaban Worksheet 5.15 Chapter 5
Read the story.
Before I got into the band, I eagerly followed the musicians around or watched them practice in the town hall or outdoors. I even asked my friends to walk along the beach. We banged pot lids and shook plastic bottles with sand in them or cola cans filled with pebbles. We made noises loudly. Little by little they all got tired of following me around. I knew it was time to try out the real deal.
I did a few auditions. The first time was a disaster. I couldn’t get my breath and I started to cry. I just wanted to run home but the leader was very understanding. He fixed an appointment for the following week. He explained how to relax and do breathing techniques. So I practiced everything he told me. I went around the house making drum noises, bass noises, and piano sounds. Dad helped me out.
The next time I had prepared everything. But, I did not play well enough because I was still nervous, but not as much as the first one. I told the leader that I needed a bit more time. The third time was a completely different story. I enjoyed it.
Then, one Saturday morning, I played in front of the whole band and they clapped. The leader said: “Let’s welcome Peter to the band. He deserves his place.”
I was just so happy and I was very proud of myself. They gave me the band’s uniform.
Sebelum saya masuk ke band, saya dengan bersemangat mengikuti para musisi berkeliling atau menonton mereka berlatih di balai kota atau di luar ruangan. Saya bahkan meminta teman-teman saya untuk berjalan di sepanjang pantai. Kami membenturkan tutup panci dan mengocok botol plastik berisi pasir atau kaleng cola berisi kerikil. Kami membuat suara keras. Sedikit demi sedikit mereka semua bosan mengikutiku kemana-mana. Saya tahu sudah waktunya untuk mencoba real deal.
Saya melakukan beberapa audisi. Pertama kali adalah bencana. Saya tidak bisa bernapas dan mulai menangis. Saya hanya ingin lari pulang tetapi pemimpinnya sangat pengertian. Dia membuat janji untuk minggu berikutnya. Dia menjelaskan cara bersantai dan melakukan teknik pernapasan. Jadi saya mempraktikkan semua yang dia katakan kepada saya. Saya berkeliling rumah membuat suara drum, suara bass, dan suara piano. Ayah membantuku.
Lain kali saya sudah menyiapkan segalanya. Tapi, saya tidak bermain cukup baik karena saya masih gugup, tapi tidak sebanyak yang pertama. Saya memberi tahu pemimpin bahwa saya membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu. Ketiga kalinya adalah cerita yang sama sekali berbeda. Saya menikmatinya.
Kemudian, pada suatu Sabtu pagi, saya bermain di depan seluruh band dan mereka bertepuk tangan. Pemimpin berkata: “Mari kita sambut Peter di band. Dia pantas mendapatkan tempatnya.”
Saya sangat senang dan saya sangat bangga pada diri saya sendiri. Mereka memberi saya seragam band.
Answer the questions with one word from the text.
1. Where did the band practice?
Jawaban : In the town hall or outdoors.
2. What did my friends put into the plastic bottles?
Jawaban : Sand.
3. How did my friends and I make noises at the beach?
Jawaban : Loudly.
4. Who helped me practice at home?
Jawaban : Dad.
5. Which audition did I feel very nervous about?
Jawaban : The first audition
6. What did the leader tell me to do in the first audition?
Jawaban : Relax.
7. What day did the leader accept me in the band?
Jawaban : Saturday.
8. What did I wear to play in the band?
Jawaban : The band's uniform.
Jawaban Worksheet 5.16 Chapter 5
Elements | Function | Example | Detail |
Orientation | Introducing the time, location, and characters in the story. | One Friday afternoon on a small street with very few cars passing by called Gang Pelita, Abay drew lines with a piece of stone to create a soccer field. The others took their positions after dividing themselves into two teams. Mirza, Abay, and Dita were one team, taking the left side of the field. Raka, Amel, and Pitra were on the other team. | Time: Friday afternoon Place: Gang Pelita Characters: Mirza, Abay, Dita, Raka, Amel, and Pitra. |
Complication | Showing the conflict(s) or problem(s) in the story. | While everyone was so eager to defend and score, Mirza felt confused with his role as a keeper. He ran left, then to the right, clumsily leaving the goal area empty. The next thing he knew, the other team already scored. They took some rest under the shades of a tall building on the street.
“You were no use, Mirza. You can’t play football,” Dita said.
“I think he guarded the goal area well,” replied Abay.
“But he didn’t know what to do in the game. He was just running here and there,” Dita said sternly.
Mirza didn’t say anything. He kept silent until the boys went home to their houses. It was not the first time Dita said as such. | Problem: Mirza felt confused with his role as a keeper. |
Resolution | Giving the Solution(s) for the conflict(s)/ problem(s). | A month later, there was a mandatory soccer match in that region. Mirza was grouped with Dita, Abay, Raka, Amel, and Pitra. At first, they underestimated Mirza’s skill, but he proved them wrong. He helped his team to win with his awesome skill as a midfielder. He could pass the ball accurately so that Dita, the forward, could score for the team. Everyone cheered for Mirza, including Dita. “I’m sorry for underestimating you, Mirza. I should have not pushed you to be a goalkeeper. You are such a great midfielder!” praised Dita. Mirza smiled and said “That’s okay. Let’s practice together to become a greater team.” | Resolution: Mirzha could prove that he was a good soccer player. |
Jawaban Worksheet 5.17 Chapter 5
Elements | Function | Example | Detail |
Orientation | Introducing the time, location, and characters in the story. | Before I got into the band, I eagerly followed the musicians around or watched them practice in the town hall or outdoors. I even asked my friends to walk along the beach. We banged pot lids and shook plastic bottles with sand in them or cola cans illed with pebbles. We made noises loudly. Little by little they all got tired of following me around. I knew it was time to try out the real deal. | Time: before i got into the band Place: the town hall and beach. Characters: I and my friends. |
Complication | Showing the conflict(s) or problem(s) in the story. | I did a few auditions. The irst time was a disaster. I couldn’t get my breath and I started to cry. I just wanted to run home but the leader was very understanding. He ixed an appointment for the following week. He explained how to relax and do breathing techniques. So I practiced everything he told me. I went around the house making drum noises, bass noises, and piano sounds. Dad helped me out. | Problem: I always felt nervous every time I got into an audition. It felt more relaxed after the leader asked me to do the breathing technique. |
Resolution | Giving the Solution(s) for the conflict(s)/ problem(s). | The next time I had prepared everything. But, I did not play well enough because I was still nervous, but not as much as the first one. I told the leader that I needed a bit more time. The third time was a completely different story. I enjoyed it. Then, one Saturday morning, I played in front of the whole band and they clapped. The leader said: “Let’s welcome Peter to the band. He deserves his place.” I was just so happy and I was very proud of myself. They gave me the band’s uniform. | Resolution: Peter got into the band. |
Jawaban Worksheet 5.18 Chapter 5
Setting | Character(s) Decide the character(s) | Problem What problem does the character have? |
Maybe in a school | I Judges | to be nervous before speaking in public |
Event 1 Conflict and resolution | Event 2 Conflict and resolution | Event 3 Conflict and resolution |
I saw that all the participants were very good at speaking English. They look like orators. This made me very nervous before starting the speech. | forgot all the contents of my speech before the jury. Then, one of the judges told me that I should take a deep breath and stay calm for a while. | The jury said it was normal to be nervous before speaking in public. He was very understanding and gave me confidence. I can finished my speech well and win the second place. Not bad. |
Jawaban Worksheet 5.19 Chapter 5
Speech Contest
I took part in the elementary school level English speech championship representing my school.
I saw that all the participants were very good at speaking English. They look like orators. This made me very nervous before starting the speech.
As a result, I forgot all the contents of my speech before the jury. Then, one of the judges told me that I should take a deep breath and stay calm for a while.
The jury said it was normal to be nervous before speaking in public. He was very understanding and gave me confidence. I can finished my speech well and win the second place. Not bad.
Today I learned that a calm and confident attitude is necessary in competing for good results.