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Contoh Soal Materi Countable and Uncountable Nouns dengan Jawaban dan Penjelasannya - Berikut beberapa contoh soal mengenai countable (benda yang dapat dihitung) dan uncountable nouns (benda yang tidak dapat dihitung) beserta pilihan jawaban dan penjelasannya:

Contoh Soal Materi Countable and Uncountable Nouns Dengan Jawaban dan Penjelasannya

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Materi Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Q. I would like ___ orange juice, please.
a) an
b) some
c) a
d) the

b) some

"Orange juice" adalah contoh dari uncountable noun (benda yang tidak dapat dihitung), sehingga kita menggunakan "some" untuk menyatakan jumlahnya.

Q. There are ___ on the table.
a) an apples
b) some apple
c) some apples
d) a apple

c) some apples

"Apples" adalah countable noun (benda yang dapat dihitung), sehingga kita menggunakan "some" diikuti oleh bentuk jamak "apples."

Q. She has ___ time to finish her homework.
a) an
b) some
c) a
d) the

b) some

"Time" adalah contoh dari uncountable noun, jadi kita menggunakan "some" untuk menyatakan jumlah waktu yang tersedia.

Q. There is ___ interesting book on the shelf.
a) an
b) some
c) a
d) the

c) a

"Book" adalah countable noun, sehingga kita menggunakan "a" untuk mengacu pada satu buku yang belum spesifik.

Q. We need ___ information about the project.
a) an
b) some
c) a
d) the

b) some

"Information" adalah uncountable noun, jadi kita menggunakan "some" untuk menyatakan jumlah informasi yang dibutuhkan.

Q. I have ___ friends coming to my party tonight.
a) an
b) some
c) a
d) the

b) some

"Friends" adalah contoh dari countable noun, sehingga kita menggunakan "some" untuk menyatakan jumlah teman yang datang.

Q. There is ___ milk in the fridge.
a) an
b) some
c) a
d) the

b) some

"Milk" adalah contoh dari uncountable noun, sehingga kita menggunakan "some" untuk menyatakan jumlahnya.

Q. She bought ___ new dresses for the party.
a) an
b) some
c) a
d) the

c) a

"Dresses" adalah contoh dari countable noun, sehingga kita menggunakan "a" untuk mengacu pada satu pakaian yang belum spesifik.

Q. There are ___ beautiful flowers in the garden.
a) an
b) some
c) a
d) the

b) some

"Flowers" adalah contoh dari countable noun, sehingga kita menggunakan "some" untuk menyatakan jumlah bunga yang ada.

Q. We need ___ advice on this matter.
a) an
b) some
c) a
d) the

b) some

"Advice" adalah uncountable noun, jadi kita menggunakan "some" untuk menyatakan jumlah nasihat yang diperlukan.

Q.  A: Do you have ___ bread?
      B: Yes, I have ___ bread in the kitchen.
a) any / some
b) a / some
c) an / any
d) some / any

a) any / some

"Bread" adalah uncountable noun, sehingga kita menggunakan "any" untuk pertanyaan dan "some" untuk jawaban.

Q.  A: Can I have ___ water, please?
      B: Of course, here's ___ water.
a) some / a
b) any / an
c) some / some
d) an / any

a) some / a

"Water" adalah uncountable noun, jadi kita menggunakan "some" untuk pertanyaan dan "a" untuk menawarkan satu gelas.

Q.  A: Do you need ___ help with your homework?
      B: Yes, I could use ___ help.
a) an / some
b) some / a
c) any / an
d) a / some

d) a / some

"Help" adalah uncountable noun, sehingga kita menggunakan "a" untuk pertanyaan dan "some" untuk jawaban.

Q.  A: How much ___ do you want to buy?
      B: I'd like to buy ___ sugar, please.
a) sugar / a
b) some sugar / some
c) a sugar / some
d) any sugar / an

a) sugar / a

"Sugar" adalah contoh dari uncountable noun, sehingga kita tidak menggunakan "a" untuk itu. Namun, kita menggunakan "a" untuk "a bag of sugar."

Q.  A: Do you have ___ bread left?
      B: No, I don't have ___ bread.
a) some / a
b) any / any
c) a / some
d) the / some

b) any / any

"Bread" adalah countable noun, tetapi dalam konteks ini, kita bertanya tentang sisa roti secara umum, sehingga kita menggunakan "any" untuk pertanyaan dan jawaban.

Q.  A: How many ___ did you buy at the market?
      B: I bought ___ apples and ___ oranges.
a) a / some / some
b) some / any / a
c) an / some / some
d) the / any / some

a) a / some / some

"Apples" dan "oranges" adalah countable nouns, sehingga kita menggunakan "a" untuk satu jenis buah, dan "some" untuk jenis lainnya.

Q.  A: Can I have ___ coffee, please?
      B: Sure, I'll get you ___ coffee.
a) some / a
b) any / any
c) the / some
d) a / some

d) a / some

"Coffee" adalah contoh dari uncountable noun, jadi kita menggunakan "a" untuk satu cangkir kopi dan "some" untuk menawarkan lebih banyak kopi.

Q. Daniel wanted to make a sandwich, but he realized he didn't have ___ bread or ___ cheese. He did have ___ lettuce and ___ tomatoes in the refrigerator, so he made a salad instead.
a) a / some / some / some
b) the / the / some / the
c) some / a / some / some
d) any / some / any / some

a) a / some / some / some

Daniel ingin membuat sandwich dengan roti (countable) dan keju (countable), jadi kita gunakan "a" untuk keduanya. Kemudian, "lettuce" dan "tomatoes" adalah uncountable, jadi kita gunakan "some" untuk keduanya.

Q. Alice was looking for ___ information to complete her research project. She found ___ articles in the library and ___ websites online. However, she needed to find ___ additional sources to be thorough.
a) an / some / some / some
b) some / some / the / a
c) any / the / some / some
d) some / some / some / any

a) an / some / some / some

Alice mencari informasi yang spesifik, jadi kita gunakan "an" untuk "information" yang pertama. Kemudian, "articles" dan "websites" adalah countable, jadi kita gunakan "some" untuk keduanya. Terakhir, kita menggunakan "some" untuk "additional sources" karena tidak ada spesifikasi jumlah yang dibutuhkan.

Q. Mark invited some friends over for dinner. He prepared ___ pasta with ___ cheese sauce. For dessert, he served ___ cake and ___ ice cream.
a) a / the / some / some
b) some / a / some / the
c) some / some / some / some
d) a / some / a / some

d) a / some / a / some

Mark menyajikan satu jenis pasta (countable) dan satu jenis kue (countable), jadi kita gunakan "a" untuk keduanya. Kemudian, "cheese sauce" dan "ice cream" adalah uncountable, jadi kita gunakan "some" untuk keduanya.

Q. Last night, Sarah had ___ difficulties with ___ new language she was trying to learn. She searched for ___ books and ___ online courses to help her improve.
a) some / the / some / some
b) some / a / some / any
c) any / some / any / some
d) some / some / some / the

a) some / the / some / some

Sarah mengalami kesulitan (uncountable) dengan bahasa baru yang dia coba pelajari. Kita menggunakan "some" untuk difficulties karena tidak ada spesifikasi jumlah. Kemudian, "books" adalah countable, jadi kita gunakan "the" untuk "the books." Terakhir, "online courses" adalah countable, jadi kita gunakan "some" untuk itu.

Q. Which of the following sentences correctly uses countable and uncountable nouns?
a) I have bought some apples and an ice creams.
b) She bought an information and any books.
c) He has two cars, but I don't have any car.
d) They served some delicious soups and a desserts.

c) He has two cars, but I don't have any car.

Pilihan c adalah satu-satunya yang benar dalam penggunaan countable dan uncountable nouns. "Cars" adalah countable, dan "car" di kalimat berikutnya juga adalah countable, dan dalam kalimat negatif kita menggunakan "any."

Q. Identify the uncountable noun in the following sentence:
"She asked for some additional information about the project."
a) additional
b) project
c) some
d) information

d) information

"Information" adalah uncountable noun dalam kalimat tersebut.

Q. Which of the following sentences demonstrates the correct use of "some" and "any" with countable and uncountable nouns?
a) Can you give me any advices on this matter?
b) I need some sugar to make a cake, but I don't have any eggs.
c) He has some books, but he doesn't have any bookshelves.
d) There are some cats and any dogs in the park.

c) He has some books, but he doesn't have any bookshelves.

Pilihan c adalah satu-satunya yang memadukan "some" dengan countable nouns ("books") dan "any" dengan countable nouns ("bookshelves") dengan benar.

Q. Which of the following sentences correctly demonstrates the use of "some" with uncountable nouns and "any" with countable nouns?
a) She doesn't have any waters in her bottle.
b) I'd like some oranges, and I don't need any milk.
c) He has some idea for the project, but he needs any help.
d) They don't have some chairs in their dining room.

b) I'd like some oranges, and I don't need any milk.

Pilihan b memadukan "some" dengan uncountable noun ("oranges") dan "any" dengan countable noun ("milk") dengan benar.

Contoh Soal Uraian Materi Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Q. Explain the difference between countable nouns and uncountable nouns!
Countable nouns are objects that can be counted and have plural forms, such as "apples" or "chairs." Uncountable nouns, on the other hand, are objects that cannot be counted and do not have clear plural forms, such as "milk" or "information."

Q. Give three examples of countable nouns and three examples of uncountable nouns, and explain why they belong to their respective category.
Examples of countable nouns: "dogs," "books," "friends."
"Dogs" are countable because we can count how many dogs there are.
"Books" are countable because we can count the number of books on a shelf.
"Friends" are countable because we can count the number of friends a person has.

Examples of uncountable nouns: "water," "money," "furniture."
"Water" is uncountable because it doesn't have a clear plural form.
"Money" is uncountable because we can't count individual units of money.
"Furniture" is uncountable because there is no plural form for this word.

Q. How do you use "some" and "any" in the context of countable and uncountable nouns?
"Some" is used to indicate an unspecified amount of both countable and uncountable nouns. For example, "I have some apples" and "I have some milk."
"Any" is used in questions or negative sentences for both countable and uncountable nouns. For example, "Do you have any apples?" and "I don't have any money."

Contoh Soal True or False Materi Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Q. True or False: "Children" is an example of an uncountable noun.
False. "Children" is an example of a countable noun.

Q. True or False: Uncountable nouns always have clear plural forms.
False. Uncountable nouns do not have clear plural forms.

Q. True or False: "Some" is used in questions for countable nouns.
False. "Some" is used in questions for uncountable nouns.

Q. True or False: "Furniture" is an example of a countable noun.
False. "Furniture" is an example of an uncountable noun.

Q. True or False: "Any" is only used in negative sentences for countable nouns.
False. "Any" is used in questions and negative sentences for both countable and uncountable nouns.

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks Materi Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Q. Which of the following words are countable nouns?
a) Water
b) Apples
c) Happiness
d) Furniture
e) Cats

b) Apples, e) Cats

Countable nouns are objects that can be counted. "Apples" and "Cats" are both countable nouns.

Q. Choose the sentences where "some" is used correctly:
a) I need some help with my homework.
b) I'd like some oranges, please.
c) There is some chairs in the living room.
d) She has some idea for the project.

a) I need some help with my homework.
b) I'd like some oranges, please.
d) She has some idea for the project.

"Some" is used correctly with uncountable nouns and countable nouns in sentences a, b, and d.

Q. Select the uncountable nouns from the following options:
a) Cars
b) Water
c) Friends
d) Chairs
e) Music

b) Water, e) Music

Uncountable nouns cannot be counted individually. "Water" and "Music" are uncountable nouns.

Q. Which of the following sentences use "any" correctly?
a) She doesn't have any apples.
b) He has any books on the shelf.
c) I have any friends at the party.
d) Do you want any milk in your coffee?

a) She doesn't have any apples.
d) Do you want any milk in your coffee?

"Any" is used correctly in sentences a and d in the context of countable and uncountable nouns.

Q. Identify the countable nouns in the following list of words:
a) Happiness
b) Tables
c) Milk
d) Books
e) Laughter

b) Tables, d) Books

Countable nouns can be counted, and "Tables" and "Books" are examples of countable nouns.

Q. Which of the following sentences use "some" correctly?
a) He has some cars in his garage.
b) Would you like some juice with your breakfast?
c) There are some air in the tires.
d) She bought some informations online.

b) Would you like some juice with your breakfast?

"Some" is used correctly with uncountable nouns in sentence b, where "juice" is an uncountable noun.

Q. Select the uncountable nouns from the following options:
a) Computers
b) Happiness
c) Water
d) Friends
e) Dogs

b) Happiness, c) Water

Uncountable nouns cannot be counted individually. "Happiness" and "Water" are examples of uncountable nouns.

Q. Which of the following sentences use "any" correctly?
a) Do you have any siblings?
b) She needs any help with her assignment.
c) There aren't any foods in the refrigerator.
d) He wanted to buy any new clothes.

a) Do you have any siblings?
c) There aren't any foods in the refrigerator.

"Any" is used correctly in sentences a and c, where it's used with countable and uncountable nouns, respectively.

Contoh Soal Isian Singkat Materi Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Q. Countable nouns are objects that can be ________ and have ________ forms.
counted; plural

Countable nouns adalah benda yang dapat dihitung dan memiliki bentuk jamak.

Q. Give an example of a countable noun.
Books, chairs, dogs, cars, apples (Pilih salah satu)

Contoh countable nouns adalah objek yang dapat dihitung seperti "books," "chairs," "dogs," "cars," atau "apples."

Q. Uncountable nouns are objects that cannot be ________ and do not have clear ________ forms.
counted; plural

Uncountable nouns adalah benda yang tidak dapat dihitung dan tidak memiliki bentuk jamak yang jelas.

Q. Give an example of an uncountable noun.
Water, information, money, furniture, happiness (Pilih salah satu)

Contoh uncountable nouns adalah objek yang tidak dapat dihitung seperti "water," "information," "money," "furniture," atau "happiness."

Q. When do we use "some" in a sentence with countable nouns?
We use "some" when we want to indicate an unspecified quantity of countable nouns.

"Some" digunakan dalam kalimat dengan countable nouns untuk mengindikasikan jumlah yang tidak spesifik.

Q. When do we use "any" in a sentence with uncountable nouns?
We use "any" in questions or negative sentences with uncountable nouns.

"Any" digunakan dalam pertanyaan atau kalimat negatif dengan uncountable nouns untuk menunjukkan ketidakspesifikan jumlah atau ketiadaan.

Q. Uncountable nouns are also called ________ nouns because they cannot be counted individually.
mass nouns

Uncountable nouns juga disebut mass nouns karena mereka tidak dapat dihitung secara individual.

Q. Can you give me ________ bread from the kitchen?

"Some" digunakan dalam pertanyaan untuk meminta sejumlah benda yang tidak spesifik, seperti roti yang tidak dapat dihitung secara individu.

Q. I need to buy ________ apples for the pie.

"Some" digunakan dalam kalimat untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang tidak spesifik, seperti beberapa apel untuk pai.

Q. The concept of happiness is an example of an ________ noun.

"Happiness" adalah contoh uncountable noun karena kita tidak dapat menghitungnya secara individual.

Q. ________ chairs are in the living room.

"Some" digunakan dalam kalimat untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang tidak spesifik, seperti beberapa kursi dalam ruang tamu.

Contoh Soal Menjodohkan (Matching) Materi Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Cocokkan countable nouns di bagian A dengan uncountable nouns di bagian B yang sesuai.
A. Countable Nouns B. Uncountable Nouns
1. Apples

2. Dogs

3. Cars

4. Books

5. Friends
a. Water

b. Money

c. Information

d. Furniture

e. Happiness


1. Apples - b. Water

2. Dogs - e. Happiness

3. Cars - d. Furniture

4. Books - c. Information

5. Friends - a. Money

Dalam menjodohkan, countable nouns seperti "apples" cocok dengan uncountable nouns yang sesuai, dalam hal ini "water." Proses yang sama berlaku untuk kata-kata yang lain sesuai dengan konsep countable dan uncountable nouns.

Demikian Contoh Soal Materi Countable and Uncountable Nouns dengan Jawaban dan Penjelasannya dengan berbagai jenis soal yang bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan pamahaman peserta didik dalam memahami materi tersebut. Mudah-mudahan Contoh Soal ini bermanfaat untuk Anda semuanya, jangan lupa untuk share artikel ini kepada teman-teman Anda. Thanks a bunch.